From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 187: : time flies

Chapter 188 Time flies

Leaving the hot spring bath, Ye Han accompanied Xiao Wu for two days.

Afterwards, he stayed by Gu Yuena's side for two more days.

Finally, he hesitated slightly.

Then, he used the power of space to come to a space on the ninth floor of the Asking Heart Pagoda.

The red gauze skirt covers the body, the woman's face is fair, and her facial features are exquisite and flawless.

Her hair was as black as ink, casually draped behind her head, her tall figure was bumpy, and her tall **** contrasted sharply with her slender waist.

Although sitting on the ground, the graceful curves on that figure still exude an amazing charm.

At this time, the woman's slender willow eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, her eyes were full of daze and longing, and a faint hint of shyness disappeared in a flash.

Ye Han appeared without causing the slightest alarm.

Looking at the look on the woman's face, Ye Han's brows also wrinkled.

He had already helped her restore her memory, but he still saw Bing'er's shadow in her.


After a long time, Ye Han finally spoke, awakening the contemplative woman.


Arou was startled, and when she saw that it was Ye Han who was coming, there was an undisguised surprise in her eyes.

"Xiaohan, you, why are you here, aren't you accompanying Xiaowu?" Aju said.

As she spoke, she quickly came to Ye Han's side, instinctively hugged Ye Han's arm, her eyes were three-pointed with doubts and seven-pointed with resentment, and Ye Han had goose bumps all over his body.

"You, who are you now, Arou or Bing'er?" Ye Han took a deep breath and said.

"I, who am I? Who am I?  …"

Hearing this, Arou's face was occupied by a daze, her face became paler and paler, and struggle and pain appeared in her eyes.

"Okay, okay, don't think about it if you don't know, you are..."

Ye Han was taken aback by her change, and hurriedly said something to comfort him, but before he could finish speaking, he was blocked by a warm red lips.

"In front of you, I will always be your Binger, Xiaohan, love me."

Arou's eyes were clear, her bright red lips opened and closed slightly, and the cold voice made Ye Han's heart tremble. In a trance, a face with eight magic lines appeared in his eyes, which was extremely glamorous.

His Binger is back.

Goutianlei, earth fire...

Accelerate, accelerate, accelerate again...

Double, double, triple, five, ten...

Limit speed, ten times.

Ye Han, at all costs, turned on the time acceleration with all his strength, and used the kingdom of God to cover everyone.

Ning Rongrong's steps to leave also stopped because of this. Her cultivation speed was not considered top-notch here, and now she doesn't want to be left behind by others.

Everyone is working hard to cultivate and is unwilling to waste a minute and a second.

Because everyone knows how these times come.

A year has passed, Ye Han's face is full of beards, and his fair skin is dull. Except for the fact that his skeleton is still thick, his whole body has lost a lot of weight, as if he has gained several decades.

In addition to the necessary recovery, during this time, Ye Han was turning on the time acceleration all the time.

This is not only for Qian Renxue and others, but also a form of cultivation for him.

Tenfold acceleration was like a hurdle that could never be crossed, so Ye Han turned on the time acceleration while studying the time return.

In one year, with the acceleration of Ye Han's time, which is equivalent to the cultivation time of ordinary people in 1989, everyone's cultivation base has experienced a substantial increase.

Even Shui Yue'er, who was the least qualified, reached level one hundred and four with the help of various treasures.

With the growth of her cultivation, the little girl's gaze towards Ye Han was no longer just gratitude, but admiration, worship, and an undisguised affection.

The little girl's eyes were too hot, and Ye Han was not blind, so naturally he couldn't see.

But he could only pretend that he couldn't see it. Now, the few women around him can't take care of it, and there is no need to contaminate other flowers and plants.

As for Qian Renxue, Qing Qian, Qing Xuan, and Qing Wu, the four of them were even more terrifying. They reached level 110 almost every year.

However, it was not them who made the fastest breakthrough, but... Ye Chen.

After merging the godhead of the God of Destruction, Ye Chen's strength was like a blowout. The four fastest cultivators had just reached level 110, and he reached level 115.

Don't underestimate the difference between these five levels, if it really fights, Ye Chen is enough to hang the four girls.

Time flies, like a white horse passing by.

Silently, another two years passed by quietly.

Today's people, Shui Yue'er, who has the weakest cultivation base, is about to reach level one hundred and ten.

The more you practice, the more you can reflect a person's aptitude and talent.

Ye Chen doesn't count, he has already reached the 130th level with the integration of the godhead, the realm of great perfection at the peak of the first-level god.

Among the crowd, the one with the best talent is... Snow Emperor.

As a special lifeform that was naturally raised, the Snow Emperor had an amazing talent. After only 30 years, he actually reached the one hundred and twenty-seventh level of cultivation, and opened up his own kingdom of gods.

The second is Qian Renxue. Although her cultivation level has reached the 127th level, the kingdom of God as a god-level powerhouse has never been established. Therefore, compared to the Snow Emperor, it is a little worse after all.

Qingqian, Qingxuan, and Qingwu, the three sisters are actually no less talented than anyone else, but after all, they are too young and protected so well that they lack experience, so they were pulled away by the first two, but The cultivation base has also reached the one hundred and twenty-sixth level.

And then there's Posey.

Being able to become the High Priest of Seagod Island, naturally, Bo Saixi's talent need not be said much, and now he is already a god-level powerhouse of level 125.

They were followed by Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, Hu Liena, Shui Bing'er, Ning Rongrong, Ye Lingling, six others.

The talents of these six people are similar. The first four have already reached level 120, which is considered to be the stage of completion of the second-level gods. They may break through at any time, enter another new world, and see a wider sky.

On the other hand, Ning Rongrong and Ye Lengleng were only limited by the direction of development, so their cultivation speed was relatively slow, but they also reached level 118.

In the end, it was Arou Shuiyue'er and Bai Jingjing.

A Rou can grow to the point of a 100,000-year-old soul beast, whether it is aptitude or potential, it should not be limited to this.

However, after all, her body was broken and she died once.

Although it has been rescued now, once something is lost, it is not so easy to find it again.

What's more, her Dao bones have been lost, and her aptitude has been greatly weakened, which is normal.

Fortunately, with Ye Han's unremitting help, her talent and aptitude still surpassed that of most ordinary people.

As for Bai Jingjing, it is naturally an ancient ice crystal tree. Two years ago, Ye Han's internal space finally completely recovered, and he fulfilled his promise to reshape the body for the ice crystal ancient tree.

Her strength is the weakest, after all, the training time is too short, but even so, she has reached the level of the ninety-ninth level Limit Douluo.

Up to now, two soul beasts have sacrificed to Ye Han, one is Bai Ling, and the other is Bai Jingjing, an ancient ice crystal tree.

It is a pity that the Snow Emperor crossed the tribulation that year, and was finally surrounded and killed by the gods. Bai Ling died in that battle.

As for Gu Yuena, Emerald Swan Biji, and Hell Demon Dragon King Ziji.

The aptitude and potential of these existences are hard to say, because their improvement is too dependent on blood, although the improvement is relatively rapid.

And Brigitte has surpassed a million years of cultivation, relying on her own ability to survive the catastrophe, and now she has become a super powerhouse equivalent to one hundred and twenty.

However, if there are no accidents, her future will end here.

Just like Gu Yuena back then, if it wasn't for the power of the Golden Dragon King, she would not have been able to become a god-king-level powerhouse in her entire life.

But even now that she incorporates the power of the Golden Dragon King, it is difficult for her to surpass the former Dragon God.

If you want to continue to improve, you must work **** your own blood, and constantly transform to break the limit, but it is difficult.

The reason why the Demon Dragon King of Hell appeared here was called by Gu Yuena. As for the reason, only Gu Yuena herself knew.

Although Zi Ji's strength is slightly weaker than Bigi, but in a fight, I am afraid that the two Bigi will not be her opponents. After all, one is a nurse-type soul beast, and the other is a battle-type soul beast.

The mysterious golden light filled the air. This was a world between fantasy and reality. This was Ye Han's immortal kingdom of God.

Every grass and tree here is blooming with splendid rays of light, which is the product of the interweaving of rules and Taoist patterns.

The mountains, rivers and trees, the sun, the moon and the stars are all engraved with his Tao and Dharma.

The glow of the sun shines forever, blooming with dazzling brilliance, making everything appear hazy and incomprehensible. Here, it is not felt by the outside world and is completely isolated from the real world.

One after another, powerful figures sat cross-legged in it, each with a myriad of manners and unparalleled grace. Any one of them went out with a peerless presence, but at this moment, they all gathered here, sitting cross-legged around a man.

All of these people have one thing in common, and that is holiness.

The splendid golden light shone, shining on the beautiful and touching peerless beauty, and covering them with a layer of sacred and inviolable majesty and luxury, they looked so solemn.

I don't know how long it took, the eternal bright golden glow shone slightly, and a sigh sounded like it came from ancient time and space, resounding in this country.

Reversing time and space, he failed again.

To be precise, it's not a failure, but it's not being able to achieve what you want.

He wants to go back to ten or twenty years ago, but unfortunately, the power of time is far from what he can achieve now. After exhausting everything, he can only turn around the pitiful three days.

As his eyes opened, a dazzling light streaked across the sky, and the splendid golden world instantly disintegrated and disappeared completely.

"How are you?" A concerned voice sounded.

At the same time, Ye Han felt that everyone's eyes were on him.

"No problem!"

Ye Han waved his hand and smiled at the Snow Emperor.

"Don't worry about me, you all go out for a walk and force yourselves blindly, which is no different from cultivation. Go." Ye Han said to everyone's concerned eyes.

"You're already strong do you still fight like this?"

Everyone left, only Gu Yuena dawdled and stayed. She looked at Ye Han, her purple eyes full of puzzlement.

"Strong? Haha!"

Ye Han smiled slightly, but the smile was a bit bitter.

But he didn't tell Gu Yuena the reason, doing that would only make one more person unhappy, and would not solve any real problems.

"Go! Go out for a spin, maybe it will help you in your follow-up practice." Ye Han said.

"Don't go."

Gu Yuena shook her head, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and finally leaned lightly on Ye Han's thigh, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

Ye Han was helpless, reached out and touched Gu Yuena's smooth and shiny silver-white hair, his eyes closed quietly, and he began to recover his lost energy.

(End of this chapter)

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