From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 410: : You're afraid you're thinking about ass

Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's dark golden pupils flickered slightly, his eyes were deep, and he looked at Ye Han, wanting to confirm whether he was serious.

She was quite smart and extremely agile, and instantly knew what Ye Han wanted to do.

But she still couldn't believe it.

She hadn't tasted the taste of blood for too long, so long that she was about to forget the taste of blood.

So, after she understood what Ye Han meant, she hesitated.

This guy has never liked her killing people!

"Since you're not going, I'll do it myself." Ye Han frowned slightly and said.

"I, I'll go."

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger opened his mouth.

After receiving Ye Han's confirmation, she instantly filed out like a nimble female leopard.

Ye Han looked at the distant back of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger and shook his head involuntarily.

This is a test for her. If she can satisfy Ye Han, Ye Han will give her some freedom.

The screams of killing sounded everywhere, and then disappeared in an instant.

Ye Han carried the unconscious Xiao Xun'er slowly towards the place where the caravan was stationed.

The stumps were scattered, the ground was stained red with blood, and dozens of corpses fell to the ground in a horrific state of death.

Ye Han glanced at Xiao Xun'er in his hand, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and a bad taste arose in his heart.

He came to the middle of the broken arms of the corpses all over the ground, loosened his palm, and threw Xiao Xun'er directly on the spot.

In the tent last night, I was too lazy to clean up, but now it's purely intentional.

Dare not to obey.

Then teach her a lesson.

Ye Han believed that when Xiao Xun'er woke up, her expression would be wonderful.

Ye Han left and came to the caravan's station.

Similarly, there are corpses all over the place, and none of the corpses are complete.

"Why didn't you kill them?" Ye Han came to the side of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, looked at the five people curled up in front of him, the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly raised.

The three ten-year-old children and the two women had long been frightened by the scene in front of them. The five of them were tightly packed together, trembling.

Ye Han's voice made the five people's bodies tremble, but none of them dared to look up.

"They are too weak."

Dark Demon Evil God Tiger frowned.

"Is it just because of this?" Ye Han asked.

"First, they are weak and do not pose any threat to me. Second, they are too young. Third, they need someone to take care of them. Is this reason enough?" Hu said.

When Ye Han heard this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he reached out and rubbed the small head of the dark devil tiger that turned into a human.

"Let's go!"

Ye Han turned around and left.

"By the way, if you guys want to take revenge, come to find me in Heijiaoyu, my name is Ye Han."

After a slight pause in his footsteps, Ye Han left after leaving a sentence behind him.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger glanced at the five people, and then followed.

"Actually, those five people don't have to stay."

There was a smile on the corner of Ye Han's mouth, Zhuangruo muttered unintentionally.

"Then I'll kill them right away."

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's footsteps stopped, a trace of ferocity flashed in his eyes, his glamorous little face was extremely cold, and he was about to turn away before speaking.

"never mind."

Ye Han quickly waved his hand.

After thinking about it, he continued, "You can have compassion, but it is absolutely unnecessary to treat the enemy."

"What I teach you is to be a human being, not to make you a good person. Your way is to kill. This is inherently doomed that you cannot be a kind person, but you must understand that you are no longer a beast, let alone a beast. A killing machine that uses its brains, not its innate character to act recklessly."

"Anyone who fights fiercely may be able to be at ease for a while, but he will never be at ease for a lifetime."

"Remember my words, don't let your character determine your behavior, use the soul to control the body, whether it is the Tao or the character, it is the product under the control of the soul, anything that is out of the control of the soul, if it is not destroyed as soon as possible, it will sooner or later. will in turn destroy you."

"You are very smart, and your ability to learn things is also very fast. I believe you can understand what I said. We come from the same world, and we were born in the same vein as soul beasts. This is fate."

"But there's only so much I can help you. The next path is at your own feet, and you still need to walk on your own. Whether you go or leave it for you to choose."

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's eyes flashed slightly, listening to Ye Han's words, a trace of panic clearly appeared in the depths of his eyes.

"Do you want to drive me away?" She looked at Ye Han's profile and asked nervously.

"I told you to choose for yourself, how could I drive you away?" Ye Han smiled and said.

"Huh! I'm not leaving!"

The Dark Demon Evil God Hu Jiao snorted.

After speaking, she seemed to have discovered her urgency, so she quickly added a sentence, trying to cover up, "I don't have money, and I can eat a lot of delicious food with you, so I won't leave!"

Ye Han stopped, looked at the arrogant little face of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, and couldn't help but smile.

Shaking his head, he didn't say anything and turned to look in the direction of the camp.

There, Xiao Xun'er, who was knocked unconscious, slowly opened her eyes.

Then, a piercing scream came out.

She got up in a hurry and staggered, tripping over the disabled arm several times in the middle.

The girl was extremely embarrassed, her face was pale and bloodless, and her bright eyes were completely occupied by fear.

Almost rolling and I finally left that terrifying **** completely.

She glanced at her blood-stained hands and couldn't help retching.

After a while, she came to the river again, plunged her head into the river, and vigorously rubbed her body with the cool river water.

"Is it a bit too much?" Ye Han couldn't help muttering to himself as he looked at Xiao Xun'er, who was immersed in the river water.

He was worried that the little girl would be scared crazy.

However, after thinking about her divine bloodline, she doesn't feel like this.

No matter what, she is also a talented girl, so she shouldn't be so vulnerable.

Sure enough, after a long time, after washing away the blood on her body, Xiao Xun'er's expression finally returned to her former calm, she slowly walked out of the river, raised her eyes and looked around.

"No matter who you are or what your purpose is, Xiao Xun'er will keep in mind the grace of saving each other twice, and it will be rewarded when we meet in the future."

Qingya's voice, mixed with a grudge, reverberated slowly, spreading for miles around.

"You said that if she knew that I rescued her, how would she thank me? Is it possible for her to promise her?" Ye Han looked at the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger and joked.

When the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger heard this, he rolled his eyes involuntarily.

Straightforwardly, he said unceremoniously, "I'm afraid you're thinking about shit."

Ye Han's handsome face turned dark, feeling that this guy in front of him was all good, but he opened his mouth too much.

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