From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 154: : Actually, I'm your father

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!


What an affectionate title!

But to the three girls, it was so unfamiliar.

Dad, to the three girls, is just an empty and boring title.

They have never had this person in their lives. The only time they longed for a father was when they met that person twelve years ago.

Unfortunately, that person is not their father.

Now, suddenly hearing from their mother that their daddy is here, the three girls are not happy, but... flustered.

They don't know how to deal with that stranger.

"Aren't you going out yet?"

The Snow Emperor transmitted his voice, pulled the Ice Emperor to his side, and pushed Ye Han.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Han looked at Emperor Xue, feeling extremely guilty.

The two who wanted to give birth to him the most were never able to get pregnant, and a woman who had only been with him a few times gave him three children. Is it really ruthless?

"When the matter here is resolved, I will definitely let you get pregnant." Ye Han looked at the Snow Emperor and said firmly.

"Hey! It's not that you want to change the law and bully others."

Xue Di's beautiful cheeks flushed red, and he gave Ye Han a look at Ye Han with all kinds of amorous feelings.

Ye Han smiled and didn't speak, but he was determined in his heart that after returning this time, he must work hard and work hard.

Not afraid of hardships, not afraid of hard work, will be rewarded.

Gently kissing Xue Di's forehead, Ye Han quietly appeared beside Bo Saixi, Qing Qian, Qing Xuan, Qing Wu, and the other four.

"Girl, long time no see."

With a slightly magnetic voice, Ye Han focused the eyes of several people on himself.

"You, big brother!"

The three girls were stunned for a moment, then looked incredulous.

Twelve years later, after we separated, I never expected to see Ye Han in a foreign country.

Then their faces were replaced by surprise.

"Cough, actually, I'm your father." Ye Han said slightly embarrassed.

Back then, several girls wanted to call him dad, but he ruthlessly refused.

Heaven is good for reincarnation, who will Heaven forgive?

Now he has to lick his face and beg the other party to recognize him as a father.

The faces of the three girls froze slightly with excitement, and they stopped abruptly when they were about to step forward. They peeked at each other, then glanced at Po Saixi, then quickly turned their faces away, cut them all together, and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

From Bo Saixi's face, they already knew that Ye Han didn't lie.

But if you ask us to call us, call us, if you don't let us call us, don't we want to lose face?

"Okay, there's nothing wrong here. You take the injured person to treatment. All expenses and damaged items will be counted on our head. In addition, the injured person will be compensated later." Qing Qian said to the people around him. road.

Although the girl looked like she was sixteen or seventeen years old, her spirit power cultivation had reached the ninety-sixth rank, and the other two were in the same state.

In just 12 years, he has risen from the fortieth rank soul sect to the ninety-sixth rank, the super Douluo level. This is not just a word to describe it.

In this Sun Moon Continent, the cultivation base of any of the three is already the strongest in the world, not to mention that they also have three martial arts fusion skills.

Strength determines status, and it also applies to the Sun and Moon Continent.

In the past two years, they have joined the research institute, and their status is detached. Just a word, this riot was immediately quelled.

"Mom, let's go, we will take you to see our research results over the years, which will definitely open your eyes." Qing Wu hugged Bo Saixi's arm and said affectionately.

Bo Saixi turned back, glanced at Ye Han, gave him a helpless look, and asked him to seek more happiness.

Then, with the support of her two daughters, she left here.

Ye Han touched his nose, glanced at Bibi Dong, and said, "Would you like to go together?"

Bibi Dong glanced at him indifferently, and chased after Bo Saixi and the others.

The research results of the three little girls are very attractive to the Queen. If the steam locomotive is brought back to Douluo Continent and promoted to the people, it will win the hearts of the people for her and bring about a huge impact. .

At that time, what people want, He Chou mainland cannot be unified.

However, Her Majesty the Queen seems to have forgotten one thing, that is, the three girls are the daughters of some bastard.

The three girls changed their name to Mom, and it was a matter of course, without the slightest stumbling. After all, they had not called less often in private. Qing Wu looked at Bibi Dong, and then said to Bo Saixi, "Mom, this is..."


Bo Saixi didn't know how to introduce it for a while, and she looked at Ye Han.

"My name is Siniang." Ye Han said.

Bibi Dong staggered under her feet, and she suddenly realized that she seemed to have a good relationship with the name Siniang.

It's only been a few years since she got rid of it, and she has been arranged again.

"Call Auntie!"

Bibi Dong spoke hastily.

"Well! Auntie is good."

"Auntie, are you and my mother friends? I remember that you seem to be the Pope of Wuhun Temple! Why did you come to Sun Moon Continent?..."

The three little girls ignored Ye Han's existence and greeted Bibi Dong, and Qing Wu started chattering.

A series of questions, like a barrage of cannons, were bombarding Bibi Dong, making Her Highness the Queen's head big.

Fortunately, the studio of the three will arrive soon.

Ye Han looked at it and couldn't help but be speechless. Isn't this where they left just now?

Only this time, the three did not go to the forging room, but came to a huge warehouse.

As the heavy iron door slowly opened, a piece of utensils with metallic luster appeared in front of everyone.

The most conspicuous is a huge boiler, which is the core component of a steam locomotive.

In addition, it is the huge mecha.

However, Ye Han did not pay attention to these, but looked at a table in the corner, with a few small black iron bumps placed on the table.

These are the objects that the three girls have just received the message from.

Ye Han stepped forward, picked up a piece, and weighed it in his hand. It felt quite heavy, at least a pound or more.

"Hey, I'm talking about you, don't move around, you won't be able to pay if you break it." Qing Wu shouted.

"Haha, just this thing, I can make a hundred in an instant." Ye Han smiled disdainfully.

"Che, who can't brag, do you know the principle of these things? You can also create a hundred of them in an instant, hehe." Qing Wu sneered, even more disdain than Ye Han.

"Let's make a bet, if I do it, you can call me Dad, how about it." Ye Han said.

"Hehe, what if you can't do it?" Qing Wu said.

These things were researched by the three sisters based on their own sound transmission conch shells.

Even if he knows the principle, the delicate parts in there cannot be made in a short time, let alone a hundred of them can be made in an instant.

"If I can't do it, what do you want me to do, just mention it." Ye Han said.

Hearing this, Po Saixi couldn't help but feel tight.

She was worried that her daughter's request would make Ye Han leave.

"It's very simple, if you can't do it, you will be in the sky above this city and shout three times, I'm a puppy." Qing Wu smiled and said.

To be honest, the three girls didn't have much disgust in their hearts for being called Ye Han's father. The biggest reason why the three didn't want to recognize him was that he didn't admit that the three of his sisters were his daughters back then.

Girls are very vengeful.

"Speaking out."

"Four horses are hard to chase."


The two palms are patted together lightly.

Then Ye Han broke off a large piece of fine iron from the mecha next to him. This unintentional scene shocked the three girls.

These mechas were made by them, and the three of them knew exactly how strong they were.

Even if Soul Douluo wanted to destroy these mechas, it would take a lot of effort, but in Ye Han's hands, it was like dead wood.

call! ~

A flame appeared in Ye Han's The wreckage of the mecha instantly melted, and then under the control of his inextinguishable primordial spirit, it turned into small parts, and in an instant, the red glowing red The parts cool quickly and then fit together with each other.

It was just an instant, no more or no less, a hundred iron lumps appeared in front of Qing Wu's eyes.

"Dad, Daddy!"

Without testing, Qing Wu stammered out the word "Dad".

As an artifact refining master, she could see at a glance that the parts that Ye Han refined were exactly the same as the ones she refined, and when they were assembled together, the effect would not be bad.

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