From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 344: : to form a force

Chapter 345 Forming the Force

Jia Xingtian and Mittel Tengshan hurriedly returned after handling the mess left by Ye Han according to Ye Han's instructions.

After discovering that people saw Ye Han, the two were about to go up to say hello, but they heard Ye Han announce Ya Fei's ownership in a tone that could not be rejected.

Mittel Tengshan frowned slightly. He didn't know Ye Han's specific identity, but the fact that this person was able to refine a top-level sixth-grade medicinal pill was enough to show that he was absolutely extraordinary.

In addition to that, Mittel Tengshan swept his eyes with only a gap, but he didn't even see the girl in black.

That little girl who seems to be only fifteen or sixteen years old, but a few days ago, she seriously injured an old monster like Xingtiantian with a knife!

Ya Fei frowned slightly, and she was very uncomfortable when someone declared her ownership like a cargo.

However, thinking about the bet this morning, she could only recognize it with her nose pinched.

Now, she has nothing else to rely on except this thick-faced and dark-hearted young man.

After losing Xiao Yan, whether it was Mittel Tengshan or Hai Bodong, they would definitely not continue to support her after learning the truth.

The world is very realistic. If you have no interests, who will care about you.

Now, Ya Fei has no other choice and no qualification to choose. She can only resign and wait for Mittel Tengshan's final decision.

At the last moment, she also wanted to see if Mittelten Mountain would go to war with the mysterious young man in front of her.

She wants to determine what exactly she belongs to in the family?

"So, in the future, the Mittel family and the adults will have a relationship, right?" Mittel said.

"That's right, the person in charge on my side will be Ya Fei. That Yin-Yang Spiritual Liquid is what I taught her. I will use your channel to sell it. No matter how much you sell, we'll give half of it."

Ye Han said, "Now, Ya Fei is my person. If you have any opinion, you may as well put it up now."

"It's an honor for your lord to see Ya Fei, how dare you have an opinion." Mittel Tengshan said with a wry smile.

Ye Han nodded and said, "Since this is the case, then Ya Fei will have to trouble Clan Head Mitel to take care of her for a while."

In this regard, Mitteltenshan naturally has no reason to refuse.

Ya Fei's expression froze slightly. She thought about many possibilities. The most she imagined was that Mittel Tengshan might use herself to bargain, after all, she was a businessman!

But I didn't expect it at all, everything is self-inflicted.

She is a commodity that can be thrown away at any time. It is not worth mentioning at all, and there is no need to bargain.

"Faqi pays respects to the teacher."

Suddenly, a pot lid appeared in front of everyone.

Faqi was not tall, and he was wearing a huge pot lid. At this moment, he bowed and saluted. When everyone looked at him, he saw that there was no one under the pot lid.

Immediately, a group of people looked in the direction pointed by the lid of the pot. Then, some people felt incredible and opened their mouths in surprise. Among them, Ya Fei was the one who responded the most.

Immediately afterwards, Jia Xingtian, Mittel Tengshan, and Hai Bo Dong, these old guys' eyes flashed slightly.

After seeing clearly who Fa Qiang worshipped, the few people who knew Ye Han's medicine refining had a vague idea in their hearts.

In the end, the three of them looked at each other with a thoughtful look in their eyes, and the group fell into silence.

"Why do you call me teacher?

"Ye Han was also a little stunned, and then suddenly thought of something.

He gave Yaochen's notes to him, which was equivalent to teaching him his career and solving doubts. It seemed reasonable and reasonable for him to worship himself as a teacher.

However, that note is not his.

After all, who is the serious person who writes the notes?

"Cough, get up! Your qualifications are too poor, just be a named disciple!" Ye Han coughed dryly.

"Thank you, teacher!"

Fa Qian raised his head with a look of excitement.

His family knows his own affairs, his talent is not unexpected, reaching the limit of a sixth-grade pharmacist, but the notes that Ye Han gave him gave him the qualification to peep at a higher level, which is tantamount to the grace of re-creation .

The master of the world of practice is the teacher. Although Ye Han looks young, who knows his origin and footsteps, maybe he is older than these old guys present combined!

Faqi didn't feel ashamed. Originally, he just wanted to give it a try and didn't have much expectations.

But he didn't expect that Ye Han actually agreed.

Although it is only a named disciple, it is enough for Fa Qian.

"Since your lord supports Ya Fei as your spokesperson, you should plan to form a faction." Mittel Tengshan glanced at Hai Bodong, a flash of firmness flashed in his eyes, and regardless of Hai Bodong's obstruction, he went straight to the front.

Hai Bodong used to be really cool, but that was before.

Now he is just an old man whose strength has been sealed for many years and has not recovered yet.

Mittel Tengshan respects him, but does not fear him too much.

The current Mittel family, he Mittel has the final say.

"What do you want to say?" Ye Han looked at Mittel Tengshan, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said.

"Don't get me wrong, my lord."

Mittel, who was a grown-up man from the mountain, instantly noticed the change in Ye Han's aura, and hurriedly said, "If your lord plans to form a force, my Mittel family is willing to be a part of it."

A Yafei, although there are some tricks, but Mittel Tengshan doesn't care, after all, this is a world where strength is respected.

However, with the addition of Fa Yan, the president of the Alchemist Guild, a strong fighting emperor, this power is a bit terrifying. With Ya Fei's method, coupled with the Alchemist Guild, and Ye Han, they want to annex The Mittel family is not difficult.

Mittel Tengshan has a long-term vision, and being able to develop the Mittel family to its current state is naturally not a vain person who is extremely decisive in doing things.

Ye Han folded his arms around him, resting his chin in one hand, and fell into contemplation.

He also thought that Mittel Tengshan was worried that he would form a power, had the intention of annexation, and wanted to sing against himself, but he did not expect that he wanted to join the school.

His original intention was just to make money and have a stable source of income, so that the spirit beast lineage can develop steadily, but now it seems that he can change his strategy.

A gentleman who sees a few times and does it, does not wait until the end of the day, God gives but does not take, and he will be punished by God.

After all, this is the fat mutton delivered to your door. If you don't accept it, you will be punished by heaven.

There was hesitation and struggle in Jia Xingtian's eyes, and after a while, he couldn't help but sigh in the end.

"If your lord establishes a force, the Jiama Empire is willing to do the hard work." Jia Xingtian expressed his position.

Those present, he knew better than anyone how terrifying Ye Han was. The reason why he hesitated was because he couldn't let it go. After all, the Jama Empire was something he had guarded all his life! How could it be so easy to let go!

However, after thinking about the current situation of the Garma Empire, he couldn't help being a little discouraged.

In the past, there was a wealthy aristocrat who was staring at and behind him, there was Yunlanzong who was pressing step by step, but the Jiama Empire had no successor. .

Jia Xingtian just wanted to sigh, it's hard!

Instead of waiting for the future, the unworthy descendants will destroy the industry that they have guarded for a lifetime or send the industry together with others, it is better for him to make a decision in person, and maybe he can rely on Ye Han's power to re-create a broader market. Sky.

Ya Fei Xingxing's eyes widened and she was stunned. Now she finally knew Ye Han's energy.

He didn't brag. In the one-third of an acre of the Jiama Empire, he was sure that he was the emperor of the soil, the one who spoke the truth.

Just because he accepted a named disciple, he directly made the mighty giant of the Gamma Empire bow his head, gave up the century-old foundation, and was willing to follow his lead.

Ya Fei was completely dumbfounded, her little head was blank.

What kind of identity does Fa Yan have, that he is willing to bow his head and call the young people around him a teacher.

He didn't become an official disciple, he was just a registered disciple, but he made Fa Qian happy like a child, with an old face as bright as a blooming flower.

What surprised him the most was the decision of Mitteltenshan and the penalty day...

Ya Fei turned her head and looked at Ye Han Junyi's face dumbfoundedly, she couldn't help being a little lost.

Who is he?

The seeds of curiosity were planted in Ya Fei's heart silently.

(End of this chapter)

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