It was snow and ice, and a vast expanse of white.

The endless forest is covered in silver.

The tall mountains are shrouded in clouds and mist.

This is the frozen forest in the extreme north.

The further you go to the core area, the lower the temperature and the fewer creatures.

Occasionally, there will be hunter squads on the periphery, but the places near the core area are really inaccessible.

But today is different. The figures of the five human beings have crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, with firm steps and slowly approaching the core area.

Five people, one male and four females.

The man has a white robe and blue hair. He is imposing and handsome.

As for the four girls, except for one girl whose eyes were closed and floating like a ghost, it was normal.

Don't mention the other three.

They were wrapped like zongzi, but they were still shivering.

"It's not bad that the master leads the door to practice as a person!" The man looked at the girl in blue who was floating around with the help of the cold current, like a ghost, without touching the ground. He couldn't help but nodded secretly.

There is no doubt that these people are Ye Han and Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er.

Nonsense, plus a little bit of experience, I didn't expect the effect to be surprisingly good, Shui Bing'er actually entered the state of harmony between nature and man under the oppression of the severe cold environment.

Although in Douluo Continent, it is simply impossible to improve the quality of martial arts just by perception.

But there is no doubt that after this state is over, Shui Bing'er's control of her ice power will definitely be greatly improved, and the same soul skill will be able to exert greater power.

Suddenly, Ye Han stopped and grabbed Shui Binger who was flying around him.

"You guys enter my inner space."

After he finished speaking, Ye Han couldn't help but put the other three people into the small world inside his body, and then said to Shui Bing'er, "Don't worry, the state of harmony between man and nature can be met but not sought, so don't miss this opportunity because of a trivial matter."

Shui Bing'er's state is exactly the same as Zhu Zhuqing's that day, it's not that she doesn't know anything about her surroundings.

In the state of harmony between man and nature, her perception will be unprecedentedly sensitive, reaching an incredible state.

At this moment, Ye Han heard the rumbling explosion in the distance, and so did Shui Bing'er.

However, with Ye Han's comfort, she slowly calmed down and stopped worrying.

After all, Ye Han had already revealed his identity when he entered the frozen forest.

As one of the dominant creatures in the frozen forest, it is not easy to protect a few people!

"I'll take you there to see, maybe there will be some unexpected gains." Ye Han said.

After he finished speaking, he directly pulled Shui Bing'er's cold little hand and galloped all the way, and quickly came to the place where the roar came from.

"Titan Snow Demon!"

Ye Han muttered to himself, looking at the mountainside opposite.

There, a huge "ape" covered in white hair screamed strangely, and snowballs condensed in his hands, blasting straight down.

In the plain under the mountain, there is a tree with a height of nearly 100 zhang, the main pole is thick, and the diameter is about 10 zhang. The whole body is crimson red mixed with a little white, like a big tree made of red crystal and pure white jade, standing quietly.

Facing the attack of the Titan Snow Demon, its response was only one move. The thick branch flicked, and an ice cube shot out. It exploded with a bang, with a dazzling silver spark and the attack of the Titan Snow Demon both annihilated.

"The ancient ice crystal tree, I didn't expect this thing to exist now, and it is only one step away from the 100,000-year cultivation base." Ye Han's eyes flashed slightly.

In Ye Han's more than 50,000-year cultivation career, he has only met the ice crystal ancient tree three times, and the one with the highest cultivation base has only a few thousand years of soul power.

What impresses Ye Han the most about this kind of tree is their temper. Once that little temper comes up, it is really strong, and if something is wrong, it will explode for you to see in minutes.

But the one in front of him is obviously different, otherwise it would not have been able to have a cultivation base of more than 90,000 years.

"I'm level seventy-eight. It would be good to have an ice blasting soul skill."

Ye Han said to himself, after Shui Bing'er finished the state of unity between heaven and man, he directly took her into the inner world, and then released his breath to scare away the Titan Snow Demon.

The Titan Snow Demon King was killed by him in the early years. When an ordinary Titan Snow Demon found his breath, he naturally ran as far as possible!

Then, Ye Han sat cross-legged.

The inner world slowly revolves, helping him draw a lot of soul power...

I can't remember how long I haven't seriously cultivated soul power. Now that I practice, breaking through is as simple as eating and drinking.

In less than three months, the tightly closed eyes were quietly opened.

Ye Han looked at the ancient ice crystal tree that was only one step away from 100,000 years, and couldn't help shaking his head.

The Douluo Continent is too unfriendly to the soul beast clan.

100,000 years of cultivation is sometimes no match for humans who have cultivated for decades.

However, if animal soul beasts are defeated, they can choose to escape, but plant soul beasts really have to wait to die.

Plant-type soul beasts that can grow to a cultivation level of 90,000 years are originally rare existences, and the ancient ice crystal tree that has been cultivated for more than 90,000 years may not be found in Douluo Continent.

With mixed feelings, Ye Han came to the ancient ice crystal tree.

"Are you here to kill me too?"

The spirit of the ice crystal ancient tree is transmitted, its wisdom has long been sound, and even far exceeds that of most soul beasts. Its voice cannot distinguish between men and women, and there is no gender.

"No, I'm here to make a deal with you, you sacrifice to me, and I'll reshape your body." Ye Han said.

In order to gain the trust of the ancient ice crystal tree, Ye Han directly released the soul of Xiao Wu's mother, A Rou.

Then, in front of the ancient ice crystal tree, using the power of the source of the black system, combined with the power of creation of the inner world, forcibly created a body for Arou.

It was not the first time for Ye Han to create things out of thin air, and even to create life.

But there is no doubt that this time is much more difficult than the last, because of the lack of a soul bone.

Fortunately, in the end he succeeded.

Arou's body condensed smoothly.

She looks twenty-seven or eight-year-old, with black hair like waterfalls, soft facial features, tall and slender body, snow-white skin, not an inch of strands, full of maturity and plumpness.

After these months of recuperation, A Rou's mental imprint is no longer dull and silly. Now that she has a body, she immediately hugged Ye Han, her lips trembling, and said, "Dad, Daddy, it's cold."

Ye Han couldn't help laughing and crying. If I had to do it, should I call your mother?

Of course, Ye Han was just thinking about it. For the current A Rou, he couldn't tell at all.

Her IQ has deteriorated so severely, it is equivalent to a child of one or two years old.

The field bloomed, isolating all the cold air, Ye Han took out a piece of his own clothes and put it on for Arou, then looked at the ancient ice crystal tree, and said, "How is it? Have you considered it?"

"Can I trust you?"

The ice crystal ancient tree spoke, and his voice was a little hesitant.

"You can only trust me, that Titan Snow Demon has been watching outside for the past few I believe you can feel, if it weren't for me, what would happen to you, I don't believe it You don't know, so, now, you can only trust me, sacrifice to me, and I will bring you new life." Ye Han said.

At this time, he was like a big fool, a big magic stick, impassioned and passionate, coaxing the young and ignorant three-year-old child.

Although the ice crystal ancient tree has been cultivated for more than 90,000 years, it is only a tree after all. Although it is much smarter than other similar trees, it is only a lot smarter. How could it withstand the big cake drawn by Ye Han? .

But in a short while, it turned into a spirit ring and appeared on Ye Han's body.

It was a red soul ring.

The ice crystal ancient tree is only one step away from the 100,000-year cultivation base. On the way to the sacrifice, it was a flash of inspiration. It broke through the bottleneck and took a crucial step. Unfortunately, the sacrifice has already begun, and it can only be cheap in the end. Ye Han.

"Huoshu Yinhua, the name of the soul skill is quite good, but I don't know how powerful it is." Ye Han muttered.

Then he slapped the ground with his palm, and pure crimson trees spread into the distance.

"What's going on, is it because the ancient ice crystal tree has broken through the 100,000-year cultivation base, or has it mutated after being combined with the ultimate ice?" Ye Han couldn't help muttering softly as he looked at the bright red ice crystal forest.

Not to mention, after turning into a pure crimson color, it looks much better than alternating red and white.

Beauty is justice, and good looks are the end!

Don't think about it any more.


With a soft drink, a rumbling sound, a brilliant silver light illuminated the entire sky.

After the deafening sound, a burst of cries echoed far away.

PS.: If you don't ask for anything, I always feel that a chapter of a novel is not perfect! Come on, brothers!

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