From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 119: : Contest ends

The red spirit ring shone, and a blue space enveloped the entire soul platform.

A stream of emerald green light quickly shuttled through it, making a chi chi sound of cutting the air, making the scalp numb and the hair standing on end.

"It's too late to admit defeat now."

Ye Han raised his right hand high, his five fingers spread out, as if he was holding up a piece of sky, and a faint voice was transmitted to the Shrek team in front of him.

"Dreaming, Shrek Academy, there are only dead monsters standing, no cowards living on their knees, fighting." Wang Long shouted angrily.

As this voice came out, Ye Han could clearly feel Gu Yuena's provocative eyes falling on him.

Obviously, she was very satisfied with Wang Long's performance.

Ye Han smiled, and then glanced at the few people who were in the same hatred and passionate.

An agile attack type soul master, who had already given birth to a pair of wings, charged towards him.

Other people's soul skills have also been secretly released.

"If that's the case, then let me fall!" Ye Han chuckled, and his open palm suddenly clenched.

Countless scorpion tail needles condensed out in an instant, like raindrops, and flew out quickly.


Plop, plop...

The miserable screams instantly spread throughout the audience, including Wang Long, who fell to the ground and wailed continuously.

The proud and powerful body, in front of Liuguang Qianji, was like a piece of paper, without the slightest resistance, it was instantly penetrated.

Ye Han did not use cold poison, so these people had no worries about their lives, but the severe pain after being stabbed by the scorpion tail was not something that ordinary people could imagine.

In an instant, the only one of the seven members of Shrek's team was still standing, and only Tang San was left.

It wasn't that Tang San was stronger and escaped Ye Han's attack, or that he had defensive soul skills, but that he called Ye Han uncle.

Soul ring configuration is strong, what's the use?

Martial spirit is powerful, what's the use?

Young genius, what's the use?

There are so many means, what's the use?

Ye Han used his actions to tell everyone that fighting requires only one move.

"Brother Ye, you, didn't you say you wanted me to take action?"

Xiao Wu stared at the six people who fell to the ground and cried in pain, stunned, and then looked at Ye Han with dissatisfaction.


Ye Han's complacent expression condensed slightly, patronizing and pretending to be coercive, but he forgot about it.

Looking at Xiao Wu's resentful eyes, Ye Han had a headache.

The little girl finally showed signs of recovery, but she couldn't let him kill her.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tang San standing there dumbfounded. Ye Han rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't there another one? Go and defeat him."

Everything seems to be destined.

A scene that did not happen at Nordin College was staged in Wuhun City today.

This time, Tang San didn't keep his hand, but the painful howls of those teammates couldn't make him concentrate. Plus, there were no bugs that inspired anger, and he still didn't escape the fate of being defeated by Xiao Wu.

The Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Competition finally came to an end at this moment.

Before the game, no one could have imagined that the Tiandou Royal Academy team would be able to win the championship, but at this moment, this is an indisputable fact.

Ye Han didn't even look at the reward of the three spirit bones, instead he looked at the woman in the Pope's uniform with a cold face with interest.

Thinking of her gentleness and obedience last night, she was completely different from today.

Ye Han also had to admit that this woman was extremely beautiful, and the more she looked at it, the more delicious she became.

However, in the public eye, he couldn't be too reckless, not because he was afraid of being surrounded and suppressed, but because he didn't want women to be embarrassed.

Taking the spirit bones, Ye Han waved his palm, and one of the three spirit bones fell into Zhu Zhuqing's hands, the other into Qing Wu's hands, and the last into Tang Yuehua's hands.

Everyone at the scene was stunned. He didn't expect that he would split the soul bone out in public.

The most important thing is that he didn't keep a piece for himself.

At this moment, the Dream God Machine appeared, looking at Ye Han with complicated eyes.

For this young soul saint who challenges the authority of the school everywhere, he has mixed feelings in his heart.

At the beginning, he admired Ye Han very much, but his reckless behavior, not taking the rules of the academy seriously, and replacing team members at will, made his appreciation from the beginning gradually turned into disgust. During this time in Soul City, he basically didn't pay much attention to Ye Han's team, and he didn't have the idea of ​​watching a good show in his heart.

However, Tang Yuehua's single-handed fight against the Xiangjia Academy, in stark contrast to the performance of the original team members, had a great impact on the chief education committee.

Then, Ye Han returned with his team members, the three little girls' martial arts fusion skills, the last stunning kick of the big man in black clothes, today, Ye Han used his own power to destroy Shrek, although one slipped through the net. fish, but no one would doubt that Ye Han couldn't defeat him.

In the end, even the unremarkable little girl beside him showed amazing strength.

All this made Mengshenji feel ashamed and a little ashamed.

"Meng Lao doesn't have to be like this. I can understand your difficulties. Now that the competition is over, the honor belongs to the school, so I won't go back." Ye Han smiled.

Both sides have different positions, no one is right or wrong, the ending is good.

"Hahaha, it's my little family who is angry, Ye Xiaoyou Gao Yi, no wonder he has achieved so much at a young age, just this kind of spirit is far from inferior." Meng Shenji was stunned for a while, then smiled, "Dare to ask the little one. Where do you plan to go after you leave the academy?"

"I'm going to the extreme north." Ye Han said.

There's nothing to hide. If he hadn't promised the three little girls to bring them to this game, he would have gone to the extreme north long ago.

Now, it's time to set off.

Ye Han glanced at the slender figure in a gorgeous dress who was walking opened his mouth, and in the end, didn't say a word.

He looked in the other direction and said, "Don't forget our bet."

Gu Yuena's body trembled slightly, and then she looked at Wang Long, who had lost his breath after receiving the treatment.

"Am I really wrong? Shouldn't I trust others, let alone pin my hopes on a human being?"

Gu Yuena muttered to herself.

Wang Long, who had high hopes for her, was killed by someone, which had a huge impact on her.

You must know that the person who has the blood of the Golden Dragon King and has the martial soul of the Golden Dragon King is basically equivalent to the young Golden Dragon King, but he can't withstand that person's blow.

"No, no, Wang Long is just a human being. His failure does not mean that I have also failed. I still have a way to become a dragon **** myself." Gu Yuena muttered to herself, and a flash of light flashed in her eyes. Ming Wu, at the same time, showed a murderous aura on her body, and she wanted to deprive the blood of the Golden Dragon King.

But the impulse was only for a moment, and the next moment was suppressed by her.

Now is not the time, the bloodline of the Golden Dragon King on Wang Long is not mature, and depriving her will not be of much effect on her.

"I put my everything on you, I hope you don't let me down, otherwise don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless." Gu Yuena looked at the sluggish young man in the distance and clenched her fists.

In the end, she decided to give Wang Long a chance.

Although there is little hope, what if it succeeds?

In the past, there was no way to choose to cultivate Wang Long. After all, she was so badly injured at that time that she had no way to protect the soul beast family.

But now it is different. She has recovered and has more room for manipulation.

PS: Well, it's over!

Ask for tickets! ~~~

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