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what! ~

The piercing scream broke through all obstacles and resounded through the sky.

Inside the inn, and outside the inn, countless people heard the shrill cry in this house again, and couldn't help but look weird.

After the shrill scream just now, many people heard the voice that made their blood boil and their bones softened when they thought about it, and they are still coming.

Some people couldn't take it anymore and turned around and left, either hurried home, ran into some flowery alleys, or found a secluded place...

A yin and yang taiji map slowly emerged, suppressed it, and blocked all the rumors.


Ye Han got up, ignoring the pretty figure who kept rolling on the ground and screaming in pain.

He put on his clothes by himself, then looked dumbfounded with a half-smile, stared at his three daughters closely, and said, "Have you seen enough?"

what! ~

The three girls came back to their senses and screamed involuntarily, and then they remembered what they had just seen.

That body, that muscle, that head... it's so big.

But now, it's not the time to be shy, they just want to escape, leave this place of right and wrong, and stay away from these monsters.

It's a pity that Ye Han didn't give them a chance.

"Give it! Since it's here, drink it, and then tell me how you feel." Ye Han said.

After he finished speaking, he handed two bowls of Yin-Yang Spiritual Liquid to Nalan Yanran and Yaoyue.


The two women couldn't help but swallow their saliva and took a peek at Ye Han with a serious face, trembling inwardly, and took the jade bowl in Ye Han's hand.

It's really scary, a strong man who made them unable to even resist, it was as simple as that, and it was solved by a snap of his fingers.

This scene was so terrifying that the three girls' minds went blank.

Now that Ye Han wants to kill them, they probably won't resist, let alone drink.

They were really frightened.

After taking the jade bowl, the two women didn't say a word, raised their heads and gulped, and drank the yin and yang spirit liquid in one mouthful.

This time, it was Ye Han's turn to be dumbfounded.

He couldn't help looking at Yaoye and said, "You didn't tell them that this thing can't be drunk too quickly?"

Hearing this, Yaoye instinctively shook her head.

What she wanted to express was that she would not drink, and it was also a kind of prayer.

But Ye Han understood that she didn't tell the two girls, she forgot all this and begged for her forgiveness.

"Forget it, forget it, it's not a big deal, just pay for my medicine." Ye Han grinned.

Then, there were screams one after another in the room, with a high-pitched and loud voice that looked like an Asura field, which made people's scalp numb, their back chilled, and goosebumps appeared all over their body unconsciously.

Ye Han couldn't take it anymore, and felt the urge to leave.

Glancing at Yaoye with a pale face beside her, after thinking about it, she felt that she should not be the one to suffer.

So, the poor Princess Yaoye was thrown directly into the tub he had just bathed in.

The alternating hot and cold turned into a rolling torrent, constantly impacting her delicate skin.

"Hold your breath, run the exercises, the remaining medicinal power is enough for you to break through the realm of fighting masters." Ye Han reminded.

Yaoye clenched her teeth and was suffering from Ling Chi's pain when she suddenly heard Ye Han's voice, as if she had just entered the darkness, in a place of boundless despair, and suddenly saw the light of dawn In the same way, I saw hope in an instant and grabbed a life-saving straw.

At this time, she didn't care at all, and she didn't have any extra thoughts to worry about whether this straw could bear her weight.

She also has only this life-saving straw to rely on, to grasp, and to make her feel at ease.

As the exercises worked, her mind quickly relaxed, and her tense body also opened her pores in an instant. Then, the yin and yang spirit liquid rushed into her body like an all-pervasive sword, and it was too late to stop her.

The same kind of spiritual liquid, two different ways of taking it, have two completely different effects.

Taking it orally, it can purify the dark wounds in the body, eliminate drug resistance, and purify the fighting spirit.

When applied externally, it can strengthen muscles and bones, nourish qi and blood, turn it into energy, and improve cultivation.

Strong, really strong.

Painful as it is, the benefits are enough to make anyone take a risk and try it out.

Yaoye gradually forgot the pain, the expression on her face slowly relaxed, she realized in the pain, enjoyed the torture, indulged in it, unable to extricate herself.

Ye Han nodded secretly after seeing Yao Ye gradually calm down.

"Yes, comprehension and aptitude are quite good."

An admiring glance at the girl's rosy cheeks slowly recovered, Ye Han withdrew his gaze and looked at the three people who fell on the ground and kept howling in pain, speechless.

"Stop howling, if you want to die, hurry up. As for freedom, don't think about it. Unless you can learn to be a human being and become less bloodthirsty, maybe I'm in a good mood and will give you back your freedom." Ye Han looked at The pure white jade body curled up by the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger said expressionlessly.

After Ye Han finished punishing her, the Dark Demon Tiger quickly recovered his calm.

Listening to Ye Han's words, her ears moved slightly, and a trace of anger and resentment flashed in her eyes, but in the end, she had no choice but to quietly dissipate.

She stood up slowly, looked at Ye Han quietly, her voice was cold, and said, "You will regret it if you don't kill me."

"Killing you is just a finger move. Is it that hard?"

Ye Han smiled slightly, raised his palm, and snapped his fingers.

Seeing this, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's pupils shrank suddenly, her body trembled involuntarily, and the tremor on her chest was too obvious, as long as she was not blind, she could see the fear in her heart.

"Didn't you say freedom or death? What do these words mean? Please explain to me." Ye Han retracted his arms and looked at the Dark Demon Tiger jokingly, not tempted by the picture in front of him.

The Dark Demon God Tiger knows Ye Han and what he likes, so he deliberately wants to seduce him, but unfortunately...

Although the dark devil tiger is charming and youthful after transforming itself~www.wuxiamtl.com~ However, for Ye Han, no matter how beautiful she is, she cannot get rid of her animal nature, she is still the one who is doing evil things. , bloodthirsty beasts will never be able to get into his eyes.

Hearing Ye Han's words, a trace of embarrassment flashed in the eyes of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

Not because his human body was exposed in front of Ye Han's eyes, but he was indifferent, but because of Ye Han's words.

Freedom or death is just her desire for freedom, just to show her mentality. If she really died because of this, she said, the concubine can't do it!

"There is progress and shame, but it is not hopeless."

Ye Han praised, then rubbed the head of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, and said, "Put your clothes on, when will you become a real person, that may be able to tempt me a little, now, in my opinion, It is a tigress in estrus scratching its head and making a pose, not only has no temptation, but it is a bit disgusting."

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