The federal troops on Robert IV and the task force that were 'fighting guerrillas' near the planet did not yet know that two fleets had already set off and were heading towards the Robert system.

Little did he know that in the capital galaxy, the opposition had already launched an impeachment of the president in Congress.

When the House of Representatives convenes to discuss relevant issues, although President Brandon, as a ‘relator’ of the issue, theoretically cannot participate in the meeting.

But he still wore his congressional pin and attended the House session.

At the same time, a certain federal Democratic senator who attended the meeting gave a speech amidst the "incompetent rage" of the opposition by "giving up the opportunity to speak to former Corolla Star Senator Brandon".

Understand the rules, play with the rules, and make rules.

This is also the reason why Brandon was finally able to stand in this position.

The final result of the meeting was as Secretary Miller expected. There were no procedural issues with the president's ordering the fleet to conduct exercises at the border, and the opposition's impeachment was also dismissed due to the uncertainty of the military situation regarding the "border attack."

In this case, each member of the opposition hoped that the military intelligence was wrong and that the Empire did not actually launch an invasion.

In this way, next year's general election can proceed smoothly. When the polls show that Brandon is lagging behind, it is very likely that he will not be re-elected under their operation.

As the President of the Federation, Brandon has now become one of the few people in the Federation who are extremely hopeful that the war between the Federation and the Empire will break out smoothly.

On the other side, due to the emergence of the task force, the current pressure on the federal ground forces has been greatly reduced compared to before.

In particular, the decline in the frequency and capabilities of the Imperial Fleet's orbital strikes and orbital airdrops has meant that their ground forces' advantage in the confrontation is no longer as great as it was initially.

After all, according to the initial vision of the Imperial Fleet Combat Command, the ground forces were more likely to separate the remaining federal troops and then serve as "eyes" to guide orbital strikes, thereby realizing the idea of ​​annihilating the enemy with a small number of troops.

At the same time, the armored brigade combat team under the Eighth Expeditionary Strike Group was quickly transported through the space elevator.

But obviously, with the space elevator out of service and the federal task force constantly harassing them, this idea can only be imagined.

Seeing that the hope of a quick victory was gradually fading, under the order of the Marquis of Ascania, the ground forces adjusted their combat plan under the command of the staff.

The orbital paratroopers and supporting mechanical units no longer aimed at dividing and surrounding the remaining federal troops to guide the attack, but began to concentrate.

Relying on the firepower advantage brought by HCP in local battlefields, we can encircle and suppress the remaining federal soldiers who have not had time to escape the encirclement, and prioritize killing these effective forces.

As for the other remnants of the Federation who had completed the breakout, in the view of Marquis Ascania, they were blocked on this planet, and their destruction was only a matter of time.

But the premise is that no other accidents happen.

Based on this background, Amber's temporary 83rd Combined Brigade, after temporarily completing the breakout, has indeed significantly reduced the frequency of encountering imperial troops.

This also allowed this team, whose marching speed continued to increase, to arrive at the last waypoint on the Northern Continent - the port city of Blue Bay - earlier than expected.

According to the plan, the troops will be resupplied here and travel to the Southern Continent where the space elevator is located via transportation in the port.

Unfortunately, during the early investigation process, traces of imperial troops were unfortunately found in this city.

Although Lieutenant Colonel Dallas has been trying his best to avoid fighting and preserve his strength for the final battle.

But at the moment, apart from Blue Bay, the nearest port city is still 400 kilometers away. If you adjust your destination rashly, you will lose more than you gain if you still encounter imperial troops.

This also caused the brigade staff to finally add a new combat plan in front of the original plan.

And it is an urban combat plan that gives everyone a headache.

"So I hate street fighting the most."

Looking at the latest combat orders issued by the brigade headquarters, Amber also felt a headache.

Compared to other battles, ground street fighting is one of Amber's most annoying battles.

Because the fighting distance has been infinitely shortened, both sides are fighting hand-to-hand. The probability of the enemy and ourselves being mixed together and engaging in hand-to-hand combat is very high, which is extremely dangerous.

Various winding streets, complex terrain, and enemies hidden in the dark make street battles full of countless unpredictable factors.

Moreover, after entering a close combat, the effect of long-range fire support from the rear will be greatly affected.

Because once the frontline fire observer reports the coordinates, or there is the slightest deviation in the shooting parameters of self-propelled artillery and rockets, it will cause great accidental damage.

No matter how elite the troops are, they may be ruined in the city due to an intelligence error or a mistake in on-the-spot command.

This is especially true of the street fighting that Amber experienced in the game in her previous life. The cooperation between players was sometimes outrageous. It often happened that several player teams were crowded into a block and then were covered by their own long-range firepower.

The combat effectiveness is not even comparable to that of the NPC army.

"Now let's see how many imperial troops there are in Blue Bay."

In the communication relay vehicle, Amber looked at the battle plan and discussed it with Randall.

"If the number is not large, and Lieutenant Colonel Dallas' determination to fight is also strong, he should be able to capture it quickly with a certain amount of casualties."

"What if the number is larger?" Randall, who is not familiar with ground combat, has become an eager student during this time.

"A larger number may actually be a good thing. The lieutenant colonel will most likely retreat and find another place."

"What if the quantity is neither too much nor too little?"

"No more, no less." Amber raised her head and looked at the roof of the car, recalling some bad memories in her mind.

"That will be the worst result. The two sides will be in a stalemate in the city. Not only will we not be able to achieve the goal of quick victory, we may also suffer an orbital attack."

"Ah this."

Major Randall's face became a little ugly. As a federal naval officer, he naturally knew how lethal orbital strikes were to ground troops.

"But this also depends on the combat determination of the imperial troops, and whether the commander or combat staff of the imperial fleet above us will treat the ground troops as human beings."

Amber pointed upward with a finger.

"If they regard the ground troops as human beings, then when the troops from both sides are strangled together in the city, maybe they will also take action."

"Then do you think the commander of this imperial fleet will treat their troops on the surface as human beings?"

"Major, why do you think I know this kind of thing? I'm just a small warrant officer. Even if I'm a psychic agent, that doesn't mean I'm omniscient and omnipotent, right?"

Amber responded speechlessly.

"Well, you wait here, and I'll help you ask the Imperial Fleet Combat Command to see if they plan to launch an orbital strike."

Amid Major Randall's embarrassed sneer, Amber got out of the communication relay vehicle while complaining.

Stepping out from under the camouflage net set up by the communication relay truck, Amber looked up at the sky. A long-range drone was passing over his head, flying towards the direction of Blue Bay.

This is a high-altitude reconnaissance drone released by the brigade drone battalion after setting up a temporary field airport.

At this time, he and the motorized infantry platoon were resting at a predetermined hiding spot, which was less than 50 kilometers away from Blue Bay.

The entire temporary 83rd Combined Brigade troops were distributed in an encirclement 40-50 kilometers away from the city in accordance with the issued combat plan, waiting for the final attack order.

Looking at the drone gradually disappearing into the sky, Amber turned and walked towards another nearby 'Kodo' truck that also had a camouflage net set up.

Although he could not contact the Imperial Fleet Combat Command, there was another Imperial noble in the team who he could consult.

Two chapters a day for part-time writing is really the limit. I really think it’s too little, so I can take care of it first, and just remember to come back and read it later~

Then I really didn’t delete the comment, and you didn’t attack me personally. Why should I delete it? I asked the editor and other authors. It should be that the comment content involves political politics or sensitive words have been swallowed. When everyone commented, it was still Pay attention ~

PS: I will save more manuscripts this month and will try to do it next Saturday starting from February

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