From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 188: : The war will begin

Chapter 189

The normal time has only passed three years, but with the acceleration of Ye Han's time, everyone has spent nearly thirty years.

Everyone's strength has been greatly improved during this period of time.

The normal time flow rate, another half a year has passed.

A 60,000-year-old Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon rode the wind and waves, passed through the thick clouds, flew from the mainland into the extreme north, and went straight into the core area of ​​the frozen forest.


The loud cry spreads thousands of miles.

Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon, its wide wings converged, like a white lightning, it fell directly.

In an instant, it appeared at the entrance of Xuanbing Castle.


Another cry.

If it is normal, let alone a 60,000-year-old soul beast, it is a 100,000-year-old soul beast, and they would not dare to make a fuss when they come here.

But now, this snow-capped lightning falcon didn't care, its high-pitched cry pierced through golden cracks and spread to all directions.

Obviously, it is fearless and has obtained the permission of the owner here.

In the nine-story pagoda, the mysterious golden world shone brightly, and the mysterious runes kept shining, like the immortal brand of the avenue, brilliant and dazzling, immortal and immortal.

This is Ye Han's kingdom of God.

In the kingdom of God, other people have no sense of the outside world.

But as the ruler of the kingdom of God, Ye Han could clearly feel everything that was happening outside.

His brows wrinkled slightly, his closed eyes opened quietly, like two heavenly knives shooting out from his pupils, tearing apart the space, the kingdom of God collapsed, and everyone appeared in the normal world.

Time acceleration is over.

The loud cry spreads thousands of miles in the snow-capped snowfield, echoing in everyone's heart.

Pairs of beautiful eyes opened one after another, and then fell on the unusually handsome snow-capped Lightning Falcon with white wings, no variegation, and a body length of three feet.

Those pair of eyes, some with doubts, some with tension, but there is no hostility and murderous intent.

But with such a pair of eyes, the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon was like a chicken strangled by its neck, its voice stopped abruptly, and its huge body involuntarily crawled to the ground, shivering, and almost incontinent.

"What happened? Did something happen to the Spirit Empire?"

A golden streamer flashed across, wearing a long palace dress, with bright blonde hair all over his head, and a lightning pattern on his forehead. The beautiful Qian Renxue looked nervous, and immediately appeared in front of the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon.

The Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon was personally enlightened by Ye Han. Although it has only been cultivated for 60,000 years, its wisdom is not weaker than that of others.

"The battle between the Spirit Empire and the combined forces of the two empires is imminent, but His Majesty the East Emperor doesn't want you to go back, she wants you..." Xueshan Lightning Falcon said.

Unfortunately, before the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon finished speaking, Qian Renxue's figure had already disappeared.

"Xiaohan, I, I'm leaving."

In the nine-story pagoda, Qian Renxue looked at Ye Handao.

"Yeah! I heard it all, you go first, I'll be there later." Ye Han rubbed Qian Renxue's head and kissed him on the cheek.

"Xiaohan, you..."

Qian Renxue teared up, thinking that Ye Han was going to go against her original wish and wanted to help her.

"Strictly speaking, I am also a soul beast, and the unification of human beings will not do us any good, so I will not help you."

"But you are my woman, and it is impossible for me to watch you fight on the battlefield, do nothing, do nothing."

Ye Han stroked the girl's delicate face and said apologetically, "My sisters and I will go to the battlefield in person. If things don't work, I will take you away."

"Well! It's okay, no need to apologize, I understand."

Qian Renxue nodded, then looked at her son,

Needless to say, since the day he absorbed Godhead, his decision has been clearly told to everyone.

He was born for this battle.

"Sister Xiaoxue, I want to participate in the war too, Auntie Xiaoxue, we, and us, we will also go." Hu Liena and Qing Wu spoke almost at the same time.

"Okay! Let's go." Qian Renxue said.

Since Ye Han will come to the battlefield in person, the lives of these few people are guaranteed, so Qian Renxue has no reason to refuse.

Qian Renxue, Ye Chen, Qingqian, Qingxuan, Qingwu, Hu Liena, the six turned into rainbows and went to the battlefield.

"Xiaohan, I..."

After seeing the figures of the six people disappear, Bo Saixi couldn't help but look at Ye Han, and said, "I-I also want to go to war."

Back then, she used Bibi Dong as a shield. Although so many years had passed, she always felt ashamed every time she thought about the miserable appearance of that woman.

At this time, she wanted to make up for the mistakes of the year.

"You can go if you want, but you have to take care of yourself. There are no swords and guns on the battlefield, and I can't guarantee that each of you will not be injured." Ye Han said.

He didn't want to make a move back then, one was because of his identity, and the other was because of Xiao Wu.

Now, Xiao Wu's problem is solved.

His heart is actually quite complicated, both wanting the unity of mankind and not wanting it.

After all, the blood of soul beasts flows in his body, but his soul is also human, and most of his wives are also soul beasts.

With mixed feelings, he simply took indulgent measures. Whoever wants to go to war, he doesn't bother to care, as long as they make sure they come back alive.

"Big brother, I want to go too, I'll go help Sister Xiaoxue." Zhu Zhuqing said.

As time accelerates, decades have passed.

Today's Zhu Zhuqing's figure is even hotter, with a tall and slender figure, wearing a black tight leather jacket, which outlines her figure more attractively.

But what doesn't change is her fair skin and that baby face full of collagen, which is really huge.

The V-neckline, although only opened a small corner, still can't hide the thrilling whiteness.


Ye Han did not stop.

When Zhu Zhuqing heard the words, a trace of joy flashed on his face.

She has no interest in knowing who is the emperor, she only cares about her big brother.

Originally, she was just holding the attitude of trying it out, but now it seems that the big brother's heart is still towards Sister Xiaoxue and the others.

It is indeed inappropriate to take action in person as him, but there is no problem with other people taking action.

"Bing'er, Yue'er, Rongrong, Lingling, do you want to go together?" Zhu Zhuqing looked at the four girls of the same age beside him.

I have to say Zhu Zhuqing is indeed not suitable to be a lobbyist.

Even though he desperately hoped that he could get more reinforcements, his voice was still cold and not euphemistic at all.

However, Ning Rongrong didn't care about that.

The little witch's eyes fell directly on Ye Han, asking for his opinion.

Ye Lingling didn't say anything, she was not interested in anything now, she was in a state of no desires and no desires, and she was calm and out of the dust.

"Go if you want! But you'd better think clearly about who you want to help. I don't want to clean up the door myself." Ye Han said with a smile.

But those words made Ning Rongrong tremble inexplicably, and cold sweat broke out from his palms.

All the "people" are gone.

In the end, only Ye Han, Xue Di, Gu Yuena, Arou, Xiao Wu, Biji, Ziji, and Bai Jingjing were left.

(End of this chapter)

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