Spirit world.

The gods were silent.

I don't know how long it took, when a **** spoke, his voice was low, and he said with unconcealed uneasiness, "Are we going to do nothing?"

This sentence speaks the heart of all Gods.

The gods looked at each other, all silent, and the atmosphere was a little depressed.

How many years have passed, since the death of the Dragon God, they have felt the terrifying pressure once again.

In the end, Shura Shinto said, "Do it again."

The Xuanling Clan is not the Snow Maiden, and Ye Han is not the Snow Emperor.

His background is too strong. He just crossed the divine tribulation, and the combat power displayed is the ceiling of the God Realm. Even the Shura God is a little weak now.

But if you don't even dare to try, what's the point of living.

"An alien cannot become a god, especially an alien that cannot be restrained, even if he is a reincarnated being. This is the bottom line of the God Realm, and no one is allowed to touch it." Shura God's cold voice resounded throughout the conference room.


A gap appeared in the God Realm.

Immediately after, a blood-colored light flashed away and rushed towards Douluo Star.

The rest of the gods looked at each other, nodded, and then used their methods to attack Douluo Star.

However, not all gods can do the killing methods across countless galaxies. In the end, there are only less than thirty gods who took action.

Douluo Star, Douluo Continent, Extreme North, Frozen Forest, Core Area.

"Don't worry, they should be here soon. Let's go to the God Realm together later."

Ye Han's white robe covered his body, and he slowly landed. His eyes were soft, and with undisguised pity, he looked at the white-robed figure with flying white hair.

"Well! To deal with them, I'll be with you."

Emperor Xue nodded lightly, came to Ye Han's side, held his broad palm, and stood side by side with him.

"Your body?"

Ye Han looked at the peerless beauty, and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"I've been healed a long time ago, I'm strong too, okay?" Xue Di said.

Ye Han was dumbfounded. It was rare to see Xue Di's charming and innocent side. He couldn't help but reach out and take her into his arms, and kissed her gently on the forehead.

"I'm sorry, I came back late and made you suffer." Ye Han said.

"It's my fault. If it wasn't for me, I'd have to let you go. If I had to be brave, I wouldn't have done this. Bing'er, Bing'er..."

Emperor Xue shook his head and took all the faults on himself. As he spoke, tears fell in his eyes involuntarily.

"It's my fault, you shouldn't say sorry, and don't blame yourself. Didn't I say that Bing'er is okay? She has lost too much mental power, and she is cultivating in my sea of ​​knowledge. After dealing with these gods, I will give her Can she reshape her body and let you meet?" Ye Han said.


Hearing this, Xue Di couldn't help showing disbelief on his face.

"When did I cheat..."

Before he finished speaking, a **** light penetrated the endless void and descended directly over the frozen forest.

"Heterogeneous, disobeying the way of heaven, violating the heart of heaven, self-reliance as a god, contempt of heaven's rules, today, this **** enforces the law on behalf of heaven, and kills without mercy!"

The voice was frightening and shocking, with divine power like a mountain, with an ancient atmosphere of vastness and vicissitudes, pressing directly on Ye Han.

At the same time, pure killing intent condensed into a blood-colored sword, which fell directly from the sky.

Kaka Kaka! ~

The armor was possessed in an instant, and Ye Han pulled the Snow Emperor up into the sky.

"The way of heaven is ruthless, and it regards all things as a dog. How old are you, a thing that has its own emotions and anger, and is also worthy of law enforcement on behalf of the heavens."

Ye Leng smiled, his right hand was empty, and the unparalleled spear instantly condensed.

With a casual stab, the spear has ten thousand strikes.

Dangdang! ~

The blood-colored great sword was broken with a point, and it was directly broken.

The broken sword turned into a large amount of blood evil energy, and the Snow Emperor evolved a Tai Chi gossip diagram in one hand and the sun in one hand, temporarily blocking the erosion of the blood evil energy.

"This is a good move!"

Ye Han glanced at Emperor Xue and couldn't help but praise.

"Of course, if you don't have any means, how can you subdue your stubborn donkey." Xue Di said.

After he finished speaking, he laughed first.

Ye Han also laughed.

Back then, he was really attracted by Xue Di's methods, then his looks, his temperament, and finally his personality.

He who has experienced intrigue, hates intrigue the most, but the Snow Emperor is so pure, like an ice lotus in the extreme north. Although it has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, it has never been stained with dust. A child's heart.

The more he understood, the deeper Ye Han fell, unable to extricate himself, and finally fell in love with her hopelessly.

In an instant, Ye Han restrained his thoughts and looked at the blurred figure holding the seal in his hand, the expression on his face became as cold as ice.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and a blade-like light shot out from his eyes.

"Just trying to kill me with just one incarnation of divine power is too much thought."

Ye Leng smiled and hugged Xue Di's willow waist with one hand.

The long legs wrapped in armor moved in circles, smashing the weapon that Shura God condensed again.

Bang bang bang!

Just as the three blood-colored swords approached, they were shattered by Ye Han's kick.


Ye Leng scolded, his body glowed with white light, and he used the power of space to bring the Snow Emperor directly to the avatar of Shura God's divine power, and greeted the opponent's face with a punch.


Even if it was just an incarnation of divine power, the reaction was not unpleasant. When he couldn't let go, he raised an arm and directly caught Ye Han's fist with one palm.

However, he obviously didn't know how much Ye Han's power was.

The fists and palms met, the palm shattered directly, and then his head was directly pierced by a punch.

Ye Han's arm shook, and a terrifying force was agitated, which directly transformed the half of the body of Shura's divine power into nothingness~www.wuxiamtl.com~ bang!

Emperor Xue waited for the opportunity, and with a kick of his yin leg, he directly split the incarnation of Shura's divine power into two halves from the middle.

Ye Han's pupils shrank slightly, his legs subconsciously clamped, feeling the chill between them.

"Who did you learn this trick from?"

Originally, Ye Han wanted to step on it with his feet, but now he can only open his mouth and turn his fist into a palm.

"Do you still need to learn such a simple move?"

Xue Di glanced at Ye Han very strangely, and then saw the man's action of clamping his legs, he couldn't help laughing, and said, "Don't worry! As long as you don't bully me and Bing'er in the future, I promise not to use this trick. against you."

Ye Han wiped off the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and nodded again and again, making sure that that wouldn't happen.

Gu Yuena stood in front of the Ice Crystal Castle, looking at the sky, talking and laughing, there was no nervousness between the two of them because of the life-and-death fight. She obviously didn't eat anything, but for some reason, she always felt a little stuffed in her stomach.

And a group of high-level beings in the God Realm couldn't help but look strangely. They looked at the Shura God, especially at his crotch, as if they were looking at a disabled person.

God Shura's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. Seeing this group of colleagues, his heart froze, and they all had a kind of self-doubt. He subconsciously reached out and touched it, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


The one who was kicked was the incarnation of divine power, what does it have to do with me, Shura?

God Shura became angry, his eyes swept away, and his murderous gaze finally made a group of gods restrain a lot.

PS: There are more than 300,000 words, and it will be released tomorrow. I don’t know how many people will read it. It will be in another chapter!

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