In the humanities courses of the Atlas Group's employee children's school in the future, when teachers mention the "butterfly effect", they will tell students that a butterfly flapping its wings in South America during the Blue Star period may cause a tornado in North America.

At the same time, they will also tell the children of these Atlas employees that the suicide bombing in the town called Portia on Pella IV finally put the Atlas Group in the spotlight and changed from a chess piece to a chess player after a series of events.

And every class of students will also have a "study tour" activity - visit the town of Portia and relive the rise of Atlas to become a world-class giant in the memorial hall.

But looking at the present, even Amber did not expect that the Portia town incident would become the fuse of a series of "big changes" later.

He thought that at the end of this incident, at most it would bite the Federation and let them know what pain is.

But he did not expect that this time he finally tasted the taste of "regret" and "disappointment".

What's more, he didn't expect that after the real fire was ignited, the wound was like it couldn't stop bleeding and couldn't be sutured, slowly tearing the Federation apart completely.

Of course, he didn't know that all this would happen now. At this time, he was listening to the report in the Intelligence Analysis Center.

The content of the report was concise but not simple-the Federation's offensive fleet in the Pella galaxy had been adjusted.

The fleet that was originally clearing out the remnants of the Empire in the galaxy was transferred to the front line where the battle with the Empire Fleet was the most intense because of its more complete organization.

And the one who replaced them was the 13th Fleet led by Vice Admiral Guterres, who had just withdrawn from the front line.

They will replenish personnel, ships, and supplies in this galaxy with a lower intensity of combat, and take over the tasks of friendly forces while resting and continue to clear out the remaining fleets of the Empire.

Although Amber had never met this Vice Admiral of the Federation Navy, she was not unfamiliar with him.

Because he was the one who destroyed Robert IV with a proton annihilation bomb in the case of the defeat of the Robert galaxy war according to the instructions of the "Cyber ​​Kit" left by Marshal Trafalgar.

"There are so many fleets with more complete organizations that can be deployed, but they chose to transfer this guy here. They really think highly of us Atlas."

After learning this news at the intelligence exchange meeting, Amber also put on a rather helpless smile on her face.

As the first and second commanders of the fleet, Cleves and Randall, who were also dragged to attend the meeting, showed a series of expressions of "first puzzled and then suddenly enlightened" after hearing Amber's words.

But there are obviously some other people who didn't get this point among the other participants, and they all cast puzzled eyes at Amber.

"No, your intelligence department can't just focus on the hard power of the other party's fleet. The experience and level of the commander are also very important."

Looking at the curious eyes of everyone, Amber suddenly felt that Atlas' intelligence personnel also needed to study more after work.

"Even if we look at the entire federal navy, this vice admiral is a rare one who has basically fought the entire battle from the beginning to now. In terms of the combat command experience of large-scale fleets in the navy, he is ranked among the best in the human world at this stage."

After Amber said this, everyone immediately understood what they had overlooked, and the sense of crisis in their hearts began to rise rapidly.

Especially Cleves and Randall, the "Naval Academy Duo", showed an unprecedented solemn expression at this moment.

"Boss, I really have no confidence this time."

Although it is a taboo for military strategists to be timid before fighting, Cleves felt that he still had to speak out his thoughts in this internal meeting.

"Why are you panicking? Didn't you often fight me to a draw in simulated battles?"

"Simulated battles can't be compared with actual combat, and I know that although you are very strong, you should also lack actual combat experience in fleet command, right?"

This is the art of speaking of Cleves. While pointing out the problem, he also did not forget to praise his boss.

"You're hurting me, Boss. I used to be very strong."

"Once upon a time, Amber, weren't you a psychic agent? Why do you have to learn this?" Isabel said.

"If you don't believe me, forget it~"

Amber curled her lips and didn't intend to continue arguing on this topic.

No matter how strong Guterres's command ability is, it has become a fact that he has led the fleet to the Pella system.

People have come, and there is no point in arguing at this time. It is better to prepare for the possible battle.

"I will "train" you more these days and teach you a few "tricks". If you have to fight Guterres, I guarantee that you will not be at a disadvantage."

"Boss, you are so thoughtful."


The Federation's move of the 13th Fleet to the Pella system is basically a clear "knocking" of Atlas, hoping that this company can be obedient like other companies.

And on the surface of Pella IV, as public opinion ferments, "Don't be soft on the Imperials" has become the highest voice.

In addition, there were two suicide bombings similar to the one in Portia on the planet, which caused many casualties among federal soldiers.

The tolerance and sympathy of the people towards the imperial people has been reduced to the lowest level.

Under such a public opinion environment, the actions of the Federation ground forces became more and more lawless, and even there were acts such as "massacre of villages" and "massacre of towns" without reason and distinction.

And they also began to deliberately block the actions of Atlas ground forces, preventing them from rescuing the civilians of the empire.

When the ground forces arrived at the scene, they could only see broken eaves and charred bodies on the ground.

Although Atlas was constantly exposing through the "Eye of Truth", the Federation could always find some reasons to "whitewash".

The two sides fought back and forth in the public opinion field, but in the end the Federation often had the upper hand. For a time, Atlas seemed to have "lost" under the public opinion offensive of the Federation.

In this situation, Mike Connor, director of the Subversion and Public Opinion Inducement Center of the Federal Central Intelligence Agency, decided to add fuel to the fire and let Atlas "get burned".

Soon, a new order was transmitted to the portable terminal of the psychic agent Aurora. After the latter decrypted the encrypted information with the key, he and the Hanged Man also saw the next action instructions.

"Complete a large-scale suicide bombing, this time let the attacker directly attack Atlas' team."

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