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Hearing this, the delicate little face of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger turned slightly black.

Although she is still wild, although she does not understand human feelings, although she does not understand etiquette and shame...

But at this moment, my heart is also full of anger.

You bastard, even comparing me to those ordinary tigresses.

"Why do you have to be human? Is it bad for me? I was born as a beast. I grew up in fighting, tempered in blood, and progressed in life and death. Why do you impose your thoughts on me?" Dark Demon Evil God Tiger Road.

"If I said it was for your own good, you'd be scolding me in your heart, but it's the truth."

Ye Han spread his hands and said helplessly, "It's like a child who has just become sensible, who is not naughty, does not like to play, and will learn consciously. At this time, as an adult, it is natural to have an obligation, a responsibility to teach her, to control her, if you just blindly It will only hurt her."

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger froze in place for a while, at a loss.

Mad, I just wanted to see if you had any compassion for what you made me so great for.

There are also a lot of truths that tigers can't understand at all. What do you want to do?

Want to stun the tiger?

I have to say that the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is indeed a little dizzy.

Suddenly, I feel that the figure in front of me has become less hateful, a little tall, a little noble, a little stalwart...

Shaking his head violently, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger looked at Ye Han, and became cold again, like an emotionless machine, full of indifference.

Ye Han's face darkened slightly, this guy really deserves no praise.

I just praised her for a little improvement, and it changed back to the same.

"Put on your clothes." Ye Han said in a serious tone.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger had no other expression, and the ultimate power of darkness surged on his body, turning into a close-fitting black soft armor, a pair of black leather pants, and black boots, wrapping the pure white body completely.

She is dressed in black, her temperament is more indifferent, and she looks like a stranger who should not be approached. If it is not for her delicate face, which is very deceptive, she is not a good person at first glance.

Ye Han shook his head, feeling a little tired, feeling that he had a long way to go.

This guy is so annoying.

After the other soul beasts were transformed, they all possessed some humanity to some extent, but this guy was not only devoid of humanity, but even more bloodthirsty.

It's like a naughty daughter who not only refuses to accept discipline, but also smokes, drinks, burns her head, and gets tattoos, which is really a headache.

Shaking his head helplessly again, Ye Han restrained his thoughts and looked at the two women who had become pure white lambs after being burned by the fire, and couldn't help but be amazed.

The fantasy world is good, the fantasy world is wonderful, there are no worries in this world, there are really many handsome men and beautiful women, and there is no trouble with flat chests.

I don't know if it's because of spiritual energy, food, or both, Ye Han has never seen a flat chested one.

One by one, not to mention the long national color and heavenly fragrance, the figure is even more attractive, the soul is seductive, the weapon is pressing, and the evil is terrifying.

In particular, Nalan Yanran, with her pure appearance and slender figure, is very evil, and I'm afraid she can't hold it in one hand.

Ye Han rubbed his nose, making sure there was no nosebleed, he couldn't help but smile, looked away, and began to realize himself.

As soon as he broke through and reached Dou Ling, he was attacked by the dark demon tiger. He wanted to kill himself, but Ye Han didn't have time to check his gains.

First of all, the vindictive energy in the body has completely solidified into substance, like a Yin-Yang profound pill, it slowly rotates and exudes a majestic atmosphere, making people seem to be facing a world.

No one else has this, and Ye Han is very sure of it.

After all, his cultivation has always been completely different from others. Everyone in this world is unique, but Ye Han is even more special.

The Yin-Yang Xuandan is like a Yin-Yang Taiji diagram, and the dividing line in the middle is a golden silk thread.

It was just this golden thread that easily split the space domain of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, allowing the light to come back to the world.

Staring at this golden thread, Ye Han could feel the sharpness in it. It seemed to be created by the inextinguishable primordial spirit and the original power of the system. Ye Han couldn't understand it for a while. What kind of existence.

All he could feel was a powerful, invincible, unstoppable edge.

I don't understand it, but as long as it can be used.

Now is his weakest period. The appearance of the golden thread has undoubtedly added another kind of trump card to him. If it is split at a critical moment, even if Dou Zong cannot escape, he will have to be split into two pieces.

In addition, the biggest gain is that he can finally use the inextinguishable soul again.

When he was in the Warcraft Mountains, he had an intuition. As long as he made a breakthrough in the big realm, he should be able to use the indestructible primordial spirit once. This is why he dared to give Queen Medusa a chance to play.

Now it seems that the feeling of the day is indeed correct.

The only regret is that I can't pretend in front of Queen Medusa.

"It would be great if Her Majesty the Queen could agree that day!" Ye Han sighed.

If Queen Medusa agreed that day, he would go back immediately, jumping in front of Her Majesty, creating a chance for the Queen to make a move.

Then, hey hey...

Ye Han laughed involuntarily.

Just as he was dreaming, thinking about Queen Medusa's enchanting charm, thinking about defeating her, such and such things......

Suddenly, a coquettish coquettish moan interrupted his reverie.

Glancing at the two beautiful snakes on the ground, Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, and hurriedly sat cross-legged, using the power of the yin to circulate his whole body to cool himself down.

Fortunately, he blocked the sound in the room, otherwise, there would be a big mess.

At that time, the outside of his room must be full of audiences.

Even so, Ye Han could feel that many eyes were always watching his room.

Ye Han was too lazy to care about these people.

He held his breath, mobilized the power of the yin, reconciled the yang fire, and made his state of mind unprecedentedly peaceful.

After a full cup of tea, those voices that made people blush and heartbeat and dry mouth stopped abruptly.

Nalan Yanran and Yaoye quietly opened their eyes, looked at each other, and quickly moved away, their cheeks blushing as if bleeding.

It's so shameful.

They know everything just now, and they all know how ecstasy the sound of each other is, but they can't control themselves, it's really comfortable.

Now, possessed by their souls, they are so ashamed that they dare not face each other.

"The world is going down, people are not ancient, it's really sad and lamentable, and it's not enough to get dressed quickly, so it's so decent." Ye Han opened his eyes, his eyes were bright, and his words were righteous.

There was a momentary silence in the air.

Nalan Yanran and Yaoye stared at Ye Han, their faces filled with anger and unease.

But they didn't shout~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After three seconds, Nalan Yanran opened her mouth and said cautiously, "I, I'm out of strength, can you, can you, can you help me, help me? Find something to cover."

After speaking, this glamorous girl's cheeks were flushed, her eyes were disturbed, she no longer had the pride she used to be, and she looked pitiful.

Appearing in front of a strange man like this, she was full of fear, and she was afraid of the identity of the other party, so she did not dare to make more excessive demands and let him avoid it.


Ye Han nodded, with a righteous face and clear eyes.

He came to the bed, picked up the quilt, and covered the two of them directly, then forced his thumping heart down, and said, "Tell me how you guys feel now."

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