From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 179: : like not love

"Starting Novel from Douluo Marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow( Find the latest chapter!

Ye Han is very narcissistic, quite narcissistic, very narcissistic.

At this moment, he seemed to hear countless compliments coming towards him.

However, there is a saying that ideals are full and reality is very skinny.

"I like your cruelty, I like your violence, I like your ruthlessness, I like your strength, I like your ruthlessness, I like..." Gu Yuena said.

As she spoke, her eyes gradually became slack, with worship, admiration, and a hint of palpitation and fear.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Ye Han's face turned cloudy and cloudy in an instant, so he quickly stopped it.

"Is the one you like me?"

He was speechless, speechless, speechless.

"Are all soul beasts like this? Like abnormal violent madness?" Ye Han thought to himself.

Immediately afterwards, he thought of the Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor, their aesthetics were normal!

Then he thought of the novel he had read before, what was the Silver Dragon King like in that?

She looks like a very cute little girl...


No, that doesn't seem to be the Silver Dragon King either.

Maybe the Silver Dragon King who didn't transform into a human really likes violent ones?

"Uh! Did I say something wrong?"

Gu Yuena looked at Ye Han cautiously, her heart thumping wildly.

"Phew! I'll give you another chance, think about it, what exactly do you like about me?" Ye Han took a deep breath.

No matter what Gu Yuena likes, he still wants to listen to something nice, otherwise, he feels that he won't want to slow down for a while in the future.

Sad! ! !

"Well, okay, although you are shameless, you have a thick skin. Although you are lustful, you... um, did I say something wrong again?" Gu Yuena looked at Ye Han timidly with purple eyes.

"I'll give you one last chance."

Ye Han suppressed the urge to hit someone, looked at Gu Yuena, and gritted his teeth.

"You are like the sun, illuminating the world with yourself, spreading great love all over the world, warming the world, bringing vitality to the world, you are the moon, although cold, but bright, you are a candle, great love is selfless I love you, Ye Han..." Gu Yuena was as impassioned as she was reciting poetry.

Ye Han looked a little embarrassed, but he didn't mean to stop it at all. Instead, his eyes were full of encouragement. Don't stop, keep trying, and motioned Gu Yuena to continue.

"You are the light..."

"You are electric..."

"You are beautiful myth..."

"Why is this still being sung?" Ye Han wondered, but he still didn't stop it.

A trace of despair flashed in Gu Yuena's eyes.

She regretted it a little, what did she like about it?

But love is like a tornado...

Like is like, no regrets, she can't stop her heart.

When she can't see him, she misses him.

When she saw him, she would observe him silently, when he frowned, she would be worried, and when he smiled, she would also laugh along...

Read what he thinks, think what he thinks, worry about what he worries, and if you don't see him for a day, it's like every three autumns!

Gu Yuena has a resolute character, and since she said it this time, she will no longer hide it.

Biting her lip, Gu Yuena's expression changed, and she said, "Did your strength conquer me? Your strength made me surrender and make me revere. As a soul beast, I respect the strong, although you are sometimes shameless. , but sometimes very gentle, although you are a bastard, you are not unreasonable, although ruthless, but full of emotion, I love you, is it wrong?"

The expression on Ye Han's face slowly subsided, looked at Gu Yuena, and said, "Although I am confident, I am not arrogant. You are conquered by my strength. If one day, you meet someone stronger than me... …”

"Enough, Ye Han, I'm the silver dragon king, not the lecherous dragon king. You can reject me, but you can't insult me." Gu Yuena suddenly became irritable and glared at Ye Han.


Realizing that he had said something wrong, Ye Han resolutely shut his mouth, and then said, "I'm sorry, I forgot, soul beasts worship the strong, but some soul beasts even respect the feelings that last until death."

After apologizing, after realizing that Gu Yuena's face had slightly improved, Ye Han's body flashed and he ran away.

The most difficult to accept the beauty of grace!

The feeling of being confessed by a beauty is very refreshing, but it is followed by endless trouble.

You can play, but if you are serious, you will lose.

Run after teasing, although it is scum, but it is very cool.

"Hey! Wife, I'm back."

Ye Han chuckled and threw the Snow Emperor directly onto the bed.

Then, he picked up Po Saixi's hot body and took three or two steps to the side of the bed and pressed it.

"Alas! Why do you always look so anxious."

Bo Saixi's glamorous cheeks were dazzling. After Ye Han went straight to the subject, he couldn't help but let out a sigh, full of helplessness.

"Hey, who made my wife look so beautiful and attractive?"

Ye Han chuckled lightly and lowered his head to taste the red lips in front of him.

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

"Ye Han, you haven't answered yet... Answer, I, yet."

Gu Yuena actually chased after him at this time.

In an instant, the three of them stared at each other with big eyes. Then, Bo Saixi pushed Ye Han away and wrapped himself tightly with the quilt, so scared that he didn't dare to show his head.

"have to!"

The corner of Ye Han's mouth twitched, knowing that his happy life might be gone for a long time.

"Xue'er, help me coax Xixi."

After giving Xuedi a wink, Ye Han dodged and pulled Gu Yuena, who was stupid, and returned to her room in an instant.

"You, what do you want?"

Ye Han looked at the peerless beauty in front of him, a little helpless.

"I, I like you, will you marry me?" Gu Yuena asked.

Taking a quick glance, she quickly lowered her head and did not dare to look at Ye Han, but she could see that her ears were dyed with a red glow at the moment.

Gu Yuena's reaction made Ye Han stunned for a while, and he couldn't help but glance down at himself, his face was embarrassed and slightly embarrassed.

After all, holding a banner and running to a girl's room naked, such a move is really not good-looking. Even with the thickness of Ye Han's face, he feels a little burnt on his face.

He quickly took out his clothes and put them on, Ye Han looked at Gu Yuena, thought for a moment, and said, "To be honest, I also like you a little bit, after all, you are so beautiful, and if you think you are of the opposite sex, normal men would like it, but In general, it's more possessive than liking, you know?"

Gu Yuena frowned slightly, her clear purple eyes flashed a hint of confusion, revealing a bit of a cute, silly feeling, making people want to hold her in her arms and cherish her.

"Are you trying to say that you don't like me?" Gu Yuena asked.

"No, I like you, but liking is not love." Ye Han said.

"Like and love, what's the difference between the two?"

Gu Yuena's skin was fair, and her pretty face was unparalleled, and she was full of doubts at this time.

Gu Yuena, who inherited the wise side of the Dragon God, is not an idiot, but no one can explain love and love clearly, and even God may not be able to explain it clearly.

Ye Han was a little speechless, looking at the other party's confused eyes, he didn't know how to answer for a while.

After thinking for a while, Ye Han held up Gu Yuena's head and kissed the alluring red lips directly.

The pupils in Gu Yuena's purple eyes suddenly dilated, and her body was instantly tense. She wanted to push Ye Han away, but her body didn't listen to the command. It was like a dead computer, completely frozen.

"No? Is this woman really in love with me?"

Ye Han was ready for Gu Yuena to resist a and he was ready to stop immediately.

However, it took three or four seconds for the two of them to touch their lips, but instead of resisting, Gu Yuena slowly closed her eyes.

Such a **** beauty who is all over the country closed her eyes and put on a look like Ren Jun, who can control it?

A normal man, no one can handle it.

What's more, it was Ye Han who was disturbed just now.

Seizing the city and plundering the land is like a bandit entering a village, stealing and looting all the way. No matter how old Gu Yuena is, no matter what her identity is, she is only a little girl without personnel, how can she withstand such provocation.

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