From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 361: : Correct use of the lunar sun

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

The sun is rising.

The golden sun illuminates the world.

The entire Yunlan Sect was bathed in sunlight, making it more sacred and solemn.

Yunlanzong Golden Summit, this is the highest place of Yunlanzong, and it is also the place where the sect master Yunyun lives.

The only building, bathed in sunlight, looks sacred and noble, making people afraid to look directly.

In Yun Yun's boudoir, Yun Yun's beautiful face was a little pale, with sweat on her forehead, and she stared blankly at the man lying beside her.

After a long time, she opened her mouth in despair and said, "You came to me for this, right?"

Although it is a question, but the tone is very determined.

This man was too impatient, and he forcibly deprived her of the most important thing as a woman without giving herself a chance to think and refuse.

A woman's sixth sense tells her that this man is here for it.

Ye Han didn't hide it, and nodded honestly.

He really came for this woman. He originally wanted to charge some interest, but he didn't expect that this woman's affection and simplicity had completely touched him and made his heart that had not been throbbing for decades rise up. waves. So much so that the original game of desire has become an interweaving of emotion and desire.

In the end, it was Ye Han who didn't hold back the impulse, and what he did was indeed a bit of a beast.

But then again, in that case, if you don't do something, I'm afraid it's not a beast, but a beast! ~

Yun Yun saw Ye Han nod, her eyes turned slightly red, but she tried her best to hold back, "Okay, since you've got what you want, you can leave now."

"This matter is indeed my fault. Before I came to Yun Lanzong, I did have the mentality of desperately trying to get you, but after seeing you, I realized that I seem to like you too. "

Ye Han grabbed Yun Yun's smooth and full fragrant shoulders, forced her to look at himself, and said with a serious face, "The union between us is not as you imagined, only desire."

"Ha ha!"

Tears welled up in Yun Yun's eyes, she smiled faintly, a little miserable, and said, "If you said these words, if these things hadn't happened, I might have believed them. Now, I want to ask you, what exactly is in your heart?"

"Do you think that I only use you as a tool, and deliberately say some rhetoric to coax you to deceive you, but I want to tell you that you are the first woman I came to this world, no matter what happens in the future, I will take my life with my life. I swear that I will protect you and protect you, if you violate this oath, the sky will thunder and your soul will fly..." Ye Han said solemnly.

But without saying the last word, Yun Yun interrupted it directly, saying, "Don't say it, you go out first and let me calm down."


Ye Han looked at the woman's dark eyes, and finally nodded helplessly.

He got up from Yun Yun, put on his clothes quickly, shook his head and left the bedroom.

Yun Yun watched Ye Han leave, recalling his attitude when he just got up, his face suddenly flushed, and he spit secretly.


She couldn't help but cursed, Yun Yun's eyes moved down slightly, and she saw a blush on the white mattress, and big tears fell in her eyes.

The tears this time were not because of Ye Han, but because of the memorial, the memory of the lost youth.

From now on, she is a real adult.


With a curse, the tears gradually subsided.

Recalling the state of Ye Han when he left him, combined with what he had just witnessed with his own eyes, Yun Yun believed Ye Han's words.

He really has himself in his heart, otherwise why would he cherish himself and wrong his little brother.

However, it was obviously impossible for her to forgive him so easily.

It was almost compulsive, domineering and shameless to occupy himself. If he forgave him like this, it would be too cheap for him.

Slowly getting up from the bed, Yun Yun glanced at her body, and the blush on her little face was even worse.

"This **** is really like a wolf."

Looking at the marks on her body, Yun Yun couldn't help but curse in her heart.

She felt that her body was about to fall apart, her body was limp and weak, and she didn't even want to move a finger.

She wanted to rest, but conditions did not allow it.

She is the head of a sect, and she needs to deal with the accumulated things during the few days she went to the Demonic Beast Mountains.

With a stubborn look in her eyes, she resisted the exhaustion of her body, took out her clothes, and put them on one by one.

Outside Yun Yun's boudoir, Ye Han shook his head with a wry smile.

It's a **** shame to do this today.

Although the fox was caught, it was the mouse that entered the bellows and suffered at both ends.

He didn't do well on Yun Yun's side, and his body was still protesting.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Han adjusted his mentality and quickly restored his peace of mind.

Ye Han used the method of Taiyin and Sun, and his eyes lit up slightly.

The Tao has two, the two is yin and yang, while men are yang, and women are yin.

Ye Han, a fellow practitioner of Yin and Yang, is very talented, but the true blend of Yin and Yang is like a lubricant to him, which makes his cultivation speed soar.

I remember that Xue Di discussed with him about the method of Taiyin and Sun a long time ago, but at that time, Ye Han was already at the top of the world. Apart from enjoying the joy of fish and water, he spent most of his thoughts on how to reverse the time and space. , to save Bing'er, he didn't pay too much attention to such a method of improvement at all.

It was only now that he seemed to have found the correct way to use the lunar sun.

With the operation of the method of Taiyin and Sun, the power of Yuanyin that he had just inadvertently absorbed from Yun Yun exploded in his body in an instant, increasing his cultivation by two stars in an instant.

Originally taking a mutated version of the three-pattern Qingling Pill refined by himself, Ye Han's cultivation has reached the five-star Dou Ling, and now it has reached seven stars.

"If I could come with Yun Yun a few more times, wouldn't I be able to become the Dou King?" Ye Han suddenly had such an idea in his heart.

But it was only for a moment, and he couldn't help shaking his head.

The idea is very beautiful, but such a method of improvement will definitely have a certain impact on Yun Yun's heart or body.

In the face of the enemy, Ye Han can do his best, but in the face of the woman he is attracted to, he also has the tender side of the iron man.


At this moment, an exclamation came from Yun Yun's boudoir.

Ye Han didn't have time to think, his body moved and he rushed into the room.

Then I saw that the woman was wearing a delicate and gorgeous tight-fitting robe, with a mature and moving body, like a beautiful snake, weak and boneless on the ground.

At this moment, that noble and beautiful face was bloodless and drenched in cold sweat.

Yun Yun felt that her whole body was about to split, she didn't move and didn't know, she was startled when she moved, and she almost fainted in pain.

"What's wrong with you?"

Seeing Yun Yun's state, Ye Han hurriedly stepped forward and without any explanation, picked her up and placed her on the bed behind him.

Then he grabbed one of her arms, with worry in his eyes, helped her take her pulse, and checked her specific condition.

Ye Han thought that he had absorbed her Taiyin origin inadvertently, which made Yun Yun weak.

Yun Yun looked at Ye Han with a dignified face and felt warm in her heart, but she was rude in her mouth, and said with a cold and pretty face, "It's not your fault, go out, who let you in?"

Ye Han frowned slightly, ignoring her scolding, and the slightly wrinkled brows gradually relaxed.

He stretched out his palm, touched Yun Yun's pale face, and said, "Does it hurt?"

Yun Yun knew that Ye Han had found out the reason, and she was instantly ashamed and angry, and her pale and pretty face turned red.

She raised her hand and tried to pat Ye Han's palm off her cheek, but was caught.

"I'm sorry, I will pay attention next time." Ye Han said.

"What, what did you say? You, you still want the next time, just dream! No, it's not allowed to dream." Yun Yun stared at her with wide eyes, her cheeks flushed, and she hurriedly reprimanded.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, don't get excited, the wound will hurt again later." Ye Han said quickly.

After his reminder, Yun Yun immediately sucked in a breath of cold air, and cold sweat reappeared on her forehead.

Ye Han's demeanor was gentle, he stepped forward calmly, sat on the edge of the took the woman's weak body into his arms, then took out a longevity pill, looked at Yun Yun and said, "Open your mouth."

"You bastard."

Yun Yun looked up at the handsome face that was close at hand, and found with some sadness that even if he did that kind of thing to himself without his consent, he still couldn't hate it. Glancing at the medicinal pill he handed to her, Yun Yun opened her mouth and swallowed it viciously, regardless of whether it was three seven or twenty one.

Seeing this, Ye Han couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Ye Han knew that Yun Yun should have believed her words, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to accept his things so easily, and it is even more impossible for him to hold her for so long.

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