"'Saber', I have roughly located the location of the interference source, but it cannot be used for attack yet. The relevant data has been synchronized to you through the data link. It's up to you next."

"No problem, leave it to me, 'Sulfur', you should be ready to counterattack at any time."

HCP, carrying a quadruple anti-radiation missile, zoomed in on the camera of the main monitor on his head in the direction of his teammates, and then saw the latter's mechanical feet kick hard, and the propulsion array on his back suddenly lit up.

Then this nearly 100-ton enthusiast rushed to a height of about 60 meters, and with the help of the main propulsion array facing downward and other vector nozzles, it hovered in the air.

The pilot with the call sign 'Sulfur' looked at his teammates in the air and immediately opened the missile bay cover above the back propulsion array.

He knew that 'Saber' had already turned on the active detection mode of the HCP electronic countermeasure module.

In this mode, the airborne electronic countermeasure module can analyze the mediation style and encoding method of the interference source based on the data he just passed, and further locate the coordinates of the interference source.

At least reach the accuracy that can enable anti-radiation missiles to launch attacks.

But this process is full of dangers, especially when this HCP hovers in the air to expand the detection range, it basically becomes a target.

That's why this dangerous job was given to the 'Saber' to do.

Because the anti-radiation missile is on the body of the 'Sulfur', if he performs hovering detection, if he is shot down by the electromagnetic reconnection gun of the enemy's heavy unit, then he will directly lose the possibility of counterattack.

"Location! Prepare to attack! The data is coming back. Fuck, I'm locked!"

The 'Saber' in the air controlled the fanatic to fall suddenly, but was still scratched by a purple high-energy laser beam across the shoulder armor.

"'Sulfur', pay attention, the opponent has an accompanying air defense unit, you'd better find a way to explore the way first!"

After landing on the back of a building, the 'Saber''s propulsion array lit up again for buffering reverse thrust, and then fell to the ground.

At this time, the pilot with the call sign ‘Sulfur’ had set the parameters for the anti-radiation missile launch according to the information sent back.

After hearing the suggestion of his teammates, he thought for a moment and then launched a missile first.

The electromagnetic propulsion device of the quadruple missile bay ejected the No. 1 missile directly, and the missile engine ignited after reaching a safe height.

Under the propulsion of the engine, the No. 1 missile rushed out from the street where the HCP was hiding with a trail, and then flew towards the source of interference.

When he saw that his teammate had only launched one anti-radiation missile, ‘Saber’, who had just landed, immediately understood what the other party meant.

The tacit understanding formed by long-term cooperation made it unnecessary for the two to communicate.

The fanatic immediately ran forward two steps and then jumped up again. In the blue light of the plasma propulsion array on his back, he was once again sent into the air.

At the same time, ‘Saber’ also activated the plasma rocket launch nest attached to the feet of the body in the weapon control menu.

The response of the federal forces did not surprise ‘Saber’.

Almost at the moment when this solitary anti-radiation bomb flew out of the sky above the town, two high-energy laser beams swept over the ground in the distance.

Although the anti-radiation bomb took into account the need for penetration, it used a thin layer of laminated armor and was coated with an anti-beam coating.

And after being irradiated by the high-energy laser, it immediately changed its trajectory under the action of the gas rudder.

But it still didn't last long before it was detonated by the laser beam that continued to track and irradiate.

However, this time was enough for the "Saber". The detection unit of the HCP quickly determined the approximate range of the laser anti-aircraft vehicle.

This is a green park outside the city, with many trees that can be used as cover.

"3.5 kilometers? Are the accompanying air defense units so close?"

However, the "Saber" had no time to consider the battle situation at this time. After the anti-radiation bomb was detonated, he would soon become the next target.

"Full-bomb launch mode! Area coverage shooting!"

Under his command, the combat auxiliary AI quickly completed the trajectory solution.

The plasma rocket launch nest on the outside of the fanatic's feet also slightly adjusted the elevation angle according to the calculated trajectory.

On the full-circle display, after the virtual trajectory of the rocket nest turned green, the ‘Saber’ did not hesitate to empty two 9-pack plasma rocket launch nests in one breath.

As the rockets were thrown out one by one, the steel giant hovering in the air was constantly fine-tuning its posture to ensure that the rockets could fall within the predetermined area.

The moment the launch nest was empty, the enthusiast also began to fall, and at the same time, the charged particle cannon and heavy particle cannon behind it were also deployed, and then swept towards the location of the laser anti-aircraft vehicle.

The two beams of light were launched later and arrived first. The charged particle beam ignited a series of trees on the attack path, and the heavy particle cannon directly plowed a charred mark on the ground.

Soon, the plasma rockets thrown over also fell into the predetermined area, exploding a group of high-temperature plasma fireballs.

Although the ‘Saber’ who had already fallen to the ground could not judge the killing effect of this round of attack, he knew that even if the opponent’s accompanying air defense units were fine, they would have to evacuate urgently.

This also creates a "window period".

On the other side, 'Brimstone' also seized this window period and launched the remaining three missiles in the missile bay one after another.

This time, the three anti-radiation bombs were indeed not intercepted, and flew directly over the park that had turned into a sea of ​​​​fire, heading towards the deeper source of interference.

Whether it is Brimstone, Saber, or Phillips in the regiment headquarters, they all know that the chance of this attack directly destroying the opponent's interference vehicle is not high.

Because there must be terminal air defense units near this important technical weapon.

But Phillips and the others didn't originally expect to achieve results. This anti-radiation bomb attack was enough to make the opponent's jamming vehicle move its position.

For jamming vehicles that must stop to deploy their antennas, entering maneuvers also means that their interference intensity will be significantly reduced, and may even be interrupted.

What the imperial forces need is this window period to suspend interference.

The two HCPs that completed the attack did not stay here longer and immediately withdrew towards the interior of the city.

Their position has been exposed at this time. If the federal army is determined, it is not impossible to cover their position with firepower.

Just as they retreated near the regiment headquarters, the entire unit's communications were finally partially restored.

The voices of other teammates finally came from the HCP team's communication channel.

"Attention everyone! The Flytrap has been destroyed! Repeat. The Flytrap has been destroyed!"

"An enemy psychic unit is found in area B4, please support!"

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