From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 132: : 1 person to 1 family

The snow-capped fields are vast and boundless.

The wind and snow whistled, but it couldn't hide the whispering of the lovers.

It's not some greasy love words, it's not a joke to tease each other, and it's not a lingering kiss, but a **** and tearful sound of killing.

Xuedi's voice was cold, and she, who had never eaten human fireworks, could not help but bring on a cold murderous aura when she told the events of a few months ago.

"You recover first, and when you're almost recovered, I'll take you to kill God!"

Ye Han had a bright smile that was harmless to humans and animals, but the words he spoke were horrifying.

Seeing Ye Han's serious expression, Emperor Xue couldn't help but smile sweetly, nodded, and said, "Okay!"

She had absolute trust in her own man, but in the end, only one person was frightened.


The coward turned out to be me.

Gu Yuena shook her head, feeling that if the two people in front of her were not crazy, then she must be crazy.

Ye Han waved his hand.

Between the rumblings, an ice crystal castle rose from the ground. It was exactly the same as the previous one, but it lacked feelings, and it lacked a hostess and warmly arranged furniture.

Today, there is only an empty shell of the Ice Crystal Castle, and it is no longer the home it used to be.

After setting up a barrier, Ye Han walked out of the door.

Xuan Bing's door slowly closed, and the smile on Ye Han's face disappeared little by little.

A moment ago, the eyes that were warm as spring instantly became colder than that Wannian Xuanbing.

As soon as she met that gaze, Gu Yuena felt a tingling pain in her eyeballs and lowered her head involuntarily, revealing the unique surrender attitude of the soul beast clan.

"come over."

Ye Han said.

Gu Yuena's body trembled slightly, she didn't dare to be slighted, her slender legs moved in a graceful manner, and she came to Ye Han's side.

Her head was lowered and she looked like an ostrich, which was the complete opposite of her arrogance in the past. At this time, she didn't dare to look at Ye Han's expression.

Ye Han stretched out his hand and lifted Gu Yuena's chin, the fierce and violent aura in his eyes subsided slightly, and stared at the pair of purple eyes.

Gu Yuena looked only eighteen or nineteen years old, her skin was white and delicate, like suet nephrite, her eyebrows were picturesque, her eyelashes were long and curled, her facial features were delicate, and she couldn't find any flaws. She was definitely the two most beautiful Ye Han had ever seen. one of the women.

But at this moment, her purple eyes were filled with unconcealed fear, dodging, not daring to look at Ye Han.

She was really frightened.

"Don't be afraid, I need to cultivate spiritually with you, are you willing?" Ye Han said.

His voice has been made as soft as possible, but it still gives people a hoarse feeling, like a cold iron strike, making people feel ruthless.

"I, I, I..."

Gu Yuena's red lips parted slightly, she instinctively wanted to refuse, but when she came into contact with Ye Han's pair of eyes that were suppressing madness and fierceness, with a faint hint of anticipation, she hesitated, and nodded her head.


Ye Han's nervous expression relaxed slightly, and he said sincerely.

Gu Yuena was stunned for a while, and for some reason, the slightly regretful expression she had promised Ye Han before floated to her cheeks, and disappeared in an instant.


Raising her head arrogantly, with a cold snort, Gu Yuena regained her former air and said, "As the co-owner of soul beasts, I naturally won't be petty and care about you, a little scorpion."


Ye Han thanked him again, then sat directly on the ground, looking at Gu Yuena, the meaning is self-evident.

Right now, he just wants to improve his strength, and has no intention of fighting with her.

Gu Yuena curled her lips, glanced at the Ice Crystal Castle, and sat cross-legged opposite Ye Han.

Spiritual integration must trust each other and be willing to hand over each other's secrets to each other, so as to achieve the best double cultivation effect, otherwise it is just a show.

Ye Han originally thought that Gu Yuena would definitely be wary of him, and she was so worried that it was impossible for him to open up to him.

Unexpectedly, just after the spiritual fusion, he realized something was wrong.

The little man was actually me.

Gu Yuena showed everything in front of him almost without reservation, but it was himself who was worried.

Gritting his teeth, Ye Han let go completely.

Except for the memories of the previous life that he had long since hidden in his heart, everything in this world was revealed by him. Only the Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor had received such treatment before.

At this moment, the spiritual power of the two people is completely integrated, you have me, and I have you.

The operation of the Taixuan Sutra revealed a mysterious and mysterious aura, causing the two of them to fall into enlightenment completely.

Undoubtedly, Ye Han is still the one who has gained the most.

Gu Yuena's various elemental powers are too important to Ye Han. At this moment, he is like a sponge, madly absorbing all of Gu Yuena's abilities.

The combination of earth, wind, water and fire, the collision of light and darkness, the fusion of creation and destruction, and the deeper understanding of the power of space, were grasped by Ye Han one by one.

Years go by.

Two hands touching each other, a huge snowman sitting cross-legged quietly stood in front of an ice crystal castle in the core area of ​​the frozen forest.

After an unknown amount of time, a dazzling mysterious golden light radiated from the inside of one of the snowmen.

This light is dazzling and noble, pure and vast, sacred and mysterious, with a rhyme of saying no, powerful and incomprehensible.

The ice and snow melted away silently, and at first a man with white clothes and blue hair was revealed, with a handsome face and unparalleled temperament.

Behind him, a golden-armored **** of war stood upright, holding a golden spear. Beside his body, a small silver-white dragon spread its wings like a butterfly, spinning around his body.

Then, I saw the golden armored **** of war waving the spear, the earth, wind, water and fire surging, opening up the world, evolving all things, regenerating vitality, and then, a world constructed of pure spiritual power, between illusion and reality appeared. .

"Did you see clearly?"

The Golden Armored War God finished everything, looked sideways at the silver-white giant dragon that fell on his shoulders, and roared.

The silver-white giant dragon tapped the dragon's head lightly, and then shook his head again. Those purple eyes were filled with endless confusion and confusion, as if he didn't understand.

"As much as you can This is just my way, it can be used as a reference, but don't copy it."

The Golden Armored God of War opened his mouth, then shrank his body and turned into a black-gold little man the size of a baby's fist. Together with that strange world, he entered the mind of the man sitting cross-legged.

At this moment, the snow on the person on the opposite side also completely melted away, revealing that **** slender figure, and then the silver-white dragon flew into her forehead.

The woman's white face has a faint blush, exuding a healthy color, and her exquisite facial features are worthy of any praise in the world.

Two pairs of tightly closed eyes opened almost simultaneously.

Eyes facing each other.



The two spoke almost at the same time, and then the man was silent and nodded lightly, while the woman smiled brightly and accepted it.

This time, it took more than a month to cultivate, but the gains for the two of them were enormous.

The Silver Dragon King's cultivation level exploded like a blowout, and his realm was even more than that of the God King.

But it wasn't her who gained the most.

Rather, he.

In the sky, dark clouds gather, thunder bursts, that is... a calamity.

Although he has no divine power, he possesses the realm of a god!

"I am not a human being, but I have a human soul. I am not a soul beast, but the blood of a soul beast flows in my body. People are not people, and beasts are not beasts. From today, I will be the ancestor of the mysterious spirit. ."

A clear and clear voice sounded loudly, suppressing the thunder, dispelling the dark clouds, and letting a few strands of golden sunlight shine into the icy land of the frozen forest.

To explain his past and present life, the man's tall body was bathed in a ray of sunlight and slowly stood up.

pS: Various requests!

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