From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 369: : His name is Ye Han

Chapter 370 His Name Is Ye Han

The battle between the two women was an unprecedented sinister move.

You give me a trick to dig your heart out, I will give you a trick to draw your salary from the bottom of the pot, you pinch me, I pinch you, and the sea will fish for the moon in a while...

The two of them are skilled in fingering, and they don't use vindictiveness, just like that pure hand-to-hand combat, which makes people stunned.

In the end, in order to avoid exposing himself, Ye Han could only join in.

Repeated heavy blows made the two scream from time to time, and in the end, both of them were powerless, and they could only drag their tired bodies and return to the shore out of breath.

The two women were lying on the ground, breathing heavily, their towering chests rising and falling rapidly.

They looked at each other, their beautiful faces turned slightly red, and they all looked away unconsciously.

"The teacher is too bad." Nalan Yanran secretly said.

In her memory, the teacher is noble and refined, gentle and quiet, and has always been an immortal who is like the bright moon in the nine days and is not stained by dust.

Just like just now, in the face of the many indiscriminate methods she used, she would only scream, dodge, and occasionally counterattack, and never took the initiative to attack.


Then the teacher's counterattack turned out to be even more rude and sinister than her.

Nalan Yanran suddenly blamed herself.

"It's my fault, it's me who ruined the teacher..."

Yun Yun's face was full of shyness, and her heart was gnashing her teeth.

Nalan Yanran didn't notice it, but she knew very well that all this was caused by that bastard.

He not only bullied himself, but even moved Yan Ran in front of him, but he couldn't blame him yet.

After all, if it wasn't for him, he would undoubtedly be even more embarrassed now.

That's kind of annoying.

forget it!

Take a step back, take a step back, and endure the calm for a while.

Sighing slightly, Yun Yun glanced at Nalan Yanran quietly, then got up and quickly put on her clothes.

Nalan Yanran took a deep breath, got up from the ground, and turned into the good apprentice who respects the teacher and the Tao.

With a slight frown, Nalan Yanran turned her head to look behind her, a ruthless palm print on her snow-white skin.

"Teacher, you really..."

Nalan Yanran spoke, but before she finished speaking, her voice stopped abruptly.

She stared blankly at Yun Yun's palm, and as Yun Yun fastened her belt, she looked behind her dumbly.

Then his pupils shrank violently.

Big, too big.

This palm print is too big.

Definitely not the teacher's, but who would it be?

Nalan Yanran's mind was in a mess, just when she was about to catch something.

Yun Yun suddenly stepped forward, picked up a piece of clothing, and put it on her.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes, you are old, don't be ashamed." Yun Yun groaned and rubbed Nalan Yanran's little head helplessly.

The sudden voice and movement directly interrupted Nalan Yanran's thoughts.

With Yun Yun's help, the two put on their clothes and left the bathroom hand in hand.

Looking back at the bathtub filled with milky white liquid, the door closed and the two figures disappeared.

"What do you think?"

Yun Yun pulled Nalan Yanran to her bedside, and then turned back to look at the absent-minded disciple with a puzzled expression. She was a little nervous in her heart, but she pretended to be calm. What's going on, why is the progress so great? And I feel your foundation seems to be more solid than before? What's going on?"

Jiang is still old and spicy, and Nalan Yanran is no match at all.

Yun Yun immediately disrupted his thoughts.

"I met a bastard." Nalan Yanran gritted her teeth.

Thinking of her innocence, she was so indistinctly seen by that man, and her anger didn't come out.

In the past in front of Ye Han, she did not dare to express any dissatisfaction, but now, seeing her teacher, Nalan Yanran instantly felt like a child of her parents, and she had a backbone.

The two were sitting beside the bed, Nalan Yanran hugged Yun Yun's arm, her head rested on her slender shoulders, her voice was full of grievances and a hint of shyness that could not be concealed, and said, "That guy is a pharmacist, he made it out. He found something called Yin-Yang Spiritual Liquid, and in order to test the medicine, he found us."

"That kind of thing is amazing. After taking it, it can temper a person's vindictive energy and eliminate the effects of taking pills before. However, if you take too much, a kind of... flame will be born from it. , although it won't burn people to death, but, but, it will burn people's clothes."

"That guy knew that there would be such consequences, but he didn't tell us, teacher, do you think he is a bastard?"

After Nalan Yanran finished speaking, she turned her head and looked at Yun Yun, hoping to get the teacher's affirmation and support.

However, Yun Yun shook her head with a smile and said, "You really got it cheap and sold it well. You said that people are trying to test the medicine, so it must be unclear about the properties of the medicine. How can I tell you?"

"Teacher, how can you do this? It's your disciple who suffers!"

Nalan Yanran looked at Yun Yun, a little surprised and a little indignant, she pouted and said, "That **** is broken, although he doesn't know the specific properties of the medicine, but he has already tested it before, and it will catch fire after overdose. I knew it for a long time, but he just didn't tell us, and ah! He also used his subordinates to scare us."

"Humph! That guy was obviously acting, but he thought we couldn't see it, he underestimated us."

Yun Yun had no choice but to follow her precious disciple and sue the **** that Nalan Yanran spoke of.

But as I talked, the taste changed.

"Hehe! Although that guy is a bastard, but his alchemy skills, as well as his strength, among his peers, I have never seen anyone stronger than him."

"Teacher, you should have seen my current strength. He helped me."

"You don't know how many people were shocked by the hand he showed after the alchemist conference ended."

"The conversion of various flames is difficult for others, but for him, it is as simple as eating and drinking, without difficulty, the most important thing is that the three-pattern azure elixir, which is equivalent to the fifth rank, is easy for him. Not to mention that it can be refined, one furnace can actually refine three at will, and according to him, there is still a huge room for improvement in this kind of medicine. More elixir."

Nalan Yanran became more and more excited as she talked, dancing with her hands, and there seemed to be an inexplicable brilliance on her face.

"My Dou Qi has been tempered by the Yin-Yang Spirit Liquid, and I had already fallen to the realm of the Great Dou Master, but with his help, I not only returned to the Great Dou Master state, but finally got the three patterns he gave him. The Qingling Pill has successfully broken through and has reached the realm of fighting spirit."

With a gentle smile on Yun Yun's face, she watched Nalan Yanran chatting non-stop without the slightest impatience.

When Nalan Yanran felt dry, and after she stopped, Yun Yun reached out and touched Nalan Yanran's head, smiling, "Yanran has grown up, do you like that person? What's his name? When did you bring it? Let me see if he is worthy of the little princess of our Yunlan Sect."

"What, what? What do I like, I don't have it, that's a bastard, a **** who only bullies people."

When Nalan Yanran heard the words, she jumped up instantly like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and hurriedly defended her.

Then I suddenly remembered and said, "By the way, he said his name is Ye Han, you know him, teacher, do you really know him?"

When Yun Yun heard the name, her heart jumped slightly, she felt like she was being raped, and she shook her head almost instinctively.


Nalan Yanran breathed a sigh of relief, then sat next to Yun Yun again, hugged her arm and said, "Just say, how can the teacher know such a person? That guy is a **** who is messing around with flowers, relying on himself a little bit. If you have the ability, you know how to bully people."

"I suspect that **** must have heard the description of the teacher and coveted the beauty of the teacher, so he didn't say anything, what else did you say, teacher, you once invited him to our Yunlan Sect to be the husband of the suzerain."

"Humph! Asshole, don't let me meet you again, or I'll make you look good."

Back at the Yunlan Sect, Nalan Yanran was extremely proud, and her tone of voice changed.

"You, you, you said that that person is messing with flowers, what's going on?" Yun Yun said.

(End of this chapter)

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