Time passed, I don't know how long passed, the black mist slowly dissipated.

Under the mercury-like moonlight, an exquisite jade body quietly emerged.

The crystal clear skin exudes a shimmering radiance under the moonlight, holy and beautiful, making people unable to take their eyes off.

She is not tall, but she is so perfect.

The soft face, the delicate collarbone, the towering chest, the slender waist, the slender legs, everything is so beautiful, Ye Han's eyes are straight when he sees the beauty in front of him.

"You, have you seen enough?"

Two red clouds appeared on Bibi Dong's face, and she gave Ye Han a fierce look.

Then she turned her body around, and didn't care that her spring light was completely exposed in front of the man's eyes.

With a swaying figure, Miaoman walked towards the frozen lake. She glanced at the blood on her chest. She turned her head and said to Ye Han coldly, "I need water."

With a wave of Ye Han's palm, the cold air dissipated, and everything returned to normal in the blink of an eye, except for the anaconda that had been cultivated for 60,000 years and turned into fly ash.


Bibi Dong was caught off guard and fell directly into the water.

"Bastard, did you do it on purpose?"

Bibi Dong stuck her head out of the water, spat out a mouthful of water, gritted her teeth, and glared at Ye Han.


Ye Han opened his mouth and suddenly felt dry.

After thinking about it, he didn't bother to explain, so he plunged into the water with a dash.

"You, don't come here, what are you doing? Go out..."

Ye Han is not a saint, so how can he listen to her at this moment.

The skin was touching, the perfect touch made the two of them uncontrollably let out a long breath.

"We've been born twice, we've been together more than once, we're both old couples, there's no need for this!"

Ye Han smiled and looked at the woman with round eyes as if she was going to eat people.

He was so arrogant, he lowered his head directly, rudely, and kissed the small red lips...

In this round of games, Bibi Dong wins!

However, the real fierce battle has just begun. Although the pictures are fragrant, it is about life and death.

When Ye Han reached the peak of the first wave, his spirit was inevitably slack. At this moment, Bibi Dong implemented a long-planned plan.

The Heaven Swallowing Demonic Art was activated, she wrapped it with tenderness and absorbed it with enthusiasm, wanting to **** Ye Han dry in an instant.

But as soon as the plan was implemented, she realized that she still underestimated Ye Han's capital, his physique was far beyond what ordinary people expected.

"You really have a good heart!"

Ye Han sighed inwardly, how could he still not be able to guess the woman's plan when things had developed so far.

There may be accidents, but there is no doubt that the general direction is under the control of women.

She came to kill herself, and for this reason, she gave up her dignity and even tempted her with beauty.

"Don't you men have a saying that if a peony flower dies, it's romantic to be a ghost? Am I not as good as a peony in the world? Why do you resist?"

Bibi Dong's voice was full of temptation, and it sounded in Ye Han's mind.

At this moment, it is not only a physical game, but also a spiritual battle.

"Hahaha! Can I kill me without resisting you? You can try." Ye Han smiled slightly.

Feeling the devouring power emanating from Bibi Dong's mental power, Ye Han did not resist, but instead sent his own mental power into it.

The amount of his spiritual power has surpassed the limit of this world. What he lacks is quality. Bibi Dong can't get it all if he wants to. Besides, he also has a lot of time and space power in his spiritual power.

Just like a lion, greedy, wants to eat an elephant alone, is it possible?

In the end, there is only one result, die!

Time passed by minute by minute.

"Ah! No, I don't believe it, I don't agree, why? Why do you do this to me?~"

Crazy, cold, unwilling, unbelievable, and finally turned into a roar that exploded with a bang.

At the same time, Bibi Dong's face was stunned, and two lines of tears fell.

Ye Han's tightly closed eyes slowly opened, and he glanced at the pretty face that was stunned after losing his soul. He hesitated a little. He sighed helplessly, closed his eyes, and entered his sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

Collect Bibi Dong's broken spiritual imprint bit by bit, and then rely on the black system source to completely heal her mental trauma.

If it wasn't in his own spiritual consciousness and possessed the Taixuan Sutra, Ye Han would not be able to reunite a person's broken spirit.

"Why don't you kill me?"

I don't know how long it took, the walking corpse-like body slowly regained its blood color, and the stupid eyes became a little more intelligent. She lay in Ye Han's arms and slowly raised her head to look at the handsome and young face, her eyes were complicated and faint. Open your mouth.

"You are Xiaoxue's mother. If I kill you, she will hate me forever." Ye Han said.

If it wasn't for Qian Renxue, how could Ye Han save this woman, and, judging from the state of her relationship with Ye Chen, she must be very kind to Ye Chen...

In short, one word...difficult.

It's hard to be a man, and it's even harder to be a man!

"You, your memory has recovered?" Bibi Dong asked in surprise.

Ye Han nodded, looked at Bibi Dong, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

She is already awake, but this woman is still hugging herself and didn't let go.

Seemingly aware of Ye Han's thoughts, Bibi Dong's flawless cheeks flushed slightly, and then she pushed Ye Han away.


A light sound made Bibi Dong feel emptiness in her heart, but she forcibly held back the strangeness of her body and said, "From now on, we are separated, and we have nothing to do with each other anymore."

Ye Han rolled off the stone, stood up with a stunned expression on his face, looked at the woman's serious appearance, and couldn't tell the truth for a while.

Bibi Dong looked at Ye Han with eyes like autumn water, but in her mind she was recalling the images she saw in Ye Han's mind, when her spiritual origin exploded, and in that endless time and space.

That is a tall figure who swallows mountains and rivers and is the world's largest.

He is tall and slender, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, slender limbs, and a perfect figure.

Although it was impossible to see the person's appearance clearly across the boundless vastness of time and space, Bibi Dong recognized his identity at a glance. He was... Ye Han.

He stepped on the long river of time, with the aura of Hongmeng, came from a distant unknown, knocked out a blond man in a secret room, tampered with his memory, and then sent a drop of bright golden blood into a coma. The body of a woman who is not awake.

The picture is like fast-forwarding. In the blink of an eye, the woman found out that she was pregnant. She thought she was being insulted by the beast-like man, and slowly her mind began to twist...

The biggest reason why Bibi Dong became like this was the encounter in the secret room.

Now, she has discovered some kind of truth, the root cause has been completely eradicated, and she has experienced another real life and death, and her mentality has undergone a subtle change.

forget it!

I have to bear everything by myself!

Bibi Dong thought of her daughter's words.

People can't always live in the past, so not only their hard work, but also those who care about them will be affected.

After being resurrected from the dead, she didn't want to hate anymore.

Not so much strength anymore.

Of course, the most important thing is that she can't beat the **** around her, and her daughter still loves him deeply...

A variety of complex emotions intertwined, so she chose to let go.

"you are serious."

Ye Han's face was full of doubts, and he didn't know what happened to Bibi Dong in such a short period of time. Looking at the woman who turned her back to him and quickly put on her clothes, he couldn't help but be a little suspicious.

Whether it's in the novel or Bibi Dong who has come into contact with him personally, when did he become so good at talking?

Bibi Dong turned around and nodded seriously.

"Okay! I trust you for the time being." Ye Han said.

As he spoke, he stepped forward and approached quickly.

"What are you, what are you doing? I, I'm Xiaoxue's mother. You didn't know before. I can forgive you, pretending nothing happened, but now you have to understand this." Bibi Dong crossed her arms and panicked. .


Ye Han was stunned for a moment, then stopped and looked at his magnanimous body, the corners of his mouth twitched, suddenly wanting to make fun of the woman in front of him.

"Hey, you don't seem to know my identity yet! I am a soul beast incarnation, do you think I will care about the rules of your humans?"

Ye Han smiled strangely, making Bibi Dong feel ashamed and angry, her face turning red and white.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." Ye Han said sternly.

You can't make jokes too much. If you are arousing the negative emotions in this woman's heart, if you want to fight with yourself, it will not be fun.

After speaking, Ye Han took out a piece of clothing and quickly put it on, and then let Bibi Dong release his martial spirit.

"That's not it."

Feeling carefully, Ye Han shook his head and asked Bibi Dong to change his spirit.

At this time, Bibi Dong was very obedient, which made Ye Han gradually feel relieved.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, red, nine spirit rings appeared.

Ye Han's eyes narrowed slightly, his perception spread, and then he glanced at Bibi Dong with a strange look.

"Why didn't you completely erase the spiritual imprint on this spirit ring?" Ye Han pointed at the only red spirit ring and asked in doubt.

"After all, she once saved me. If I had the ability, I would find a way to reshape her body and bring her back to life." Bibi Dong said.

"It seems that you can't fully believe the novel, at least you are not so cold-blooded?" Ye Han muttered, and then asked Bibi Dong to awaken the spiritual source.

A red light flashed, and an illusory figure in a pink robe appeared quietly.

"what happened?"

Ye Han looked at the silly pink figure, a little puzzled.

"It's been more than ten years, her mental power has dissipated too much, and now she's unconscious, Ye Han, do you have a way to save her?"

Bibi Dong looked guilty, and as she talked, she suddenly seemed to have thought of something, her purple eyes full of surprise and expectation, she looked at Ye Han.

"Haha, it's just reshaping my body. It's not that difficult for me, but you just said that we've cleared the two, so why should I help you now?" Ye Han smiled and looked at Bibi Dong.

"You, what do you want? As long as you can save her, I can promise you." Bibi Dong bit her lip, and a hint of determination flashed in her eyes.


Ye Han touched his chin, approached slowly, came behind Bibi Dong, and gently hugged the other's bloated belly with both hands, saying, "What if I want you to be my woman?"

"You, are you crazy?"

Bibi Dong's stiff body suddenly trembled ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and slapped Ye Han's hands away, looking at him with a terrified face.

"It's just a joke, don't take it seriously, give her to me!"

Ye Han smiled, put the pink spiritual imprint into his spiritual sea, and warmed the etheric mysteries.

Afterwards, Ye Han looked at the back of Bibi Dong's departure, and suddenly said, "Bibi Dong, what I owe you has already been paid, if you fall into my hands next time, I will never let you go, then I will not Considering what worldly ideas."

"Hey! I know you **** won't die."

Bibi Dong's pretty face blushed, she couldn't help spit, and hurriedly escaped from here.

"Remember our agreement, if you have no objection, I will take it as your agreement!"

Ye Han's voice echoed in Bibi Dong's ears from a distance.

"Fuck off, who promised you, let alone with my current strength, how could it possibly fall into your hands." Bibi Dong muttered, but it was obviously impossible for her to disregard her image and shout.

However, Bibi Dong is also confident.

Although she didn't swallow Ye Han's mental power, she felt the bulging belly, and the warm energy in it was slowly nourishing herself. If it was fully absorbed, her physique would be more than three times stronger.

As for going back, is it possible?

Wouldn't that mean he was taking advantage of it in vain?

Besides, Bibi Dong feels as if she has also mastered a certain power of time and space...

PS: Everything is boring, hehe!

Da Zhang, thank you Brother Chunfeng for your reward, thank you!

Ask for tickets! What to do next, of course, is to engage in the realm of the gods.

Finally, in the middle of the month, do you have a monthly ticket to support it?

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