The war on Para 4 once again passed for a month.

As time went by, the remaining imperial soldiers who lacked supplies and backup also reached a desperate situation, and more and more troops began to surrender in organized form.

Among the imperial troops who surrendered in organized form, most of them surrendered to the federal army opposing them, but a small number of imperial troops chose to surrender to the refugee camp in Atlas.

Regarding this situation, neither the ground troops nor Amber and others expected it at first.

Because the ten refugee reception camps set up by Atlas are only for those refugees who have been devastated by the war, providing them with food, clean drinking water and a shelter.

So after receiving the news from the ground troops that "an imperial infantry platoon self-disarmed appeared near the camp", Amber and others also became entangled.

The practice of accepting refugees has aroused the dissatisfaction of the Federation. If it takes in Imperial soldiers, it is estimated that they will be completely regarded as a thorn in the side of the Federation forces.

Based on this consideration, Amber and others initially decided not to take in these surrendered soldiers rashly, but only provided some basic material support so that they would not suffer a humanitarian crisis due to material shortages.

But when the platoon leader of the imperial infantry platoon knelt in front of the person in charge of the outpost base, almost begging him to take in his troops, the person in charge of the outpost base was also the commander of a combined battalion. The Roma people still sent an application to the Hermes.

After subsequent exchanges between the synthetic battalion commander and these imperial soldiers, Amber and others finally understood why the other party's platoon leader would rather kneel down and beg Atlas than lead his men to surrender to the federal army.

Because the latter is organizing the 'harmless treatment' of the surrendered Imperial soldiers, in other words, they are shooting the surrendered Imperial soldiers on the territory of the Empire on various charges.

After the "surrender wave" occurred a while ago, almost 40% of the remaining imperial soldiers on Para 4 have surrendered to the federal army. If this trend continues, it can be said that the federal ground forces will completely control the planet just around the corner.

But soon, during the process of approaching and conducting reconnaissance behind enemy lines, some scouts discovered that the federal army did not provide these surrendered soldiers with the most basic accommodation in accordance with the "Trares Convention."

Instead, they were directly taken to hiding places and shot in batches. Finally, they were buried in pits or thrown into the camp's incinerator as fuel.

These are even considered relatively ‘observant’ practices.

Some troops whose military discipline has basically become a display, after accepting the formal surrender of the enemy in front of them and completing the disarmament, can no longer conceal their long-hidden tyranny.

The "target shooting" game where you run away from me, the "gladiation" game where ten people fight for a knife and a can, and the female soldiers who fall into their hands are helpless to bear the bestiality of these federal soldiers.

When such news spread among other participating Imperial forces, many people began to wonder whether they should surrender to the federal army on the opposite side.

Some people finally chose to fight to the end, while others looked to the other side of the 'field angels' who had been hosting refugees and providing humanitarian assistance.


"I still can't figure out why the federal army did this. This is completely different from the federal army in my impression. There is really no lower limit."

On the Hermes, Cleeves looked at the report coming back from the ground and said seriously, with a hint of shock and disbelief in his eyes.

On the other side of the holographic screen was Randall, who was also from the Federation Navy. His expression was similar to that of his junior. In his opinion, the actions of these federal ground troops were indeed a bit excessive.

"It's very simple. From a material level, the federal ground forces currently on Para IV cannot afford the supply of materials for these surrendered imperial troops for a long time. 40% of the adult troops surrendered, and conservatively estimated that there are more than ten brigade-level battles. The additional rations for 50,000 to 60,000 troops in one breath may affect the supply level of the federal ground forces themselves."

Faced with the two people's questions, Amber answered:

"Although the Federation has currently recruited a large number of private fleets to assist in transporting supplies, you must know that this war does not just start here. Pyra 4 and even the entire Pyra galaxy are just a piece of cake on the long front. Just the important points.

If the Federation wants to maintain the supply of materials on such a huge front, it must carefully budget all transportation capacity, so every transportation of materials is the result of careful calculation by the Logistics Department.

Although the federation may subsequently increase the supply of supplies to the Para 4 due to the emergence of prisoners, at least until the next batch of transport convoys arrives, the federal troops on the Para 4 will need to use limited supplies to supply their own troops and extra prisoners. "

Hearing Amber's answer, Randall nodded thoughtfully, and then said:

"Now it seems that the federal troops on the ground do not intend to share the supplies with the prisoners?"

"That's right~ and this also involves issues on another level." Amber tapped the table with her knuckles.

"If the two of you are the commanders of the Federation, you will follow the fleet to participate in the counterattack with anger because of the previous invasion of the Empire, and lead your troops to fight fiercely with the Empire on this planet, while suffering heavy casualties.

In this situation, the enemy who fought you to death suddenly disarmed and surrendered. They came to your camp with a large number of hungry soldiers due to shortage of supplies.

Then in the next few days, they will share nearly half of your rations, and the food standards of your soldiers will be reduced a lot. In this situation, will you be willing to accept these enemies who pointed guns at you yesterday? "

Randall and Cleves were silent, but their performance also let Amber know the answer in their hearts.

The atmosphere in the communication channel of the three people became a little depressed. After a while, it was Cleves who took the initiative to break the silence.

"Boss, I still don't understand. Isn't the Federation afraid of provoking the resistance of the imperial soldiers by doing this? These are not civilians, but soldiers who have been trained in combat."

"The federal soldiers are eager for these imperial soldiers to rebel, so that the last trace of guilt in their hearts will disappear. "

Amber shook her head. Although Cleves and Randall were professional soldiers, they had not experienced such a fierce and long-lasting battle.

And compared with the combat environment of the navy, the ground forces were facing "hell", and the pressure on the front-line soldiers was far greater than that of other arms.

"Besides, these imperial soldiers will only be accepted to surrender after they voluntarily disarm. The moment they took off their combat exoskeletons and weapons, they actually became a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

Do you expect these soldiers who have lost their will to fight to use their bodies to resist the enemies wearing combat exoskeletons or power armor? "

"What should we do now? Should we take in these imperial soldiers? "Randall asked this key question.

"If I just planned to bring you here for show, I might refuse to accept them." Amber smiled and continued in a self-deprecating tone:

"But unfortunately, we are not here for show. You should know this after following me for so long.

So as long as these surrendered soldiers take the initiative to disarm and agree to be inspected and monitored, the Atlas Group agrees to accept their surrender."

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