From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 52 Target: Secret Research Institute

"Amber, you hurt me!"

A coquettish voice came.

"Okay, I'll pay attention next time~"

Amber responded perfunctorily, then jumped out of the armored vehicle and walked towards the signal trooper.

It was only then that Isabel came back from her nap.

After realizing what she had done and said, a blush appeared on the female spy's face.

"Don't blush, just lend me my shoulder to lean on. Don't think too much. I'm not interested in you now either."

Amber said without looking back.

These words almost made Isabel jump off the roof of the car and fight Amber to the death.

But fortunately, she still remembered her identity and knew that the current environment was indeed not suitable, so she had to give up.

"What's going on?" Amber walked up to the communications soldier.

This young communications soldier is almost the soldier in the team, other than Randall and Isabel, who talks to Amber the most.

"Sir!" The communications soldier stood still and saluted him.

"We have just connected to the brigade and camp level backbone network again, and the signal is relatively stable. It is estimated that we are completely within the coverage of the backbone network."

"In other words, our distance from the core communication relay vehicle is already less than 150 kilometers?"

"Yes, sir!"

Amber clicked a few times on the tactical map on his personal terminal, and the enemy-friendly situation map was quickly updated.

The above represents the location of the main force led by Lieutenant Colonel Dallas, which is currently more than 130 kilometers away from them.

And judging from the situation on the situation map, they also successfully broke through the siege of the imperial troops. Although there are still many imperial troops behind them, the situation is much better than the previous few days.

At the same time, Amber drew a path map based on where the main force appeared on the map in the past few days.

Then it was discovered that the main force seemed to be deliberately moving closer to his position.

"Interesting. So this is probably not the only thing that brought you to me. Did you get a message from Lieutenant Colonel Dallas?"

Amber raised her head and looked at the signal soldier, who had a surprised expression on his face.

"Yes, sir!"

The signal soldier operated on his personal terminal and sent an encrypted file to Amber.

"This is an encrypted file sent by the brigade staff. Only the current military commanders of each unit have the authority to open it!"

"Okay, I understand." Amber nodded.

"Anything else to report?"

"No more, sir!"

"Then you go back to the car and take a rest. We'll be ready to leave in a while."

Signal Corps ‘Bah! ’ He stood at attention and saluted, then turned and left.

Amber stared at the back of the communication soldier for a while. He could even hear the guy yawning after walking a certain distance.

Not only this communications soldier, but also the other soldiers in the team, especially the motorized infantry, were all exhausted.

In normal times, the training intensity of these guys is pitifully low. They just fish and exercise in the camp every day.

There are very few short-distance trainings, let alone long-distance marches that last more than three days.

Fortunately, they have now escaped from the encirclement of the imperial troops in this war zone, and they should not encounter another battle in the short term.

Thinking of this, Amber opened the encrypted file sent to herself by the Signal Corps.

The authority certification was quickly passed. After becoming the temporary commander of this unit through the provisions of federal field doctrine DT5237, Amber also had the same authority as the military chief of this unit.

The content of the document was similar to what Amber had guessed. It was a combat plan that had been re-planned by the brigade's tactical staff.

"It seems that Lieutenant Colonel Dallas finally adopted my suggestion."

Amber projected the contents of the document onto the inside of his tactical visor, then found an open space and sat down to read it carefully.

The general content of this combat plan is similar to what Amber sent at that time.

However, a large number of details have been revised and optimized by the tactical staff at the brigade headquarters, and Amber had to admit that 'there are specialties in the art'.

These tactical staff members with professional backgrounds are much more standardized than themselves in terms of tactical details.

And with the help of the vehicle-mounted command terminal with stronger computing power on the brigade command vehicle, they can add more variables to the combat deduction for calculations.

"After all, it is the command vehicle of the main force. Its performance is very good."

Soon, Amber finished reading the battle plan.

According to the order of Lieutenant Colonel Dallas, all troops who can be contacted should try their best to secretly advance to the location of the orbital elevator.

But until you reach the orbital elevator, keep breaking into pieces and avoid large-scale gatherings.

To avoid being caught by the Imperial Army, a tactical hydrogen bomb was used to defeat them all.

"That's not right. The plan says to break it up into parts and not to assemble on a large scale, but why is the position of your main force getting closer to me?"

"What, remote communication is not enough, do you want to be gay offline?"

Amber was stunned by the question that suddenly popped up, and she couldn't think of an answer for a while.

After a while, Amber gave up this clueless thinking and turned to think about another thing.

That was the place where the 'Mongoose' special operations platoon, which had been completely wiped out after being attacked by him, was originally going to go.

"Institute 31027, I really didn't expect this place to be on Robert 4."

Amber opened the tactical map and adjusted it to terrain map mode.

Since the 'mongooses' will appear in this war zone, it means that the location of Research Institute 31027 is also in this area.

After all, these special operations soldiers have very strong body functions and the performance of the exoskeletons they are equipped with.

But it is not enough to support them in long-distance maneuvers without vehicles.

Amber carefully recalled the post she had seen on the forum.

That was a large amount of fragmented information disclosed by a player about the operation of the Mongoose Special Operations Platoon.

In the content of the post, there was a copy of the terrain data nearby when the Mongoose Special Operations Platoon found the 31027 Research Institute.

Because at that time, all the parts of these contents related to the planet where the action was taking place were cleaned up by the Star Dragon Empire officials.

Therefore, after seeing this post, the players at that time, in addition to sighing, found it difficult to find a place to 'visit the Holy Land'.

Although he didn't know where the player got this information from, Amber had to admit that the content inside it really helped him now after crossing time and space.

Amber wrote the terrain information and data that emerged from his memories into the fuzzy matching interface of the tactical map.

It didn't take long before the tactical map showed a highly matching location.

Even in Amber's next direction, there is a mountain forest less than 20 kilometers away.

When the satellite photos stored in the tactical map appeared, I looked at the photos that were almost identical to those in the post at that time.

Amber was immediately sure that this was the place she was looking for!

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By the way, are there really so many people watching now?

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