From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 409: : so miserable 1 girl

Chapter 410

Early morning.

The sun is shining and the air is fresh. Although it is in the wild, it has the beauty of the wild.

The sounds of insects and birds are endless and full of vitality, which can make people feel the vitality and vitality of nature most intuitively.

It was the most beautiful time of the day, but Xiao Xun'er seemed to have experienced purgatory on earth.

When he woke up, he found himself sleeping on a blood-stained bed, a head full of anger and fear staring at him. In this situation, as long as it was a person, he would be scared to death.

The five headless corpses and the six miserable figures seemed to be engraved in their minds and in their eyes, lingering like a nightmare.

Xiao Xun'er stumbled to the edge of a small river, threw herself into the river recklessly, grabbed a handful of clean water and poured it on her face, trying to wash away the fear in her heart.

But she didn't realize that there was a tail behind her.

Looking at Xiao Xun'er's slender back, the man couldn't help swallowing, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he bent down, picked up a wooden stick from his feet, and approached Xiao Xun'er with his hands and feet.

Xiao Xun'er didn't know about it.

The cold river water washed away the heat in her heart, and calmed down the little girl's restless heart.

After all, he is a practitioner, his talent and aptitude are extraordinary, and his mind is far beyond reach.

After slowly regaining her calm, she stood quietly in the river, watching her blurry figure reflected in the river, and slowly recalled some things.

"Those people who came to my tent were obviously scheming, but who killed them?"

Xiao Xun'er secretly said.

The first thing she thought of was her strong family.

Perhaps they accidentally discovered themselves...

But it was only rejected by her the next moment.

If they are really strong in the family, they can't let themselves go.

Then who actually helped me?

Ye Han.

A name suddenly popped into her mind, but Xiao Xun'er herself did not expect that person's name would pop up in her mind at this time.

"Maybe he was chasing after him?" Xiao Xun'er secretly said.

But the next moment, the answer was immediately rejected by her, and she was directly expelled from her mind.

Without him, she simply didn't believe that person would save her.

"Who actually helped me?" Xiao Xun'er looked at herself reflected in the water and couldn't help frowning and thinking.

Suddenly, her eyebrows twitched slightly, and she saw a dark figure in the water slowly rising.

Immediately afterwards, an evil wind came from behind her head, Xiao Xun'er wanted to avoid it, but unfortunately it was too late.


A muffled sound came, Xiao Xun'er felt a pain in her head, her body froze slightly, her eyes darkened, and after a while, her whole body fell down softly as if all her bones had been taken away.

The man in his thirties looked at his masterpiece, and the fear and fear in his eyes were instantly occupied by excitement.

Looking at Xiao Xun'er's beautiful and refined face, the man threw away the wooden stick in his hand with a look of impatience on his face, and hurriedly bent down and directly grabbed Xiao Xun'er's arm, effortlessly. Drag her quickly to shore.

Lust made him lose his eyes.

At this time, he never thought about why there was so much blood on Xiao Xun'er's body.

He couldn't wait to take off his clothes. The man looked at Xiao Xun'er, who was lying on the ground and looked like he was letting you go. His eyes were hot, and his breathing became rapid.

Xiao Xun'er's beauty is the only one he has ever seen in his life.

Such a beautiful girl, other people can also get on me.

Thinking of this, the man was so excited that he couldn't help himself, and his body trembled slightly.

"Silly dick, why don't you hurry up and stand there stupidly?" A dissatisfied voice suddenly sounded, making the man come back to his senses.

"Yeah! It's so beautiful, it's not easy to come by, why am I standing here stupidly?"

The man wanted to take action, but his movements gradually became rigid.

He slowly turned his head and looked beside him, his eyes widened in an instant, and his eyeballs almost didn't fall to the ground.

Not far from him, a black tiger stood proudly. I don't know when it came, as if it had always been there.

The soft and satin-like fur gleamed in the sun, and a pair of dark golden pupils brought a lot of pressure.

But the most striking thing was the boy who looked eighteen or nineteen years old on its back.

Her clothes were as clean as snow, and her clothes were spotless, and her face, which was inexorable, had a hint of freedom and uninhibitedness, as if she were exiled from the game world.

The sun shone on his body and plated him with a layer of gold, making him look so sacred and elegant, as unattainable as a nine-day exile.

His temperament and appearance are so outstanding that it is unforgettable at first sight.

"My lord, my lord, I am afraid that only such a woman can be worthy of my lord, my lord, and my lord is willing to dedicate this woman to my lord."

The man looked at the man and the tiger in front of him, just like the emperors seen by the commoners, he involuntarily surrendered his identity, and flattered.

"Oh! What about you?" Ye Han smiled and said, looking at the submissive man in front of him.

"I, the villain, the villain doesn't matter." The man glanced at Xiao Xun'er lying on the ground, swallowed his saliva, and forcibly suppressed the reluctance in his heart.

"It doesn't matter, do you want me to clear the way for you?" Ye Han said coldly, his face slightly darkened.

The man's face changed, his mind was still a little dazed, and he didn't know which words he had offended the great **** in front of him.

But at this time, of course, it is not the time to seek the root cause. You may be able to find a way out by obediently admitting your mistakes.

"Sir, the villain doesn't mean that, the villain just said, the adults don't need to care about me, it's fine when I don't exist, please, such a beautiful beauty, I am afraid that only the splendid hero like the adult can match. Get it."

The man hurriedly nodded and bowed his head, flattering and flattering while explaining, and at the same time stepping back slightly.

People who live at the bottom have the way to survive at the bottom. In this world of the weak, there are not many stupid people who can survive.

Apart from the fact that the man in front of him is a scumbag, everything else is considered a good match.

It's a pity that, without strength, if you do something wrong, you have to pay the price.

Seeing that the man wanted to run, Ye Han immediately felt bored.

With a flick of his arm, a long sword flew out in an instant, piercing the throat of the man with a thud.


"Cough, you..."

The man's eyes widened, one palm covered his throat, trying to stop the blood from flowing out, one finger pointed at Ye Han, his eyes were full of disbelief.

He never expected that the person with a smile on his face would suddenly take a heavy hand and directly kill him.

He covered the hole in his throat with one palm, but the blood behind him was spraying out.

He quickly retracted his palm and quickly blocked the hole at the back of his throat.

However, the blood was like a stream of water, all-pervasive, and it kept flowing out between his fingers.

Cough, cough, cough!

The man felt that his strength was rapidly losing. He looked at the figure in white in front of him, with fear and pleading in his eyes, and wanted to ask him to let him go and save his life.


Facing the figure in white who didn't even want to look at him, the fear and pleading in the man's eyes gradually turned into resentment and unwillingness, and then fell to the ground with a The twitching body gradually returned to calm. , which soon became a motionless corpse.

"What a miserable girl."

Ye Han squatted down, looked at the embarrassed figure mixed with blood and river water, and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"It's not because of you that she is so miserable." A crisp voice sounded in her ears.

Ye Han turned his head and glanced at it lightly, and made it close his mouth.

"She followed me to at least eat and drink. She doesn't have to worry about her life, and she doesn't have to be prepared for bad people to harm her. All she needs to pay is obedience. In the end, it's you who harmed her!"

"If you hadn't let her go, how could she have ended up in such a field?"

Ye Han looked at the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, his tone was indifferent.

"Haha, it's like you're not a bad person." The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger muttered secretly.

But she only dared to murmur a word or two in secret. She knew that she was wrong at all. She didn't dare to provoke blatantly.

Just then, footsteps approached.

Ye Han's eyes narrowed slightly, and his murderous intent turned.

It is obviously not a good thing that these **** can walk together and coexist harmoniously.


Ye Han looked at the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, and the killing intent in his eyes shifted.

After controlling the killing intent of the massage refreshing tiger for so long, it is time to test the effect.

(End of this chapter)

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