"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Whether Ye Han is a **** or not, Yun Yun knows very well.

That guy is a real bastard, and a bastard, but he is such a bastard, but he is like a sloppy rolling, filling her heart with incomparable strength.

When they first met in the World of Warcraft Mountains, her handsome appearance, extraordinary temperament, as if she didn't take anything to heart, her wild and unruly way of doing things, and his inhuman cultivation talent...

Beginning with appearance, falling into talent, being loyal to character, plus those embarrassing and unspeakable adjustments, Yun Yun, a woman who has never been tempted by any opposite sex, has completely fallen.

In Yun Yun's heart, Ye Han is a very serious and responsible person who treats feelings very seriously.

However, he did not expect that in the mouths of his own disciples, he turned out to be a person who swayed things around.

Hearing the teacher's words, Nalan Yanran didn't think too much, she just thought she was curious.

So, without thinking, he said, "That bastard..."

A loud bang suddenly came from the bathroom, interrupting Nalan Yanran's words.


Nalan Yanran was shocked, her figure flashed, and she pushed open the bathroom door directly.

"Meow!~" only

With a cat meow, a bunch of golden kittens appeared in front of Nalan Yanran.

Yun Yun followed, and when she saw the kitten, she breathed a sigh of relief, then showed a dissatisfied expression, and said doubtfully, "This is the kitten I picked up a few days ago, I should have gone out to play and only came back now, Why are you making such a fuss?"


Nalan Yanran stuck out her tongue.

Think about it too, the teacher is a strong Douhuang, who dares to act wild with her.

Glancing at the golden kitten, Nalan Yanran murmured involuntarily, "This kitten looks very familiar."

After she finished speaking, she squatted down, picked up the cute kitten, and stroked the golden kitten's soft fur.

Suddenly, her mind flashed, Nalan Yanran turned her head, looked at Yun Yun and said, "That **** also has a golden kitten beside him, it really looks like the one in front of him."

"Don't all kittens look the same?" Yun Yun said calmly.


Nalan Yanran nodded, looked at the kitten in her arms, and agreed with Yun Yun's statement.

She hurriedly glanced at it that day, and she felt that Ye Han's kitten was quite beautiful, but she didn't have a chance to look at it. Now this one in her hand has aroused her great interest.

The two of them, one cat, went back to the bed.

"Teacher, I'm a little sleepy, let's rest!"

Nalan Yanran licked the cat for a while, then put the kitten aside and pulled Yun Yun to lie down directly.

Yun Yun glanced in the direction of the bathroom, her eyes flickered slightly, and then looked at Nalan Yanran with a tired face.

He opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't ask.

She was worried that she was too impatient and would be noticed by Nalan Yanran.

In the end, the question of asking Ye Hannian to cause trouble was aborted.

Nalan Yanran moved her body, always feeling uncomfortable in her buttocks.

So, she measured her body and changed to a comfortable sleeping position. With her hands, she hugged Yun Yun's arm tightly into her arms, rubbing her arm like a lazy kitten.

Then, her body froze slightly, and her upturned Qiong nose sniffed involuntarily.

"Why is there another smell on the teacher's clothes?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Nalan Yanran's mind.

"Well, there seems to be one on the bed too?"

Taking a serious sniff, she found that not only the teacher had it, but the whole bed seemed to have it.

What puzzled Nalan Yanran the most was that she seemed to be familiar with this kind of breath.

Her eyes flickered, and Nalan Yanran suddenly found that the teacher's clothes had torn marks in many places.

Suddenly, an absurd thought came to mind.

"Teacher, she, she has a man."

"What do you think?"

Yun Yun suddenly turned around and looked at Nalan Yanran with a puzzled face.

She didn't find herself exposed in the slightest.

"No, I didn't think about anything." Nalan Yanran shook her head quickly.

Looking at the big hole that he blasted not far away, he couldn't help but think of the voice just now.

"No, no!" Nalan Yanran quickly shook off the thoughts in her mind.

The teacher is so dignified and elegant, noble and quiet, a person like a fairy, how can it be possible to live with people...

"No, it's impossible, I must have guessed wrong."

"Okay, don't think too much, with your current strength, play normally, and deal with the Xiao family boy, there should be no surprises, hurry up and sleep!"

Yun Yun came back and didn't know what her disciple was thinking at all. She thought she was worried about the competition the day after tomorrow. She stretched out a jade-like palm and touched Nalan Yanran's head. Yun Yun was absolutely beautiful. The face was shrouded in the hazy moonlight, looking sacred and noble, with a hint of pampering, looking at Nalan Yanran with encouragement in her eyes.

"Well! Okay, I'm sorry, teacher."

Nalan Yanran nodded and suddenly apologized.

Yun Yun was stunned for a while, but in the end she didn't respond, she could only ask, "Why are you apologizing."

"Hey! I broke your house!" Nalan Yanran said.

Yun Yun was dumbfounded, then pinched Nalan Yanran's upturned nose, pretending to be sullen, "Then if you don't have a good rest, I will punish you tomorrow morning and restore the room to its original state."

"Mmm Good."

Nalan Yanran nodded, then lay down again and closed her eyes.

Then she moved her body involuntarily, the strangeness on her buttocks made her involuntarily think of the big handprint, the breath on Yun Yunxi's body, and her cry just now...

Her mind was in chaos, and it wasn't until a long time passed that she fell into a drowsy sleep.

Yun Yun, on the other hand, was staring at the big hole not far from the bed in a daze, thinking about what happened after she met Ye Han again, she couldn't fall asleep anyway.

Suddenly, her eyes widened, she saw the tall figure appearing in her field of vision, and her heart jumped fiercely.

She quickly turned her head and glanced at Nalan Yanran who was sleeping beside her, then looked at the man who didn't know whether to live or die, and motioned for him to leave.

Ye Han smiled and waved at her to let her out.

The two looked at each other and both knew what the other meant, but neither side made any concessions.

It lasted for a stick of incense, but Yun Yun reluctantly made a compromise.

She looked at Nalan Yanran beside her, hesitated for a while, then stretched out her palm and gently pressed it on her drowsiness...

under the moonlight.

The two looked at each other.

The man showed tenderness and a bright smile on his face.

The woman's wonderful eyes were full of water, and she looked at the smiling man, bit her red lips, and said, "Isn't it enough for you to be mean to me today? What else do you want to do?"

At the same time as the words were spoken, Douda's tears also came out of his eyes.

Ye Han was helpless, he heard clearly what Nalan Yanran and Yun Yun had just talked about.

He guessed that the woman must think more, and sure enough.

Ye Han didn't say a word, stepped forward, raised his arm, and wanted to wipe the tears from her face.

In the end, she slapped her palm away~www.wuxiamtl.com~ with tears in her eyes, her face full of sadness, she said, "You liar, it's my fault that I still foolishly believe in you, I believe you will really like me, you, bastard. "You let me go, don't touch me."

Ye Han didn't wait for her to finish, and immediately hugged her into his arms.

Looking at Yun Yun's eyes, Ye Han said word by word, "I like you, I have never lied to you, and, you are the only woman I am in this world, if you still have any love for me. A little bit of trust, then listen to my explanation, okay?"

"You, you bastard!"

Yun Yun looked at Ye Han's sincere eyes and scolded, but in the end she was a little discouraged and said, "Okay, I'll listen to your explanation and see what tricks you can come up with."

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