"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!


It's just two simple words, and it doesn't seem to be so difficult to explain.

"Dad, you, why are you so powerful? Can you teach me." For the sake of technology, the little girl directly abandoned her two sisters and rebelled instantly.

This father made Ye Han's heart melt, especially the little girl's adoring eyes, which made Ye Han feel that he killed the God of Destruction, and he was not as comfortable as he is now.

A sense of pride arises spontaneously!

"That is!"

Ye Han was arrogant, not modest, and had a proud look on his face. After that, she felt that she should set an example for her children, so she restrained slightly, reached out and touched the little girl's head, and said, "That thing you made It's too simple, and the sound transmission distance is limited, I'm afraid it can only be used in this city? I'll teach you a better one."

Then, Ye Han explained the principle of the wired telephone.

"You mean, as long as there is a telephone line, the sound from here can spread regardless of the distance?" Qing Wu said excitedly.

"Almost! At least covering the entire Douluo Star is no problem." Ye Han said.

Later, he also spoke out about the idea of ​​a wireless phone.

They are all things that rely on sound to spread, and the little girl quickly understands by making inferences.

Bibi Dong looked at Ye Han with a faint gaze, and suddenly realized that she was still looking for a research institute, grabbing some information, and tying the guy and his daughter back, everything was wrong.

Well, not right.

I can't seem to beat this bastard?

What to do?

Online wait, urgent!

"Qingqian, Qingxuan, don't make mechas for the two of you. Come on, I'll teach you how to make planes." Ye Han looked at the other two daughters and said.


what is it?

A flying machine?

There are question marks on everyone's head.

Ye Han repeated his old tricks, but this time he melted a mecha.

Compared to just now, this time, he spent a lot more time.

It took him an hour to complete all the formations. Then, a fighter jet full of metal texture and about 20 meters long appeared in front of everyone.

"Come on, I'll take you up there to experience it." Ye Han stretched out his palm and invited Po Saixi.

Glancing at the few people around, Po Saixi's cheeks were flushed and a little shy.

The three daughters were still by his side, but Ye Han invited her alone. While shy in his heart, he was more sweet.

Holding hands, Ye Han helped Bo Saixi onto the fighter plane, seated her in the front seat, and instructed her not to use her soul power.

Then Ye Han took the back seat and slowly poured his soul power into the energy-gathering formation. After filling the formation with energy, Ye Han taught Bo Saixi how to use his spiritual power to control these formations.

The opened hatch slowly closed, and the airtight cabin was plunged into darkness, but it was eerily able to see outside.

There is no high-tech glass, so the light cannot penetrate, and the inside can see the outside, which is completely the function of the formation.

The fighter plane swayed and took off under the control of Bo Saixi, and then directly smashed the warehouse of the three daughters, soaring up to 90,000 miles, and made difficult moves one by one in the clear sky.

On the ground, there were three little animals, their eyes glowing with excitement.

In Douluo Continent, only the titled Douluo could fly, but Ye Han's plane broke the norm.

"Learn to build airplanes anyway."

This is the common aspiration of the three sisters, Qing Qian, Qing Xuan and Qing Wu.

But Bibi Dong looked at the plane taking off in the air, but there was a flash of anger in her eyes.

You bastard, I was called a baby at that time, and when I have something good, I think of others.

Bibi Dong clenched her teeth tightly, and a jealousy rose in her heart that she didn't even notice.

Ye Han invited Bo Saixi, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

The fighter plane's energy was exhausted, and Bo Saixi's face was flushed with excitement. He walked out of the open hatch and looked at the fighter plane, obviously still not satisfied.

In this way, without using soul power, like an ordinary person, driving a Big Mac and galloping through the sky is so cool.

Ye Han looked amused, patted her on the shoulder, and said indulgently, "I'll get you a better one another day, this thing can only be regarded as a toy today."

"Yeah! This is what you said, I take it seriously!" Bo Saixi said with shining eyes.

Ye Han nodded.

Then he called his three daughters and Bibi Dong to him, and introduced them to the essentials of operation one by one, and then asked them to take a test drive in pairs.

The four of them are all extremely talented people, and the speed of learning is naturally not to be said.

Soon, the fighter planes rose and fell, soaring in the sky.

Before long, the fighter jet smoked and crashed directly.

"what happened."

Bibi Dong brought Qing Wu back to Ye Han and said angrily.

"The material is not good, do you keep adding energy to it and want to fly for a while." Ye Han said.

Hearing this, Bibi Dong's beautiful cheeks flushed slightly.

In Ye Han's words, she has indeed been charging the fighter.

"Don't move, there's ashes on your face."

Ye Han stepped forward with a stern tone and gentle movements to help Bibi Dong wipe the dust off his face.

At this moment, Bibi Dong felt uncomfortable because everyone's eyes were on her.

"This **** knows how to bully me!" Bibi Dong cursed in her heart.

But for some reason, the anger that I had just held back suddenly dissipated.

She suddenly felt refreshed.

The three girls glanced, then looked back at Po Saisi.

Today, they are no longer the little brats who were new at the beginning of the year and knew nothing. After so many years of experience, their knowledge has already surpassed ordinary people.

At this time, there was no way to see the relationship between Bibi Dong and Ye Han, which made the three girls feel very uncomfortable.

What an excellent person my mother is, she would marry a man with another woman.

Although the three girls said nothing, they buried a hostile heart against men.

Men don't have a good thing, including dad.

"The world of adults is very complicated. Don't think too much. Mom doesn't feel wronged. He is your father, you know?" Bo Saixi said to his three daughters.

She was worried that her daughter's relationship with Ye Han would deteriorate because of this, so she hurriedly explained.

Known daughter Mo Ruomu, she brought up the three daughters, how could she not know the thoughts of the three daughters.

And what she said was the truth. Before falling in love with Ye Han, Ye Han was already married. Bo Saixi knew this, and Bibi Dong was the one who pushed Ye Han into her arms...

Thinking like this, Bo Saixifei didn't feel wronged, but was a little complacent. How many people in this world can't love, but she can get her wish, isn't it a kind of luck.

Ye Han turned his head and looked at Po Saixi, with a smile and pity that could not be concealed in his eyes.

With a wife like this, what can a husband ask for?

There is Snow Emperor, Ice Emperor, Bo Saixi, and Qianren Xue, this life is enough.

Ye Han's mind was suddenly enlightened. He had four confidantes. What else could he be unsatisfied with? Everything in the future would be fine.

Whether it's Bibi Dong beside him, Tang Yuehua who is far away, or Xiao Wu in name only, there are only two words, difficult and troublesome!

Think about it, sometimes, salted fish life is also very good!

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!~"

The three daughters are very well-behaved, know the general principles, and understand the etiquette. They did not disappoint their mother or make Ye Han difficult. They stepped forward and called Dad.

"Good good!~"

Ye Han's face blossomed with a smile. Seeing the three slim daughters, he felt that his life was not in vain.

Then ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ he gave all the artifact refining methods he had acquired in the world of immortals to his three daughters.

Looking at the happy picture of the family, Bibi Dong bit her red lips and quietly retreated.

"Don't be sad, the conception rate of your humans is much higher than ours. I believe it will not take long for you to give birth to a child for him."

The Snow Emperor appeared quietly with the Ice Emperor, looking at the lonely figure in a state of despair, he couldn't help but express his relief.

"You, don't talk nonsense, who's sad, and I hate children, I can't give birth to him in this lifetime." Bibi Dong was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, her tone was excited, and she hurriedly defended.

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