Spirit City!

A group of people walked out hand in hand.

Although they won the championship, there was not much joy on everyone's face.

Because everyone knows what that means?

It's time to part.

Ye Han, Tang Yuehua, Gu Yuena, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiaobai, Qingqian, Qingxuan, Qingwu, Xiaowu, the nine people were all very slow. Yue'er two sisters.

However, no matter how slow their footsteps were, the road would eventually come to an end, and in the end they still stepped out of the gate of Spirit City.

"Big Brother, Sister Yuehua, Sister Zhuqing, Sister Xiao Wu, I, we're leaving." Qing Wu opened her mouth, tears in her big eyes, her nose twitched, and the people who saw it were sad.

"Don't be like this, the temporary separation is for a better reunion in the future. You are still young, and I am still in my prime. There is still a chance to meet in the future." Ye Han tried to squeeze a smile on his face and touched Qingwu. head, said to the three.


Qingqian cried, hugged Ye Han's thigh, and instantly burst into tears.

Usually calm and generous, knowledgeable and polite, intelligent and sensible, the little girl is the most sentimental. When faced with separation, she was the first to bear it.

Ye Han gently picked up the little girl, with a gentle expression and unprecedented patience, helping her wipe the tears from her face.

"I'm sorry, big brother, I, I, I shouldn't have hit you."

The little girl choked and opened her mouth. In the end, there were two blushes on her face. She gently kissed Ye Han's face and said shyly, "You, you don't think too much, I just think you are my brother."

Ye Han was stunned. He didn't know who taught him to be so strict in the defense of men and women, but this is not a bad thing.

Rubbing the little girl's head, Ye Han smiled and said, "There are not only men and women in this world, but also relatives. This is how I feel about you. If possible, I would really like to have a daughter like you."

"Oh! The teacher also said the same thing."

The little girl nodded, and then kissed Ye Han on the face again.

"Qingqian, that's enough, come back quickly."

Bo Saixi, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't stand it any longer. Feeling sour in his heart, he directly interrupted the intimacy between father and daughter.

Gu Yuena glanced in the direction of Bo Saixi with a vague gaze, then pretended to be nonchalant and paid no attention to it.

There are people outside people, there are days outside the sky, and a mountain is higher than a mountain.

Bo Saixi could hide from Ye Han's perception, but he couldn't hide from Gu Yuena.

She had discovered Bo Saixi's trace a long time ago, but she had nothing to do with her, and the other party wasn't coming for her, so she naturally wouldn't mind her own business.

In the end, the three little girls kissed Ye Han one by one, and with reluctance, turned their heads in three steps, with tears in their eyes, and slowly left Ye Han's sight.

"Yuehua, do you have something on your mind?"

Ye Han took a deep breath and looked at Tang Yuehua suspiciously.


Tang Yuehua raised her head and looked at Ye Han, hesitating and stammering for a while, then she exhausted all her strength and said, "I want to return to the Clear Sky Sect."


Ye Han was stunned. After a while, he finally squeezed three words out of his mouth and said, "Why?"

"Ye Han, I, I want to ask, have you ever loved me? Or, have you trusted me?" Tang Yuehua suddenly became exhausted, her eyes red.

Ye Han stared at the beautiful face of the woman, and the scenes that happened after he met her flashed in his mind.

I met her when I was most helpless, and then, her decisiveness, her strength, her persistence, her courage, her character, her everything...

In the end, Ye Han shook his head and spit out the word "Go away!"

Tang Yuehua shook her body. She thought about many possibilities, but she never expected that Ye Han would respond to her with such a heartless word.

"You asked me if I trusted you? I don't know why you asked this, but when you asked this, did you ever trust me?" Ye said coldly.

Tang Yuehua's face suddenly turned pale.


I have been minding that he didn't tell me the truth.

But why did he hide himself? ?

She never thought about it.

"Xiao Han, yes, I'm sorry, it was my fault, I shouldn't have suspected you? I'm sorry, can you forgive me?" Tang Yuehua grabbed Ye Han's arm, preventing him from leaving, and begged bitterly.

At this time, Tang Yuehua suddenly reacted because he was too good to himself, he was responsive to his own needs, and wanted to cultivate. Refining medicinal pills, he was hungry, he helped himself to eat...

Too much care, too much obedience, too much obedience, made her take it for granted that he shouldn't have anything to hide from her.

At this moment, she really regretted it.


"Okay, don't cry, we all need to be calm and calm, maybe parting for a while, it's good for you and me." Ye Han sighed, wiped away the tears from Tang Yuehua's face, and said in a calm tone.

He also felt that what he just said was too heavy.

But he was also depressed! After all, he was so good to her, isn't it enough to explain everything?

When her memory was the most chaotic, she had already penetrated deep into his heart, how could he not love her?

However, now, there is a rift between them~www.wuxiamtl.com~ So, it's better to be separated, I hope time can make up for everything!

"Gu Yuena, send Yuehua back to Heaven Dou City." Ye Han gently pulled away the palm of Tang Yuehua's arm, and handed her to Gu Yuena.

Although Gu Yuena was a little reluctant, she saw that Ye Han was a little tyrannical, but she was suppressed. Tang Yuehua flew into the air.

"I am in the extreme north, waiting for you in the core area of ​​the frozen forest." Ye Han said through a voice transmission.


A cold voice came, and then the two quickly disappeared.

"You two..."

Ye Han retracted his gaze and looked at Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu.

"From now on, I'll go wherever you go, don't try to leave me."

Before Ye Han could finish speaking, Xiao Wu hugged Ye Han's arm and said crisply.

"Big brother, I have only you now."

Zhu Zhuqing's words are simple and clear, and the meaning is self-evident.

"Okay! You two little girls, do you want to follow me to the extreme north?" Ye Han finally turned his gaze to Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er who were hanging far behind him.

"I want to follow the teacher to practice and become stronger." Shui Bing'er said, a hint of determination flashed in his eyes.

"I'll go wherever my sister goes." Shui Yue'er's answer was more direct.

"In that case, let's go." Ye Han waved his hand and walked forward first.

The original team of more than ten people suddenly decreased by more than half.

After Ye Han and the others left, five more figures turned from a small road behind them.

PS: The exposure is too low to mix well!

Brother, please support!

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