From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 135: : Recreate the universe

Spirit world!

Divine Realm Committee!

In the discussion hall, silhouettes with auras like abyss peeped at each other.

In the end, all eyes fell on the two of them.

"Asura, Sea God, when did you become so weak?" The God of Destruction said.

As one of the five kings of the gods, he is the only one who dares to make fun of the two big men in front of him at this time.

"Stop laughing at me, think about how to run away! Everyone." God Shura glanced at me and said coldly.

He is not very afraid. After all, it is the ceiling of the world's combat power. It is not so easy to threaten his life.

So, in the face of his colleagues' molesting, he can be unconcerned.

And the one who was almost stabbed to death by a spear was not him, at most it was just the brand of the Great Dao. It would be good to be able to use half of his combat power.

"Sura, what do you mean?" a **** said.

The expressions of the gods under the five gods changed, and they all guessed something, but they couldn't believe it.

"This is a variable. The Tianjipan has early warnings, and Douluo has given birth to a lot of evildoers over the years. Unfortunately, we were careless and didn't detect it as soon as possible, making this variable a climate, but it's not too late. If anyone is worried about the danger, they can leave their inheritance on Douluo Star, on the one hand, they can check and balance the variables, and they can even try to kill him.

Hearing the words, the **** of kindness couldn't help but glance at the man who was the closest to him, and a complex color flashed in his eyes.

Since inheriting the divine position of the **** of evil, his mentality has gradually changed. Influenced by the godhead, the two have contradictory ideas and drift further apart. The two who used to be friends with each other have not spoken for a long time.

"Well! This is indeed a solution." Some gods praised.

"Asura, Sea God, didn't you two have a legacy long ago to stay in Douluo Star? After so many years, why is there no news at all?"

The God of Kindness restrained his emotions, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Shura God and Sea God full of curiosity.

Hearing this, the corner of God Shura's mouth could not help but twitch.

When he mentioned the inheritance he left behind, he wanted to scold his mother.

It was difficult to find a suitable inheritor, but he was swayed by it, and it was directly discarded.

What depresses him the most is that if he doesn't pay attention, even his inheritance will be stolen.

He has been staring at Douluo Continent for the past few years, just looking for his Asura Sword and the missing inheritance place, but unfortunately, he still couldn't find it.

Now, looking at the figure who is fighting with the rules of the Five Great Divine Kings, there is a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"My inheritance, based on the time of Douluo Star, should be more than ten years ago, when a soul beast tried to meddle in my inheritance, but after being kicked away by a wisp of spiritual consciousness I left, I haven't met any other suitable inheritors." Seagod sighed.

He is already thinking about how to reduce the difficulty of inheritance.

At this moment, a panicked voice sounded.

"Damn it, the King of Life is dead. No, no, I'm wrong. It was the incarnation of the God of Life who was shattered by that variable."

The King of Life's eyes were cold, and he glared fiercely at the guy who was shouting that he was dead.

The other party's reaction was also very fast. He instantly realized that his words were wrong, and immediately changed his tune.

Everyone was attracted by his voice and looked at the projection reflected on the heavenly secret disk.

At the feet of Ye Han, the incarnation of the Great Dao of the King of Life is rapidly collapsing.

After killing an assistant, the next step is much easier.

Under the five gods, the three most powerful gods have long been killed.

Ye Han found that after these Dao incarnations were killed, the regular fragments that condensed into the body would disappear immediately, but as long as he was fast enough, he could collect a trace and put it into the kingdom of God created by the immortal primordial spirit. to save in.

After the unexpected harvest, Ye Han was very motivated. In the sound of weapons being handed over, the God of Destruction was the first to be blasted, merged with nothingness, and disappeared without a trace.

With another copy of the rules of heaven and earth in hand, Ye Han was mad and excited.

In his opinion, this is not a catastrophe at all, but a great creation.

Although these rules are not many, they are a seed. Ye Han has the confidence to understand and let them take root and grow into a towering tree.

The unparalleled war spear shattered, Ye Han tore apart the Dao incarnation of the evil **** with his bare hands, and annihilated the law enforcer of the God Realm, the **** Shura, with a pair of iron fists.

In the end, the head of the God of Kindness was also screwed off by him.

As the eight Great Dao incarnations vanished into ashes, a vigorous vitality suddenly manifested, shrouding Ye Han.

"Is there such a benefit?" Ye Han was pleasantly surprised.

Surviving the thunder tribulation and gaining benefits was often seen in novels before, but after all, it was the first time to experience it personally.

Thinking for a moment, Ye Han used the inner world to directly integrate this vitality into it.

Although he was very tired, he did not hesitate.

For him now, restoring the vitality of the world in his body is the top priority. To restore his body, he only needs to rest for a while.

But just when he integrated this vitality into the inner world, an accident happened.

hold head high!

A loud dragon roar sounded.

All the scattered thunderclouds condensed in an instant, turning into a huge dragon with wings spanning a thousand meters, carrying the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and charged directly towards Ye Han.

"Dragon God."

Gu Yuena on the ground looked at the huge figure in the sky with a shocked expression.

The smile on Xue Di's face had long since disappeared, and with a deep worry in his eyes, he looked at the tall figure in the sky.

At this moment, the gods of the God Realm have a look of anticipation in their eyes.

This is the last incarnation of the Great Dao condensed by the thunder tribulation. If they can't kill that special life, they really have to consider running away.

"Made! Why is there another one?"

Ye Han cursed angrily in his heart, then gritted his teeth.

The cells in the chest squirmed, automatically opening a huge blood-colored opening, and then the rich power of time poured out.

Fighting, with his current state, he will definitely not be able to fight, so he can only use consumption tactics to swallow it.


The power of the Dragon God is unmatched, and his aura far exceeds that of any God King.

But When it approached Ye Han, the huge and terrifying body actually shrank a little bit, and finally turned into a miniature dragon the size of a fist, which directly got into Ye Han's heart.

There was not a drop of blood flowing out of the open blood-colored wound. After Shenlong's body was compressed and entered Ye Han's heart, the cells around the terrifying wound quickly squirmed, like a bee, and instantly re-shrouded the heart.

Today's Ye Han's body does not have any weakness, his whole body, including every hair, has the same strength as his body.

The Inextinguishable Primordial Spirit differentiates, controls all cells, and makes those cells act like soldiers who are not afraid of death, consuming the power of the Dragon God.

A violent roar came from Ye Han's chest, which was extremely terrifying. Those who didn't know it thought it was the end of the world!

The necrotic cells turned into mouthfuls of blood and spat out from Ye Han's mouth.

I don't know how long it took, that terrifying roar finally disappeared.

A long-lost smile appeared on Ye Han's face.

In his heart, there is a new world.

In the fierce confrontation, he used the earth, wind, water and fire to fight against the elemental power of the dragon god. The two forces collided, opening up the world, rebuilding the universe, combining the rules and fragments of the five **** kings, and forcibly built a complete world in the mind. .

Although the newly born world is not big, it is full of vitality. The power that permeates quickly nourishes Ye Han's physique, allowing him to recover quickly. Then Ye Han's physique feeds back a special power to it. A delicate balance was formed.

PS: Various requests!

Finally, thank you Donkey Rolling, Tianshanglin, the two eldest brothers for the reward, and the two brothers who sent the monthly pass. Your names are really hard to remember, so I will not write them down. Thank you for your support, thank you!

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