From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 133: : Divine Realm celestial disk

The man is tall, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, slender limbs, and a perfect physique.

He was dressed in a white long gown, his long sky blue hair fluttered in the wind, and his whole body was bathed in the sudden splendid sunshine. His handsome and elegant face was like a god, which made people look in awe and worship him.

"Today, I want to slaughter the gods."

The man muttered to himself in a low voice, but his words were sonorous, like a war spear tearing the sky apart.

The divine catastrophe that was about to be condensed again was smashed again.

Behind him, a woman dressed in white, with long silver-like hair hanging down to her ankles, a beautiful and graceful figure, full of sensuality, quietly looked at the figure in front of her, her purple eyes with an undisguised expression. worship.

No surprise, these two are Ye Han and Gu Yuena.

After in-depth communication, she finally understood how powerful the man in front of her was, and that kind of arrogance was beyond comparison to her.

At this moment, staring at the tall figure in front of her, Gu Yuena's heart trembled, and she did not hide her emotions in the slightest.

She knew very well that from now on, she would never forget the person in front of her.

His powerful strength has completely conquered the arrogant heart of the Silver Dragon King.

This is the world of soul beasts!


The gate of the Ice Crystal Castle slowly opened, and another peerless beauty stepped out.

Her hair is like snow, her person is like jade, she is cold and dignified, and her temperament is dusty.

Those sky blue eyes with ethereal perspective were radiant, looking directly at the tall back in front of them, with undisguised affection and love.

She is the Snow Emperor.

Ye Han turned his head back quietly, as if he had a consonance in his heart.

Looking at each other, the coldness on Ye Han's face was instantly replaced by tenderness.

"That's right, come on, when the thunder calamity is over, I'll take you to slaughter the gods."

Ye Han smiled and stretched out his palm.

Emperor Xue looked seventeen or eighteen years old, with a peerless beauty and splendor.

Seeing her husband's outstretched palm, she smiled sweetly. Her graceful figure was like a dancing butterfly, approaching in an instant, and her two palms were tightly clasped together.


Spirit world!

"What the **** is this time becoming a god?"

"The Tianji Pan is displayed as the Xuanling family."

"Mysterious Spirit Race, I've never heard of it, is there such a race in Douluo Continent?"

"It should be a special life form just like the Snow Girl from a few months ago."

"No matter what race it is, aliens cannot become gods."

"Sura, what do you mean by that?"

"Literally, Raging Flame, don't forget your own identity, and don't think that if you become a god, you are really qualified to negotiate with us. Aliens cannot become gods.

"Sura, what you said is serious."

"Don't be arguing, activate the Tianji disk, increase the power of the thunder tribulation, and directly annihilate the alien. It's the same as the Snow Girl from the last time. In the end, we have to do it ourselves."





In this way, the **** of kindness, one of the five god-kings, was put aside, and no one asked her for advice.

Obviously, the God Realm is not a monolith.

Together, the gods squeezed out a dharma seal and penetrated into the void of the gods.

Immediately afterwards, a huge spherical object that was between the virtual and the real, exuding a mysterious golden light, surrounded by a ring, slowly rotating appeared.

This is the "Sky Machine".

Through its operation, it can probe into thousands of worlds, influence the operation of the rules of a world, and determine the rise and fall of a world.

However, it is not so easy to mobilize it. You must obtain the approval of more than 80% of the real gods in the realm of the gods.

Obviously, now they have met the requirements.

Through the celestial board, they saw the creatures that were transcending the calamity below.

At this moment, all the gods changed color.

"Impossible, isn't that creature dead?"

They saw the peerless figure standing hand in hand with that man. At this moment, even the five **** kings couldn't keep their expressions calm.

On that day, some of them personally took action, so they couldn't kill that alien?

"Since you're still alive, let's kill again." Shura Shinto.

As the law enforcer of the God Realm who controls the killing, the Shura God is not only powerful and powerful, but also has the highest killing intention in the entire God Realm, no one can surpass him.




A series of killing sounds came out.

An area of ​​the slowly rotating Tianji disk was covered in blood...

Frozen Forest!

The dark clouds shrouded the sky again, and the dazzling thunders shuttled through it like dragons, bringing terrifying pressure.

A man and a woman stand hand in hand. The man is handsome, handsome, elegant, and sunny, while the woman is unparalleled in elegance, with a cold temperament, like a proud snow and a cold plum, pure and clean.

Not far behind the two of them, the alluring woman, also dressed in white, looked at the man with complex eyes, reverence in her eyes, and a trace of affection that she hadn't even noticed herself.

The three of them are Ye Han, Xue Di and Gu Yuena.

Ye Han slowly closed his eyes and felt himself.

His spiritual power has transcended the mundane, and under the guidance of the Taixuan Sutra, he has evolved into a unique inextinguishable primordial spirit in this world, successfully attracting a divine calamity. This is a super transformation.

He used his Yuanshen to open up the kingdom of God, and his Yuanshen became a god. At this moment, under the guidance of the Taixuan Jing again, the powerful Yuanshen began to temper his physique in all directions.

The ding ding ding sound was crisp and pleasant, like hundreds of millions of skilled craftsmen polishing a piece of fine art, tempering the cells one by one. The sound slowly diffused with a rhythm.

When Emperor Xue heard the sound, he seemed to realize something, and slowly closed his eyes.

Immediately, Gu Yuena did the same.


The first thunder calamity fell, and Ye Han swung out his palm, easily shattering it.

This scene made a group of bigwigs in the God Realm look sideways, knowing that although the current thunder tribulation is only the first, but with their intervention, it is equivalent to the third wave that other aliens want to save, but it makes this special life easy. cracked.


The second thunder calamity fell, and a force poured out of Ye Han's hands, separating the Snow Emperor from his own palm, and then resisting the thunder calamity with his strength.

Thunder represents destruction, but the end of destruction also means new life.

With the help of the Silver Dragon King, Ye Han has an extraordinary understanding of destruction and Now he will try to capture the ray of vitality in the thunder, hoping to revive the dead small world in the body.

Boom! ~

The sound of thunder was deafening, falling one after another.

However, there was a trace of disappointment in Ye Han's eyes.

The power of these thunderbolts is too small and their destructive ability is limited, and they are not enough to reach the extreme, let alone contain vitality.

The gods of the God Realm didn't know what Ye Han was thinking, otherwise he might vomit blood.

The first wave of thunder tribulation disappeared, and even Ye Han's clothes were not shattered.

The second wave, the third wave...

the gods...

"Directly use the highest authority, human intervention, and start the strongest thunder tribulation." Shura God said in a cold voice.

The gods were shocked, but they didn't expect to use the highest authority as soon as they came up.

"What if you still can't kill it?" Several gods thought of this involuntarily.

Then he quickly shook his head, feeling that this kind of thing was impossible.

It is not once or twice that the God Realm rules thousands of worlds, changing the rules, and changing the thunder tribulation, but it has never been a miss.

The last time, that is, the speed of Bingtianxue's tribulation was too fast, and the lightning tribulation was scattered with one move, so that many gods had to take action themselves, but she was deceived and escaped.

If given a certain amount of time, let the gods of the gods change the rules of heaven and earth, trigger thunder tribulation, and replace the criminal law, Bingtianxuenu will definitely not be able to escape, and has already fallen.

God may miss, but the Great Way of Heaven and Earth will not.

Dao's ruthlessness is not just a talk.

And the strength and talent that Ye Han showed was enough for the gods to pay attention to, and he did not hesitate to use the highest authority once.

PS: Brothers, can you give me something?

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