From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 343: : Yafei's affiliation

"The bet between us counts, right?"

Ya Fei wanted to say, no!

But does she dare?

She dare not.

Now, she doesn't dare to offend Ye Han, let alone fall out with him.

If she wants to stand in the Mittel family and continue to survive, Ye Han is her only support at present.

The beauty bowed her head, her face bitter.

"From today, I am yours." Ya Fei said.

As soon as the sentence came out, most of Ya Fei's spirit and energy disappeared instantly.

Unexpectedly, born in the plus-sized empire, a top family like the Mittel family, it is so difficult to survive, and in the end, he cannot escape his fate and can only rely on people.

Ya Fei felt bitter in her heart, feeling that her previous efforts were so ridiculous.

"Is it so hard for you to be my person?"

Ye Han stretched out his hand, lifted Ya Fei's chin, and stared at this pale and lifeless peerless beauty in front of him, he couldn't help but said helplessly, "Don't worry, I don't lack women, you just need to do things for me, I don't will force you."

"Really, is this true?"

Ya Fei's eyes lit up, her whole body suddenly came to life, she said.

"Of course, if you deliberately seduce me, then I won't be polite." Ye Han smiled.

In an instant, he returned to his former sloppiness.

Released his palm, Ye Han helplessly looked at Yaoye, stepped forward and rubbed her head, then directly hugged her into his arms and sat down on the seat again.

"Come on, Yanran, Master's embrace is very broad, come here too." Seeing Yaoye's cheeks blushing and pretending to be an ostrich in his arms, Ye Han directly hugged Nalan Yanran in order to avoid her thinking too much. come over.

Nalan Yanran was startled by a force of force, and immediately fell into an embrace.

She instinctively wanted to resist, but after seeing Ye Han's face, she looked at Yao Ye on the side.

With red cheeks, she lowered her head and sat obediently on Ye Han's lap, pretending to be an ostrich, not resisting.

"You, do you really know my teacher?"

Nalan Yanran's voice sounded weakly.

The first time they met at the entrance of the Nalan family mansion, Ye Han had mentioned Yunyun, and now he mentioned it again, which made Nalan Yanran a little curious.

"I know, of course I know. She also invited me to become the husband of the sect master at the Yunlan Sect!" Ye Han said with a sullen expression, "But obviously, I rejected her. After all, it is best to get it."

Nalan Yanran looked up at Ye Han with her pretty red face, with a hint of disbelief in her eyes, but she rolled her eyes when she heard his last words.

"Hey! Little girl, don't you believe me?"

Ye Han reached out and pinched the bridge of Nalan Yanran's nose, and said, "Isn't it normal that your teacher likes me for someone as good as me?"

"I, I don't, I don't believe it."

Nalan Yanran was ignorant of her conscience and said things she didn't even believe in herself.

Ye Han pouted, not wanting to have the same knowledge as this little girl.

Ya Fei bit her red lips lightly, looked at Ye Han, clenched her fists fiercely, and felt a little taste in her heart.

It has nothing to do with love, just pure anger, it is too scum, there is no bottom line for scum, when you bully yourself, your mouth is like honey, and your mouth is like smearing honey, and you abandon yourself in the blink of an eye Ignore it.

Ya Fei has always been very confident in herself, especially her appearance, but at this moment, she also suffered a certain blow.

"If you're okay, come and rub my shoulders."

Ye Han looked at Ya Fei, who was sulking there alone, and said.

"I, I'll come."

Hearing this, Nalan Yanran immediately spoke.

The girl stood up directly from Ye Han's arms, her slender figure twisted slightly, appeared directly behind Ye Han, and rubbed his shoulders for him.

Ya Fei was considering whether or not to follow Ye Han's instructions when she saw Nalan Yanran taking the lead, and in the end she could only lie on the railing and look at the place where the alchemists were competing.

Looking at the slender figure with a mask on her face who was struggling to maintain the flames, Ya Fei, who was thinking about her thoughts, the pupils in her eyes could not help but slowly expand...

Ye Han glanced at Ya Fei, then narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that Nalan Yanran's technique was quite skilled, her ten fingers were slender and powerful, light or heavy, just right.

"Yes, the force is precise, the acupuncture points are accurate and comfortable." Ye Han couldn't help but praise.

"I often massage the teacher, so I'm very skilled." Nalan Yanran said.

"I, let me massage you too!" Yaoye whispered.

Nalan Yanran left. She was alone in Ye Han's embrace. If there were only two of them, she would undoubtedly be very happy.

But now, the world is bright and bright, not to mention everyone's attention, but there are at least a dozen pairs of eyes watching around this place, Yao Ye is thin-skinned, why is he so embarrassed to continue to stay in Ye Han's arms?


Ye Han nodded, and happily separated his palms, allowing Yaoye to get up smoothly.

Although it is good to have a beautiful woman in her arms, it is also a pain to be able to see and not eat.

Ye Han hugged her, but he just didn't want to see her resentful eyes, and had no other thoughts.

After enjoying the massage of the two little beauties, Ye Han got up and glanced at Xiao Xun'er, who was on the verge of collapse, his face was pale, his breath was sluggish, and his injuries had completely erupted.

After thinking about it, this guy was useless for the time being. With a wave of his hand, he was knocked unconscious and put it in the storage space.

The space ring that Ye Han refined in Douluo Continent had no attack power, but it possessed an extremely heaven-defying ability, that is, time stands still.

Liu Erlong, Ling Ying, and the current Xiao Xun'er, Ye Han felt that his interspatial ring was no longer used for storage, but rather an ambulance station for serious injuries.

Shaking his head, he looked at Ya Fei, his eyes lit up slightly.

The red clothes are like fire, bright and dazzling.

The slender and slender body, soft and boneless, lay lazily on the The upturned buttocks and the slender waist outline a thrilling curve, which makes people feel There is an urge.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Han retracted his gaze, suppressed the thought of collision, slowly stepped forward, leaned on the railing, admiring the woman's charming profile, his eyes followed her line of sight, and his brows could not help slightly. pick.

"It seems that she still can't let go of Xiao Yan!" Ye Han secretly said.

Just when he was about to speak and let Ya Fei's wandering spirit return to its place, suddenly two rays of light flashed across the sky, interrupting Ya Fei's thoughts first.

The dilated pupils were instantly focused, and Ya Fei also noticed that her posture was a bit rambunctious, and immediately stood up straight, only to see Ye Han's eyes that were half-smiling but not smiling.

"You really like me. If you want to seduce me, you should find a place with few people. There are too many people here, I will be embarrassed." Ye Han said.


Ya Fei's charming and pretty face flushed, she secretly spit, and said, "Stop being too affectionate, and besides, are you still embarrassed?"

"I don't like hearing your words anymore, why can't I be embarrassed?" Ye Han said with a grievance on his face.

"Ha ha!"

Ya Fei smiled faintly and was about to speak, but two figures came to the high platform silently.

"Mitter Tengshan, from now on, Ya Fei is my person. In the future, she will be a job in your Mittel auction house, work for me, and help you take care of it. You must be clear about this relationship." Ye Han looked at Mittel Tengshan, who was always unable to open his eyes, and announced the ownership of Ya Fei straight to the point.

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