Chapter 88 Real eSports.jpg

The Imperial troops stationed in Blue Bay did not expect the sudden attack of the federal troops.

Although the Marquis of Ascania has changed the combat strategy of the ground troops, in their speculation, the remnants of the federal soldiers who were attacked should be fleeing across the continent at this time.

Instead of gathering a large number of troops and taking the initiative to attack like now.

The original mission of this imperial orbital paratrooper force that controlled Blue Bay was to guard the port and respond to the main ground forces that arrived on the ground through the space elevator and then transferred across the sea.

However, the delay in using the space elevator has frustrated the empire's idea of ​​sending heavy troops in large quantities, which has also led to the current situation of the troops in Blue Bay being somewhat embarrassing.

It won’t work if I walk, and it won’t work if I don’t walk.

Therefore, after this orbital paratrooper regiment annihilated the federal defenders and captured Blue Bay, in addition to patrolling the occupied area every day to prove their 'existence', most of the other time was spent in temporary camps on standby for rest.

Although the empire's orbital paratroopers have set up air-dropped wide-field electromagnetic monitoring arrays on the tops of a few high-rise buildings in the city, maintaining electronic surveillance over a large area.

However, the temporary 83rd Combined Brigade relies on the help of a relatively complete tactical support battalion and a large number of preserved electronic warfare equipment and reconnaissance equipment to miraculously hide its own electromagnetic signals while also avoiding enemy reconnaissance units. , allowing the entire army to march silently.

After the team in the city was attacked, and rockets and 155mm grenades fell overhead, the commander of this imperial force woke up from a dream.

In any case, the reaction of the imperial troops was indeed too slow.

After experiencing one round of school firing and two rounds of effectiveness firing, they finally reacted and began to frantically send out warnings of an attack to all surrounding friendly forces and the fleet above them.

But all was lost, and there was no response at all.

The commanders and staff of this unit immediately realized that their communications with the outside world had been blocked.

"When this new set of communication modules was released, wasn't it said to have automatic spectrum sensing and adaptive spectrum hole utilization capabilities?! Why is it just like a pile of scrap metal now?"

In the regimental command post hidden in an underground structure somewhere in the town, the commander of this orbital paratrooper, Lieutenant Colonel Phillips of the Imperial Royal Navy, was furious at the regimental communications platoon.

"Captain, the attacking enemy should have used multiple wide-area electronic suppression equipment. Only in this way can our signal be completely blocked!"

The platoon leader of the communications platoon, facing the leader who was in a "bad mood", bit the bullet and got close to him, and then continued:

"According to the hostile target identification information issued before the war, the unit of the federal forces on this planet has this capability. I speculate that it should be the 'Bee' series of jamming trucks, but the specific model is not clear."

After hearing the words of the communications platoon leader, Phillips did not continue to spray.

He also knew that the communication interruption could not be completely blamed on them. It was probably because his troops had encountered difficulties.

Being able to carry out electronic suppression of this scale and effect, coupled with the intensity of the firepower strike just now.

Phillips guessed it was against a federal brigade-level force.

"Tsk, we have to find a way to knock out these sources of interference."

Phillips switched the HUD interface of his visor to the command module, and then browsed quickly inside.

He wanted to find out if he had any countermeasures.

In order to prevent being blamed for everything, the deputy commander and chief of staff were not with him, but at another backup headquarters.

The two headquarters originally maintained contact through dual channels of wired and shortwave, and they could usually be contacted.

But I don’t know if it’s the federal troops who have good luck or the imperial troops who have bad luck.

After the 83rd Synthetic Brigade launched electronic suppression to interfere with short-wave communications, the simultaneous long-range strikes actually destroyed the wired communication lines near the backup headquarters.

As a result, at this point, the regiment leader Phillips was unable to contact the staff of the backup headquarters for a while.

"You have to rely on yourself at the critical moment!"

After finding what he wanted in the command module interface, Phillips quickly edited a brief combat order, and then summoned the two regiment communications troops.

When communications are disrupted, these communications soldiers have to become messengers.

"Find a way to contact the two HCPs on standby and pass this order on."

"Yes, sir!"

The two communications soldiers who took the order put on their face shields, picked up their weapons and ran out.

Watching them leave, Phillips found the combat staff who was with him again.

"Is the 'Swarm' ready?"

On the communications corps' tactical map, the last refreshed positions of the two HCPs were not far from the headquarters.

According to the previous scheduled combat plan, if attacked, while the troops shrink, the HCP will be divided into two teams, giving priority to the regiment headquarters and the backup headquarters for cover.

Therefore, the current location of these two HCPs should be near the regiment headquarters.

The two communications soldiers did not spend much effort to find two HCPs hiding in a nearby building complex on standby.

After trying to communicate without success, the two of them crossed the street and hid next to a civilian truck.

At the same time, a laser communication mast was raised on the backpack of one of them.

Soon, after receiving the combat order directly issued by the regiment commander through laser communication, the two HCPs also moved quickly.

They raised their mechanical arms to salute the signal soldiers, and then rushed out from both ends of the street in a burst of blue light from the plasma propulsion array.

Phillips's response was also simple and rough. The electronic countermeasure module of HCP was the strongest electronic warfare equipment in his hands.

Although HCP alone could not counter the wide-area electronic suppression of the federal forces, it was still no problem to locate the source of interference.

And one of the HCPs happened to be equipped with an "anti-suppression backpack" - a quadruple anti-radiation missile cabin.

Phillips did not expect to kill the opponent's jammer in one fell swoop, but at least he could force these jammers to maneuver urgently through attacks, giving his troops a chance to breathe.

The two HCPs soon came to a suitable position on the edge of the city.

At this position, they could see the other two HCPs in the distance, already fighting with the attacking federal forces.

After arriving at the designated location, the HCP equipped with the "anti-suppression backpack" took the initiative to distance itself and finally stopped at the extreme position that could ensure laser communication.

Then, the pilot of this HCP turned on the "passive detection mode" of the electronic countermeasure module.

In the ever-escalating electronic countermeasures, it is unrealistic to accurately locate the target position through a single means in such a complex electromagnetic environment.

Its difficulty is no less than getting the dish you want with your eyes closed in the Royal Navy's officers' mess.

So it must fuse information with other units to do it.

And this "other unit" is another HCP.

With the help of combat auxiliary AI, the electronic countermeasure module of the fanatic can perform multi-mode and multi-band work.

Through the division of labor and cooperation between the two HCPs, there is indeed a chance to counter the enemy's interference source through "physical means".

Don't worry, the double update will only be late, not interrupted

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