From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 53 The door behind the stone wall

The convoy rested in this transfer center for a whole day, and all the vehicles were driven into the warehouse of the transfer center and hidden.

The ultra-short wave reconnaissance and interference vehicle also uses external cables to connect to the power generation module of the transfer center, thus maintaining the alert reconnaissance mode.

Since there would be a long journey ahead, Amber specially asked the mechanics and transport soldiers to conduct a thorough overhaul of all the vehicles.

All available spare parts, battery packs, fuel and other materials were collected in this transfer center.

At the same time, the soldiers were allowed to rest attentively, and the kitchen of the transfer center was used to give them a dinner that was not individual soldier rations.

The convoy did not complete preparations until nightfall on the second day and set off again.

As for the next first destination, Amber was set on the outskirts of the mountain forest where the 31027 Research Institute was located.

Faced with this 'plug-in' that almost came to her door, Amber couldn't convince herself not to take a trip.

Although this process has certain risks, you may even lose your life.

But in contrast, there are huge benefits after success.

This profit was enough for Amber to put a rope around her neck like a businessman who saw huge profits.

The convoy quickly left the road and drove towards the mountains and forests, and drove into a forest clearing.

Amber asked others to turn off the vehicle and put up a camouflage net, then found Major Randall and several other non-commissioned officers in the team.

"I am going to act alone in this mountain forest for a while. You should stay alert and wait here. If I haven't come back after two hours or lose contact directly, then you can continue to move forward along the path I left. No need. Wait for me."

After giving all these instructions, he walked towards the depths of the mountain forest alone.

Amber did not tell anyone else the purpose of the trip, and the other mobile infantrymen and Major Randall didn't ask any more questions. They just assumed that Amber, a psychic agent, might be performing some secret mission.

Although Isabel was very curious about Amber's actions, she really couldn't follow up to find out what happened at the moment.

Therefore, no one in the team had any objections to Amber's arrangement.

In order to facilitate walking through the forest and exploring after entering the institute, Amber did not wear the newly acquired 'Breaker 2', but still wore the previous light exoskeleton.

After all, the various functions and characteristics of the former are more for frontal breakthroughs on the battlefield.

The lightweight exoskeleton I am wearing now is quieter and lighter, and can also cooperate with me to achieve optical invisibility.

There is a certain order of learning and there is a specialization in the art.

The same principle applies to military equipment such as exoskeletons and HCPs.

Amber followed the rough route that the 'Mongoose' special operations platoon took through the forest in the previous life - the content exposed in the forum post was too detailed, and even included the ground action route map of the 'Mongoose' at that time.

So much so that Amber once suspected that the player who posted the post had visited the secret archives of the Star Dragon Empire.

Considering the game plot at that time, the once powerful Star Dragon Empire had already split into several principalities that were always at war.

The 17 intelligence agencies of the Star Dragon Empire were also divided in the chaos, and they no longer had the same level of organization as before, so this speculation is not unreasonable.

But now, all this is cheaper for Amber.

Following the route in his memory, Amber soon arrived at the research institute, which was built inside the mountain and extended downwards. It was the only entrance left.

A disguised emergency entrance and exit hidden inside a cave.

Amber actually didn't know where the main entrance of the institute was.

Although he was sure that the gate was also located in this mountain forest, he had no more time to search now.

And even if he found it, he might not be able to open it, so he could only start from this emergency entrance.

Amber walked to the depths of the cave. At this position, the sunlight was lost, and it was difficult to see the surrounding environment clearly with the naked eye.

He turned on the night vision mode of the tactical visor, and the cold white screen showed an extremely ordinary cave.

The area of ​​the cave is not particularly large, and the extension into the mountain is not deep, only more than a hundred meters, so Amber quickly reached the end of the cave.

This is also an ordinary stone wall without any artificial traces.

But Amber knew that if the goddess of fate didn't play big tricks on her, then the personnel emergency exit would definitely be behind this stone wall.

After roughly confirming the position on the stone wall, Amber took out another weapon besides the ghost sniper rifle from behind.

An individual anti-vehicle missile.

This weapon, originally developed to attack armored vehicles, tanks, and HCPs, performs well when attacking fortifications.

Although the stone wall covering the outside of the emergency exit is definitely not very thick, after all, the door was designed to be pushed open from the inside.

But with Amber's current psychic level and his current psychic reserves, it would still be a bit troublesome to blast open the stone wall with bare hands.

It's not that it can't be blasted.

The main reason is that it will take a long time and your hands will be a little sore.

Amber held the individual anti-vehicle missile and walked to a position about 20 meters away from the stone wall, then opened the bracket on the launcher and placed it on the ground.

Adjust the orientation of the launcher and set a 2-minute countdown on the launcher's control device after launch.

Amber trotted out of the cave and hid behind a nearby big tree.

Although the stone walls of this cave looked solid, Amber was still worried that the explosion would cause the mountain to collapse and bury him inside, which would be more than worth the gain.

As the countdown in the lower right corner of the visor reached zero, an explosion soon erupted from the cave, followed by a shock wave that rushed out of the cave entrance carrying smoke, dust, and gravel.

Pebbles one after another hit the big tree where Amber was hiding, making a crackling sound.

But the movement didn't last long. After a while, the forest returned to silence.

Amber's personal terminal also received a text message from Major Randall through the communication relay vehicle, asking if he needed support.

"This old man is quite nice."

Amber smiled and replied, 'Everything is normal, the team will stay where they are,' and then waited at the entrance of the cave for a while.

After guessing that the cave would not collapse, he carefully walked in and was ready to turn around and rush out at any time.

When he came to the end of the cave again, the first thing he saw was the launcher that had been overturned by the shock wave, and then the stone wall that had been blackened by the explosion.

And underneath the stone wall, a metallic area was faintly exposed.

Amber suppressed the ecstasy of 'winning the jackpot' in her heart, crept forward, and broke off the remaining stone wall.

A large fragment of the stone wall was broken off by him.

At the same time, more parts of the emergency personnel exit behind were exposed.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Seeing that the door in front of her gradually overlapped with the door in the image data in her memory, Amber put her hands on the stone wall with excitement.

Then he carefully controlled the output power of the spiritual energy in his body, transmitted it through his hands, and formed a spiritual energy shock.

"Swish, swish, swish."

More and more fragments of the stone wall were shaken down, and the hidden door was finally revealed in front of Amber.

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