From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 354: New Equipment for the Training Team

The four hostages whose necks were twisted by the Hanged Man were quickly put into special body bags, and after the air was sucked out, they were piled up in the corner of the room.

The Hanged Man looked at the four neatly arranged body bags, and then at the shivering hostages in the room, and walked out of the room without saying anything.

He really had nothing to say about the "dead", and the final destination of these people was to be put in the room of this underground hideout in body bags.

If this remote mountain forest outside was not developed, it would probably never be discovered.

Back in the hall just now, there was a hint of blood in the air. In another room on one side of the hall, the spy who was lurking deep on the Pella IV was dealing with the sheep-like deer.

Looking at the back of the other party in the half-open door, the Hanged Man frowned under the tactical mask.

For this spy affiliated with the Federal Central Intelligence Agency, the Hanged Man did not trust him very much.

Although the other party came from the "Deep Sea Project" to infiltrate and deeply hide in the Empire, according to the information obtained by the Hanged Man, except for the first batch of spies, the spies in the following batches of the Deep Sea Project did not meet the standards in terms of ability and loyalty.

The Hanged Man did not know the twists and turns behind this, but from the rumors he heard from the streets and the rumors inside the intelligence department, the Deep Sea Project had basically become a political achievement project of the CIA in the later period.

So when the Hanged Man and his partner Aurora were airdropped to Pella IV and connected with this deep-lying spy, he had been wary of the other party.

At the same time, it is not known whether his ability was not good when he was sent abroad, or his "professional skills" gradually deteriorated after a long period of disguise and hiding. In short, this guy's business level is simply worrying.

So the Hanged Man and Aurora finally gave up the plan to let the other party cooperate with the action, and instead asked him to be responsible for some logistical support-related work.

As for the tasks of these two psychic agents, in addition to the conventional tasks of psychic agents such as infiltration, reconnaissance, and decapitation, this time there is another important task of secretly operating and intensifying conflicts.

Although this mission is not routine, it is not the first time that the Hanged Man and Aurora have done this.

During a rebellion on a planet a few years ago, they and several other groups of psychic agents were also airdropped behind enemy lines, and then incited emotions among the people and finally provoked internal conflicts among the rebels.

Of course, the means at that time were still relatively primitive, and it took more time.

However, this time, Atlas' new communication technology and their live broadcast to the whole society, although it seems to restrict the federal forces, actually greatly improves the "work efficiency" of the Hanged Man.

Thinking of this, the Hanged Man also sat on a chair in the hall and began to meditate, while waiting for Aurora's return.

His partner was holding a portable communication device in his hand, and it is estimated that he has received instructions from his superiors about the next stage of the goal.

"I don't know how Atlas will respond. It's quite exciting."


On the other side, Baninger and others, who completed the mission and conducted a round of infiltration and reconnaissance, also returned to the No. 5 refugee camp.

After detecting the special infiltration vehicle with optical stealth function that the teaching team was riding, Monton, Terak, and the Roma people in the second heavy synthetic battalion who were also the first batch to complete the training, all came to the entrance of the outpost to greet them.

The furballs still have a lot of feelings for the "instructors" of the teaching team who have not seen them for a while, and this time the coordinated operations on the battlefield made them even more excited.

It was as if they had proved something to their former teachers.

"Monton, you've gained weight."

This was Baninger's first sentence after seeing Monton.

"Terak, you've lost weight."

This was his second sentence.

Everyone burst into laughter, and Monton no longer looked like the "beast" of the commander of the synthetic battalion. Instead, he blushed and began to defend himself.

"Instructor, I'm stronger, not fatter!"

And Terak, who is relatively serious on weekdays, rarely joked about his good friend.

"Instructor, there is a reason why I lost weight. Every time we eat, Monton takes a large portion from me."

"You are talking nonsense! It's only one-third!"


At the moment, in order not to affect the battle of the ground troops and not to alert the enemy, Amber has not yet revealed the conspiracy of the Federation to provoke conflicts, so the morale and internal atmosphere of each unit are still relatively good.

After the "old friends" who have not seen each other for a long time exchanged greetings, Monton and Telak greeted the teaching team to walk into the outpost.

"By the way, instructor, you have a "package"."

"Package?" Baninger was stunned for a moment, and then immediately reacted.

"Finally arrived, haha, then take us to see it first."

Soon, the group came to the material distribution area of ​​the outpost base. At this time, many worker bees were busy coming and going.

And Baninger and others also saw the ten heavy airdrop boxes placed alone in the corner at a glance.

At this time, the outer insulation layer of these heavy airdrop boxes has been removed, revealing the airdrop box body inside.

"These material boxes require the instructors' own authority to open, so we will temporarily put them here after recycling."

Speaking of this, Monton asked curiously:

"If you are so secretive, can the official reveal it?"

Hearing his friend's rash remarks, Terak, who was standing beside him, couldn't help but roll his eyes and gently kicked him.

"Monton, pay attention to confidentiality discipline."

"You made me look at my damn curiosity."

Monton scratched his head embarrassedly, and realized that what he said was a bit inappropriate.

But Baninger smiled and patted his shoulder, not caring.

"It's okay, this thing doesn't need to be kept secret, it was originally used in frontal combat."

As Baninger said, he walked to the airdrop box with his name on the nameplate. Soon a red light swept across his body, and then the airdrop box was unlocked.

With the sound of "puffing puffing" of deflation, the airdrop box quickly unfolded into a small workstation-like platform, and a heavy power armor painted pure white was fixed in the middle of the platform.

On the racks around the power armor, heavy electromagnetic machine guns, individual charged particle cannons, small electromagnetic reconnection cannons, rocket launchers, plasma combat halberds and other equipment were also neatly arranged.

Baninger's eyes showed a look that only men could understand, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

"Hahaha! The same model of Boss's 'Crazy Crocodile A3' has finally been delivered"

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