From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 362: : Concubine love

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Yun Yun took the Yanshou Dan, and immediately felt a surging force erupting in her body.

Although this power is huge to her, it is extremely soft and easy to absorb.

The tired body, like the long-thirsty earth, was suddenly nourished by the rain and regained its vitality.

Yun Yun is not someone without knowledge, she instantly knew the preciousness of that pill.

She looked at Ye Han with a pair of wonderful eyes, only full of affection at this moment.

He gave such a precious medicinal pill to himself without thinking, which should be enough to prove his sincerity to him.

Moreover, although this guy is a little bit of a jerk, but who made himself not live up to his expectations and fell in love with him?

Although what happened last night was a bit rushed, this guy was almost an overlord, but since he liked him and he liked himself, it was only a matter of time before handing over his body to him.

Thinking of this, Yun Yun felt a lot better unconsciously, and she didn't feel so hard to accept what happened last night.

Ye Han looked at the beautiful and noble face in front of him, and stared at those eyes full of affection.

He hugged her head with one hand, lowered his head and kissed her forehead, and gently sucked out the source of yin and yang that was carried in the Yanshou Pill, which would make people blush and heartbeat, and unconsciously make an extravagant sound.

Then he raised his head and looked at the woman with her eyes closed and a cute look on her face. She couldn't help lowering her head. After the other party just opened her eyes, she lightly pecked on her rosy lips.

"Well, you can't blame me for this, who made our family Yun'er look so lovable?" Ye Han quickly raised his head, as if afraid of Yun Yun's anger, and quickly defended.

puff! ~

Yun Yun couldn't help laughing, stretched out a slender jade finger, poked Ye Han's head, then rolled her eyes, and said "Silly!"

Ye Han's heart seemed to be hit by an electric current, and he only felt his mind rippling in an instant.

Just when he couldn't hold back his excitement, he wanted to hug the beautiful woman in his arms and kiss Fang Ze.

Yun Yun suddenly stopped him and said, "I should leave, there are still many things in the sect that I need to deal with."

"Oh! That's fine!~"

Ye Han heard the words, and instantly turned into an eggplant beaten by frost, stunned and lethargic.

Yun Yun got up and saw Ye Han's sudden appearance of a child, she couldn't help but be speechless, her eyes flickering slightly.

She lowered her head suddenly, kissed Ye Han on the face, and then said softly, "This is a reward for your obedience, okay, then don't be angry."

After speaking, she moved her body.

I felt more relaxed than ever before, and my body and my mind were full of vitality.

And the one who gave all this was the man who was sitting on the bed, looking at him with a smirk on his face.

It was his appearance that filled the vacancy in her heart, and the medicinal pill he brought to cure her physical discomfort.

Yun Yun walked briskly, came to the dressing table and sat down, picked up the comb, her brows filled with undisguised joy.

"I'll help you brush your hair."

Ye Han looked at Yun Yun who suddenly showed the attitude of a little girl, he quickly stepped forward, and with his wide palm, gently held Yun Yun's palm holding the comb, and laughed.

"Do you know?"

Yun Yun made a suspicious voice, but the palm of his hand had already loosened the comb in his hand.

"Please remove the word, in this world, except for having children, there is nothing I can't do." Ye Han said to himself.

How can a man who has more than ten women at the same time not comb his hair.

Ye Han has quick hands and feet, and his ten fingers are extremely flexible.

According to the memory of the first meeting, Ye Han quickly rolled up Yun Yun's hairstyle and made a hair accessory like a phoenix roaring.

The material for fixing the hair accessories, Ye Han did not use Yun Yun, but directly used the extreme ice to tailor a set for her.

Crystal clear sky blue hairpin, earrings that are as white as jade with light blue luster, a blue jade pendant in the shape of a peach heart, a blue bracelet that shines like a star, and a crystal clear hairband on the forehead .

Yun Yun looked at the bracelet on her hand, and then touched the headband on her forehead, with a happy smile in her eyes.

In his heart, he secretly said, "Forget it, forgive him! After all, the fire was provoked by himself, so I can't blame him entirely."

Women are fickle, and they are most vividly expressed at this moment.

It seems that these things are just made by Ye Han, but there is no doubt that this is all done with care.

And this feeling, Yun Yun felt it.

"is it beautiful?"

The woman was dressed in a tight-fitting robe inlaid with purple gold and exquisite workmanship, which vividly outlined her perfect figure, plump and straight, standing proudly.

The three thousand blue silks were pulled into the shape of a phoenix, which faintly revealed a nobleness that could not be concealed.

At this moment, she smiled sweetly, as if she was showing off to her husband. Her charming and innocent appearance made people couldn't help but feel charming.


Ye Han nodded, with obsession in his eyes, he couldn't help but move forward, gently hugging the woman's slender waist.

The woman's cheeks were slightly red, but she did not resist. Instead, she leaned against his arms gently, indulging in his strong heartbeat rhythm.

I don't know how long it took, Yun Yun raised her head and looked at Ye Han with a hint of reluctance in her eyes, and said, "Okay, it's time for me to leave."

"Don't worry, let me hold you for a while longer?" Ye Han didn't listen this time.

Ye Han's strong and powerful arms have clearly expressed the firmness in his heart.

Yun Yun is also very greedy for a man's embrace, and enjoys the silence at the moment, so she half pushes and lets him hold her for a while longer.

After a tea time, Yun Yun glanced at the sky outside the window and could only speak again, "I really should leave."

"All right!"

Ye Han helplessly let go, looking at Yun Yun with a look of resentment.

puff! ~

Yun Yun was once again amused by his small appearance.

"Okay, okay, come back later, I'll let you hug it, so the head office will do?" Yun Yun's cheeks were slightly red.

"Can I just hug?" Ye Han was still unhappy.

"Well! Then, what else do you want?" Yun Yun's blushing deepened, and when she thought about what happened last night, she felt a little uneasy.

"Okay! Then just hug, go! Go early and come back early, I will wait for you in vain." Ye Han smiled.

At this moment, the pitiful resentment on Zhang Jun's face disappeared instantly.

"Bah! Asshole."

Yun Yun spat softly, unable to stand Ye Han's ambiguity, she turned around and ran away.

Ye Han couldn't help but be slightly absent-minded as he watched Yun Yun's retreating back.

The love debt is difficult to repay. Originally, he decided to use the kidneys and not the heart, but who knew that, by mistake, he would be burdened with another love debt.

Shaking his head, Ye Han was too lazy to think about it.

In life, who knows what will happen in the next second?

So cherish the moment, in this limited time, enjoying happiness is the most important thing, and the future is left to the will of God.

Ye Han returned to Yun Yun's bed, sat cross-legged directly, and began to practice.

Time passed slowly, Yun Yun went out in the morning and never returned, Ye Han also practiced all day.

At dusk, Ye Han's body trembled slightly, and he broke through one star again.

"Is that too strong?"

Ye Han suddenly opened his looking at his hands, feeling a little incredible.

Just had an in-depth exchange with Yun Yun, and he even broke three stars. If he came several times, wouldn't it be the rhythm of taking off?

"It doesn't seem right. It should be because Yun Yun is the first time, and her current strength is higher than her own, which can bring herself such a huge improvement." Ye Han thought to himself.

However, these are all his speculations. As for the specifics, it will take some experiments to get an accurate answer.

"It's already so late, she should be back soon! However, how can I get her to cooperate this time?" Ye Han whispered softly, feeling troubled in his heart.

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