From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 130: : The Silver Dragon King surrenders


Wow! Wow!

Loud crying resounded throughout the wasteland, a soft body was constantly arching into his arms, looking terrified.

Ye Han looked at the pretty face with a pale face, about twenty-seven or eighteen years old, his eyes were full of panicked and beautiful women, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, and there was a sentence in his heart, I don't know if I should say it or not?

What crime have I done?

Just cured a Zhu Zhuqing, but another fool came, Nima, is this outrageous?

Ye Han's eyes were cloudy and uncertain, thinking about whether to get Xiao Wu out and hand Arou to her.

But in the end, Ye Han sighed helplessly.

"Let's raise it for a while before we talk about it!"

Little girl, she has suffered a lot over the years. It would be too cruel for her to hand over such A Rou to her.

"Don't cry, don't cry, let's see what this is?"

Ye Han took out a rattle from the storage space that he had bought for Ye Chen a long time ago, shook it twice, and the sound of Dang Dang really caught A Rou's attention.

After comforting Arou, Ye Han drove the field to isolate the cold air, and took her to continue the unfinished journey.

However, the older child started crying a lot before he took a few steps.

Fortunately, Ye Han still had some experience. After a while, he finally knew that she was hungry.

After serving her up, things happened again.

She didn't want to leave, she just sat on the snow and played.

Ye Han had a black line on his forehead, and in the end he could only carry her on his back.

After two or three hours, Ye Han's handsome face darkened completely.

Because, A Rou was on his back.

Looking at those innocent eyes with clear black and white, Ye Han took a few deep breaths before suppressing the urge to slap her to death.

"She's just a child, she's just a child, she's still Xiao Wu's mother, she can't be angry, she can't be angry."

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of him.

"You came just in time, hurry up, take her to change clothes and take a bath."

Dressed in white clothes, with mercury-white hair hanging down to her ankles, with a unique face, the **** and beautiful woman just landed, and before she could speak, Ye Han grabbed the strong man.

"Who is this? Why don't you go by yourself?"

The woman's purple eyes flashed a hint of doubt, and her voice was cold.

This person is the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena.

Her skin is fair and delicate, her facial features are delicate and flawless, and her beautiful face is astonishing in the world. No words of praise can be used to describe her beauty.

Graceful is tall and slender, and even though she is only wearing a simple white dress, she looks so sexy.

"Is there a difference between men and women?" Ye Han glanced at her, rolled his eyes, and said angrily.

"Haha! Do you still care about the difference between men and women?"

Gu Yuena showed contempt.

Although we have known each other for a long time and have only been with each other for a few days, Gu Yuena probably knows something about this man's temperament.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at? I tell you, I'm not, don't slander good people."

Ye Han understood the deep meaning in Gu Yuena's eyes, and quickly defended a few words. Then, there were only three words "You are" in Gu Yuena's eyes.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, Ye Han was a little depressed and a little powerless, it seemed that his image in this woman's eyes was completely hopeless.

Since that's the case, he's not polite.

"Hurry up, don't force me here, go and change her clothes and take a bath, and don't forget the bet between us."

A pair of wonderful eyes looked at the original form, no longer pretending to be an innocent big bad wolf, Gu Yuena's eyes flashed a trace of anger, and then she sighed helplessly, and could only obey.

The strong eat the weak, the law of the jungle, this is the rule of the soul beast world.

"Why is she so wet, what is this?" Gu Yuena took off Arou's clothes and wondered.

When changing Arou's clothes, Gu Yuena inevitably came into contact with the water stains on Arou's body.

Ye Han took off his clothes and said casually, "What else? Excrement!"

Hearing this, Gu Yuena, who has serious cleanliness addiction, froze abruptly.

Then she slowly turned around, looked at Ye Han, and then looked at her wet hands, her face turned blue and white, and finally, she gritted her teeth and said, "I fought with you."


With a flash of white light, Gu Yuena got close, condensed the feng shui fire with one palm, turned into an illusory small world, and directly suppressed Ye Han.

Ye Han was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Gu Yuena to have such a reaction.

However, he naturally wouldn't be foolish. The unparalleled battle armor was possessed, and seven complete golden spirit rings appeared instantly. The eighth spirit ring was still slowly condensing, which was somewhat illusory.

However, it is enough to deal with the Silver Dragon King.

Raising his hand, he punched out.


In Gu Yuena's hands, the illusory little world was directly blown up by Ye Han.

Immediately, Ye Han turned his fist into a claw, grabbed Gu Yuena's palm, and twisted it lightly. Gu Yuena had no resistance, and the body that rushed over instantly turned her back to Ye Han.

"Fight with me, a monk in the Nascent Soul realm, I can kill me~ ah!~"

As soon as the words were finished, Ye Han screamed in horror.

Looking at the heel of his crotch, his face turned green.

Fortunately, there is armor protection, otherwise...

Ye Han didn't dare to think about it anymore, and then looked at the woman whose back was to him, Ye Han's anger rose from his heart, and his hatred turned to courage!

The crackling voice was clear and loud, mixed with women's cries and begging for mercy.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Han looked at the silver dragon with two wings lying on the ground, his buttocks were ripped open, and he shook off the blood on his hands, and slowly got up and jumped down from the Silver Dragon King's body.


He let out a sigh of relief, Ye Han put on his clothes, and then came to Arou who was frightened and was crying. He glanced at the clothes on the ground, then took out a new piece of clothing and put it on for Arou.

"Bang! Don't pretend to be dead for me, get up, and take me back to the core area of ​​the Frozen Forest."

Ye Han pulled Arou, came to the Silver Dragon King's side, and kicked her.

The poor Silver Dragon King had been beaten and forced.

You must know that she, who has returned to her prime, is now an existence with supernatural powers. How can ordinary people be her opponents.

But Ye Han beat her like a father beat his daughter. He beat her so that she didn't even have the slightest room to resist, and she was beaten to pieces.

Soul beasts all have one thing in common, that is, they worship the strong, and the Silver Dragon King is no exception.

Ye Han's ruthlessness and cruelty not only did not make her feel hatred in her heart, but there was a hint of a different feeling in her heart.

She was defeated before, she was not in her prime, and she had excuses.

But now, she has nothing to say.

After being kicked by Ye Han, she didn't dare to express any dissatisfaction any more. She turned around and glanced She quickly retracted her gaze, and then felt that there were two pairs of feet on her back.

Taking a deep breath, she spread her wings, fluttered into the air, dragged her scarred body, and rushed in the direction she came from.

"Bing, there's nothing left in the core area of ​​the frozen forest, where are you going?"

A soft and weak voice sounded anxiously.

Ye Han's eyes were weird, and he glanced at the Silver Dragon King. He didn't expect such a proud female dragon to be beaten by himself.

However, Ye Han didn't care about this, instead he was a little confused about the meaning of her words.

"There's nothing left, what do you say?" Ye Han frowned.

"There seems to be a big battle there, everything was leveled, and nothing was left." King Yinlong said.

At this time, she answered every question and acted as well-behaved as ever.

After sending Tang Yuehua back to Heaven Dou City, she wandered around for several months, her strength was completely healed, and only then did she come to the Frozen Forest, but even so, she arrived several days earlier than Ye Han.

Just as she was wandering aimlessly, the fluctuation caused by Ye Han's detonation of the fire tree and silver flower caught her attention.

Then, she was beaten.

Ye Han's body was stiff, and his mind was buzzing.

After the Silver Dragon King finished speaking, the snow-covered land appeared in his eyes.

Although it was still desolate and covered with snow and ice everywhere, the land in front of him was completely different from the land before he left.

PS: There is nothing that can't be solved by one fight. If there is, then fight again!

Sapo rolls around and asks for a ticket. What about a monthly ticket, brothers!

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