"Captain Margaret, are you busy now?"

Amber walked to the back of the transport truck, looked at Isabel who was dispensing medicine in the trailer, and asked softly.

Since the brigade headquarters really has no extra medical vehicles to support, the transport truck that followed Amber and the others here has been temporarily modified by the mechanical soldiers and has temporarily become a temporary medical truck for this motorized infantry platoon.

As for Isabel, the imperial spy, because her latent identity was a medical captain, she set up a medical team with the only two remaining military doctors and two mobile infantrymen who were chasing ducks.

This truck also became the place where Isabel spent the most time during this period.

"You leave all the team's medical work to me. Do you think I'm busy?"

Hearing Amber's voice, Isabel glanced at him impatiently, then quickly changed back to an expression full of resentment.

"What do you want to see me for? I'm preparing the medicine right now. How about you wait a moment? I'll come over to you when I'm done."

Amber was about to agree, but another female military doctor in the medical truck spoke first:

"Captain, go ahead and leave the preparation of the medicine to me."

At the same time, he also approached Isabel and took over the dispensing work from her.

"Yes, Captain Margaret, please go quickly. Warrant Officer Amber must have something important to do with you."

Others in the truck echoed with suppressed smiles.

Isabel naturally heard what these guys were saying, her pretty face immediately turned slightly red, and she almost jumped out of the truck as if she was running away.

"Warrant Officer Amber! Come on!"

The words of a wounded soldier lying in the truck made these people unable to hold back any longer and laughed out loud.

"No, you guys are just doing whatever you want."

Amber was dumbfounded and just about to say a few words, Isabel pulled her away from the truck.

"Hey! Don't get excited, everyone is just too bored to march, so we are joking."

"Hmm~ So what do you want to see me for?"

Walking to a deserted place, Isabel let go of Amber's arm, glanced at him, and then started to kick the stones on the ground with her lower head.

Amber glanced around and made sure there was no one else, then she leaned into Isabel's ear.

"There were so many people just now, it's hard to say. I just want to ask you if you know the Marquis of Ascania?"


Isabel, who was nervous for a moment because of Amber's sudden approach, was stunned for a moment after hearing these words.

"You called me here just to ask about this?"

"Yes, is it possible that I asked you this in the medical truck? Do you still want to die?"

Seeing Isabel's expression, Amber suddenly reacted.

"Wait, you don't think I want to."

"Stop! Stop talking." Isabel covered her face with her hands and quickly adjusted herself.

"I haven't had much contact with the Marquis of Ascania. He turned to the Regent's side very early on, so he doesn't have close contacts with my family. However, the Naval Intelligence Department did do some research on this person. Lord Marquis’ comprehensive assessment, why do you suddenly ask about this?”

When she said this, Isabel did not move her head away, but still pressed against Amber. From a distance, she looked like a couple cuddling together.

"I mainly want to know the command style of the Lord Marquis and see if he will treat his troops as human beings. This is related to the difficulty of the next street battle."

Seeing that Isabel didn't hide away, Amber naturally put her hands on her waist. The latter's body shook slightly, but she made no other movements.

"There is no clear judgment in the evaluation report on this aspect. Judging from some of the counter-insurgency operations he has participated in before, the Marquis's behavior can be said to be uncertain. Sometimes he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, and sometimes he behaves badly. Show compassion for your troops.”

"Tsk, moody commander? This is not good news. I have a hunch that the troops might be hit by an orbital attack in the city of Blue Bay."

Amber shook her head, and the hand on Isabel's waist moved involuntarily.

"Let me tell you, Warrant Officer Amber, are you getting more and more pushy?"

"Is this too much?" Amber turned her head, and the hot breath she exhaled happened to hit Isabel's ears, and the latter couldn't help but shrink her neck.

"Then why didn't you resist?"


Isabel was speechless for a moment, and she didn't know why she didn't have the idea of ​​resisting.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Amber took back her hand and took two steps back while making a 'French military salute'.

"I just want to come here to ask some questions. Seeing that you are very busy, I just want to calm down the tense atmosphere recently."

After saying this, Amber saw the expression on Isabel's face change from confusion to shame and anger, and then turned away with a blushing face.

"Master, are you a scumbag?"

Lilith's voice suddenly sounded in his mind, and the artificial intelligence felt as if he was watching a good show.

"Of course not, it's not the time to be a scumbag yet."

Watching Isabel's leaving back, Amber also moved towards the communication relay vehicle.

"Lilith, have you read all the information I marked for you?"

"I have already read it. I have read electronic warfare comprehensive confrontation, virus compilation, and multi-channel attack. However, I feel that what you gave me, Master, is just basic information."

"That's for sure. It would be great if I could find this information for you in my personal terminal. I'll take a look at the more in-depth advanced content later when I have the opportunity."

“Didi, di, di, di!”

While Amber was communicating with Lilith, his personal terminal also received an encrypted message from the brigade headquarters.

The message was quickly decoded and the content above was very simple.

It is to inform each unit of the specific time point of H in the combat plan, and require each combat unit to take action on time according to the combat plan.

"Will we start taking action in two hours?"

Amber accelerated the pace of returning to the communication relay vehicle, and at the same time issued the command through the command module that "the rest is over and all units are ready for combat."

"Lilith, if you don't want to take the orbital strike with me, then you can't fish in this battle. Your electronic attack will be a surprise."

"Understood! Master, just leave it to me with confidence!"

Lilith's voice was a little excited. The artificial intelligence felt that Amber's ability to say such a thing proved that her status in his heart had been further improved.

"When you say this, I really can't trust you."

Two chapters a day for part-time writing is really the limit. I really think it’s too little, so I can take care of it first, and just remember to come back and read it later~

Then I really didn’t delete the comment, and you didn’t attack me personally. Why should I delete it? I asked the editor and other authors. It should be that the comment content involves political politics or sensitive words have been swallowed. When everyone commented, it was still Pay attention ~

PS: I will save more manuscripts this month and will try to do it next Saturday starting from February

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