From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 180: : the cruel truth

Chapter 181 The Cruel Truth

The moon is in the sky.

In the extreme north, the sun is basically invisible throughout the year, and the lighting time is very short.

But the bright moon and the dazzling aurora appear frequently.

Tonight, the wind is calm, and the full moon is in the sky.

On the windowsill, two immortal grasses swayed gently, with flowery branches, emitting a little fluorescence, beautiful and noble, just like the moon in the sky.

But no matter how beautiful the fairy grass is, it is not half as beautiful as the beautiful woman in her arms.

Gu Yuena's purple eyes are full of confusion, like two clear springs swaying with layers of ripples, making one's heart tremble, her skin as white as jade is now covered with a faint blush, I feel pity, and it makes people salivate.

Ye Han skillfully took and robbed him, up and down his hands.

Gu Yuena's senseless resistance only lasted for a moment, and she fell completely.

Just when Ye Han attacked the city and swept the land, he finally encountered real resistance.

He was pushed away.

call! ~

Ye Han let out a long breath, and his eyes quickly returned to clarity.

He looked at Gu Yuena who was in a hurry to organize his clothes, and quickly sorted his thoughts, and said, "Like is just a feeling, but love is unreserved. I want to give everything about myself to the other party. Do you understand now?"

After making a nonsense sentence that he didn't even understand, Ye Han ran away.

I just figured out how to deal with it, but now I have completely forgotten about it.

Gu Yuena is very charming, Ye Han is afraid that if he continues to stay, he will not be able to hold on, and he will do something that people and gods are angry with.

"Love is unreserved, wanting to give everything to the other, is that so? But, I, I have already given everything to you!" Gu Yuena said to herself.

From the moment she chose to surrender, everything she had belonged to him, otherwise she wouldn't have said the words that Ye Han could only ride alone in the future.

Unfortunately, Ye Han didn't understand what Gu Yuena's surrender meant.

At this moment, Gu Yuena felt deeply regretful and looked at her hands with some hatred. Why did she suddenly push Ye Han away just now?

If he hadn't pushed him away, would he fall in love with him now?

The answer is guesswork.

love for sure


Ye Han returned to his room.

Bo Saixi was still hiding under the quilt, twitching and twitching, obviously crying.

Po Saixi's character has always been conservative, otherwise she wouldn't wrap herself in a wide red robe all day.

To be able to make a three-person trip, it was Ye Han who tried his best to persuade him, and with the help of Xuedi, they persuaded them together for a long time, and then they barely made sense.

Who knows, Gu Yuena directly broke through the most private matter between husband and wife today, making her completely shameless.

When Xue Di saw Ye Han, he couldn't help but spread out his palm and made a gesture of helplessness.

She persuaded, but to no avail.

Ye Han scratched his head, feeling a headache, and went forward to persuade him for a while to no avail.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he forcibly lifted the quilt and got in.

After a while, the long quilt held up by the two of them swayed back and forth.


Xue Di pouted, listening to the suppressed voice in his ear, he couldn't help but be speechless, it was really... boring.

Regarding Bo Saixi's character, Ye Han told her when he asked Xue Di to help him persuade Bo Saixi to go with the three of them. Now, it seems that Ye Han is really accurate.

Bo Saixi is introverted, but also likes new things. He is very curious, but he is not good at expressing it. Everything is buried in his heart.

As long as you get a good grasp of a person's character, no matter how much resentment and misunderstanding there is, it's easy to coax.

As the saying goes, husbands and wives quarrel at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed, not to mention that Bo Saixi is just shy, and there is not much resentment and misunderstanding.

Two days later, the shyness in my heart naturally dissipated with the wind.

"How is it? Is it better? Do you want me to catch her and beat her up? It's really not good. I secretly set up a formation in her room, and you look at her when she takes a bath. draw."

Ye Han hugged from left to right, with a contented expression on his face, lying there, making bad ideas, in exchange for Bo Saixi's eyes.

"I'm afraid you want to see it." Xue Di said, leaning on the other side of Ye Han.

"How is that possible? Am I that kind of person?" Ye Han retorted.

"You can be more confident and remove the word "?" Xue Di smiled and said, "I don't know who it is? I was a little scorpion back then, and it secretly came to see me and Bing'er taking a bath?"


Ye Han was embarrassed.

But it was only for a moment, and he became righteous and said, "I'm here obviously, and I'm looking at my daughter-in-law, so how can it be called a peek?"

Emperor Xue glanced at Ye Han, and suddenly his expression became a little low, and said, "Xiao Han, I miss Bing'er, the former Bing'er."

Ye Han's expression froze slightly, and the arm holding the Snow Emperor suddenly tightened. Everything was an instinctive reaction. Although he recovered quickly, he was still noticed by the Snow Emperor.

Xue Di was born to be nurtured, has a clear mind, Bingxue is smart, and has a keen sense of perception, coupled with her understanding of Ye Han.

It was rare that Ye Han had kept her a secret for so long without revealing any clues.

But now, Snow Emperor still noticed the abnormality.

She had been subconsciously ignored by her before, and all the doubts that she didn't dare to think about suddenly surfaced in her mind.

"Yeah! I miss Bing'er too, come on, let's see what she's doing first?" Ye Han said with a normal expression.

After he finished speaking, he flicked his finger lightly, a stream of light shot out, and then formed a water-like screen in front of the three of them.

"Carrots, yellow radishes, red radishes, purple-hearted radishes, green radishes, choose whichever you want to eat." In the picture, two figures, one large and one small, are standing in front of a pile of radishes talking and laughing.

The picture is very warm, but there is a cold air in Ye Han's heart.

In the picture, a woman is wearing a long green dress, with long dark green hair, her skin is like jade, and there is a faint flow of green light. Her temperament was originally cold, glamorous and mysterious.

But at this time, her frown and smile were all full of tenderness.

"Xiao, Xiaoxue and the others are back."

His eyes flashed slightly, and the picture in front of him disappeared instantly. Ye Han let go of the two women, quickly put on his clothes, and fled.

"Xiao Han is this?"

Bo Saixi looked puzzled and looked at the Snow Emperor.


Xue Di shook his head and smiled, but his smile was a bit miserable.

Everything is clear.

Bing'er's resurrection was just an illusion, Ye Han found a pure soul from nowhere, and transformed her into Bing'er's appearance.

No wonder he used to help Binger take a He always shied away.

No wonder he was so honest when the three of them slept together before.

No wonder Bibi Dong used herself and Bing'er as shields, but it didn't work out.

It turns out that she... is not Binger at all.

"Xiaohan, Xiaohan, you are really not a thing, why do you want to give me hope and then extinguish it?" Xue Di had a miserable smile on his face, his energy was broken, and he almost fainted.

"Sister, are you really okay?"

Po Saisi grabbed Snow Emperor's icy little hand and said worriedly.

Xue Di shook his head gently, and left the room with Bo Saixi.

PS; Thank you eldest brother, Eagle Finger Loose People, Dao Huizun, and the monthly tickets of the two eldest brothers! Thank you brother for your support!

In addition, it's the beginning of the month, brothers who have tickets, please send one for one, thank you?

(End of this chapter)

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