Under the moonlight, the three ice sculptures shone brightly.

Their faces were lifelike, and they could faintly see the creatures inside looking at them with a terrified look on their faces.

"Okay, what are you going to do?"

Ye Han placed the last ice sculpture in front of Bibi Dong, and looked at the pale woman with a puzzled expression.

Bibi Dong glanced at the young Junyi's face and suddenly smiled.

That kind of smile was very bright, but it made Ye Han feel numb in his scalp and chills in his heart, as if he was being stared at by an ancient beast, which was extremely frightening.

The smile slowly faded, Bibi Dong ignored Ye Han, stepped forward, and staggered to the three ice sculptures.

She stretched out her arms, her body emitted a rich black light, and quickly formed a black hole. A strange force emanated from the black hole, covering the three ice sculptures and Ye Han at the same time.

"What do you want?"

Ye Han was stunned for a moment, all the cells glowed slightly at this moment, resisting the strange swallowing force, and looked at Bibi Dong solemnly.

"I want to kill you." Bibi Dong said.

The woman is very honest and doesn't hide anything.

Of course, she also knew she couldn't hide it.

It was just a trial, but obviously, she failed.

With the ability of swallowing the sky, it is still impossible to directly swallow Ye Han.

"Tell me so blatantly, aren't you afraid that I will kill you now?" Ye Han frowned.

"Hahaha, it's just a bad life. You can take it anytime you want, but if I can kill you or drag you to hell, wouldn't it be a profit." Bibi Dong sneered.

She decided that Ye Han would not kill herself, so she was so unscrupulous.

Ye Han was speechless and remained silent for a long time.

He looked at the ruthless Bibi Dong, who was surrounded by black energy, like a **** of death, and said, "What do I need to do to make up for the damage you've suffered?"

Hearing this, Bibi Dong didn't speak.

She was so emotional just now that she had already said too much. She was afraid that she would lose her words if she spoke too much, so she scare Ye Han away.

It can be said that Bibi Dong already knows more about Ye Han than most people.

Having communicated so much, Ye Han can be considered to have some understanding of Bidong's character. Now he really has the mind to run away.

The main thing is that Bibi Dong's temperament is so terrifying, it makes Ye Han's scalp go numb, and he has always been fearless. A woman who gave birth to her own child...

"Can't you hide if you can't provoke me? When you recover, I'll go to the extreme north and never set foot in the rivers and lakes again."

Ye Han looked at the woman who no longer paid attention to him, and thought to himself, thinking of seclusion.

At the same time, he was also thinking in his heart, what should he do if a woman really did not hesitate to use this method on herself.

The black light slowly restrained, and Bibi Dong's perfect figure appeared.

Kaka Kaka! ~

The three ice sculptures cracked and then shattered. The corpses inside were like rotten dead wood, smashed to pieces together with the ice, but the strange thing was that there was no trace of blood.

Ye Han's eyelids twitched slightly, looking at Bibi Dong, whose complexion had recovered a little ruddy, and said, "The spirit of the three soul saints should be enough for you to regain a certain strength, right?"

Bibi Dong didn't answer, just turned around and walked away, her footsteps vain and her breath unsteady...

Ye Han stood there, not moving for a long time.

After seeing Bibi Dong disappear, he helplessly shook his head and followed quietly.

In the end, he still couldn't worry about her.

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Bibi Dong's mouth, Ye Han's body was stained with her breath, and his current movements could not be concealed from Bibi Dong's perception.

Beneath a huge waterfall, Bibi Dong stopped and looked at the blood-stained luxurious dress on her body. She looked around and found no trace of anyone else. She stretched out her palm and untied her robe.

The waterfall is roaring and the water is clear.

A Miaoman body as white as jade and uneven, slowly stepped into the water from the edge of the pool.

The fair skin is as dazzling and charming as it will glow under the moonlight.

The clear and cold water flowed over the knees, thighs, very upturned...

She stopped, leaving a seductive silhouette of the person behind her, then held up the water splash, raised her head, and slowly drenched it from the top of her head.

"Damn, shameless, you are a temptation, you know? Fortunately, I have enough concentration, otherwise I would have gained the way of your little goblin!"

Ye Han muttered to himself, resisting the urge in his heart and did not rush out.

"What's going on? Has this color embryo been modified?"

Bibi Dong was speechless, she was like this, shouldn't that **** rush out like a hungry wolf?

Now this situation is completely different from what she expected.

In this round of games, Ye Han won!

Bibi Dong felt that her skin was about to turn red, and if it continued like this, she would definitely reveal her stuff.

Gritting her teeth, she slowly turned around and walked towards the shore.

At this moment, a whirlpool suddenly appeared in the clear lake water, and at the same time, a cold and evil spirit spread out instantly.


A huge anaconda sticks its head out of the lake.

The ferocious and terrifying head was like a hill, and the eyes were like two searchlights. The cold and ruthless murderous aura locked on Bibi Dong's back, and immediately opened its **** mouth and swallowed it directly towards Bibi Dong.


Bibi Dong didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

I just picked a water pool at random, and I was able to meet a soul beast that was more than 60,000 years old. No one was lucky.

brush! ~

Her body flickered, dodging the stinking giant mouth of the anaconda.

Then, she felt a shock in her body, her throat became sweet, she vomited blood, and she was directly knocked out by the body that followed closely by the anaconda.

In the battle with Poseysi, she was traumatized more than it seemed.

At this moment, she can't even beat a 60,000-year-old soul beast~www.wuxiamtl.com~ You stupid woman, don't you check the water before taking a bath? Don't you find it strange that there is no other creature in such a desolate place, such a large pool? "

The sound of Ye Han's rear gun rang in Bibi Dong's ear.

At the same time, Bibi Dong felt her body fall into a familiar embrace.


Ye Han didn't look at the woman in his arms.

A woman who even he couldn't bear to hurt, but was beaten to the point of spitting up blood by the thing in front of her, looking miserable, Ye Han would care about the race now, just give it a second with a single move.

In this round of games, Bibi Dong wins!

The anaconda, who had cultivated for 60,000 years, had planned for a long time to swallow Bibi Dong, but he never expected that he would be beaten into a sieve as soon as he emerged.

The huge body turned into an icicle, and it was still in an attacking posture until death.

The strong cold poison spread from the body of the anaconda to the huge pool, the flowing waterfall, the surrounding flowers and trees, except for Bibi Dong and Ye Han, everything was frozen in an instant, turning into a white world of ice.

"Let go of me, I want its essence and soul power." Bibi Dong's weak voice sounded.

Ye Han lowered his head and met those stubborn eyes with a hint of pleading.


Ye Han didn't make any excessive demands this time, nodded lightly, and let go of the woman's body.

Miaoman's body was shaky. She didn't seem to notice her current state. She came to the anaconda, and took advantage of the fact that it had just died, and her blood had not completely dissipated, so she directly used the Heaven-Swallowing Magic Technique...

PS: The next chapter restores memory!

Finally, ask for a ticket!

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