The forced intervention of the special operations team of the teaching team was indeed a coincidence.

Amber, no matter how powerful she was, could not have predicted that a suicide bomb attack would occur in the town of Portia, let alone deploy the special operations team near the headquarters of the federal army's combined battalion in advance.

The reason why they were able to complete this "quick order" was because they had just completed a task assigned by Amber, and they chose the fastest route back to the camp, which happened to be from the headquarters of the combined camp. Go around nearby.

So after Amber saw their location, he came up with the idea of ​​letting Baninger lead people to perform a 'decapitation' operation.

Now that I think about it, this timing is indeed very coincidental.

The task that Amber asked the teaching team to complete in advance was an armed reconnaissance search, and the target was the signal of a portable 'quantum entanglement communication node'.

According to Lilith's analysis of the signal characteristics, this is one of the batch of portable nodes provided by Atlas to the Federation.

After Atlas and the Federation cooperated on communications business, it is normal for the command levels of frontline ground forces to prioritize the use of this technology.

However, they often use vehicle-mounted terminals with more complete functions, rather than this 'portable version' with limited communication range and information sending and receiving capacity.

Moreover, this 'portable version' signal still appeared in the area controlled by the remaining imperial forces, and remained closed for a long time, only being turned on occasionally for use.

This unusual sign soon caught Amber's attention, and made him suspect that the user of this portable version of the device might be a federal spy lurking on Para 4.

As for this equipment, it was very likely that it was mixed in and sent down during a large-scale airdrop by the Federal Army.

There are federal agents in the war zone, which is a very normal thing.

Amber sent a special operations team to conduct reconnaissance. The main purpose was to roughly understand the situation and find ways to grasp the opponent's movements.

And the special operations team led by Banninger did exactly this.

Although they were finally thrown away by each other during the secret pursuit in the imperial occupied area, Banninger still succeeded in implanting a 'virus' into this portable device at an extreme distance.

Of course, 'virus' is just Amber's term. What was actually implanted was a compressed 'clone' of Lilith - this thing was much easier to use than the electronic warfare virus.

Although it will take some time to wait for this clone to 'uncompress' on its own, at least the seed has been planted.


Para 4, in the mountains and forests 50 kilometers away from the town of Portia, early in the morning.

A herbivore that looked like a cross between a deer and a goat stopped its jumping pace and planned to lower its head to eat some young leaves covered with morning dew.

When it was about to lower its head to enjoy, there was suddenly a slight noise nearby. This sound made the herbivore immediately raise its head and look around in alarm.

However, it inspected several times but found nothing, and the subtle noise just now no longer appeared.

After a moment, the creature, which had confirmed that the surroundings were safe, slightly bent its front legs again and lowered its head impatiently.

But this time, a big hand slowly appeared from the air and pressed down on the back of its neck.


Before he even had time to let out a mournful cry, the herbivore suddenly went limp and fell to the ground.

Next to its corpse, a figure suddenly appeared from the air. Under the refraction of the light, a gray cloak with faint honeycomb patterns flashed through a faint blue light.

After looking around and confirming that there was nothing unusual around him, the suddenly appeared figure lifted the not-so-light deer-shaped creature onto his shoulders and walked towards the depths of the mountain forest.

I don't know how long it took, but the figure carrying the body came to an abandoned forest guard's hut in the mountain forest. After looking at the hut, he did not go directly, but followed a certain pattern and moved towards another one. direction.

Soon, he came to a completely inconspicuous bush. After waiting for a moment, the bush, which seemed normal, suddenly opened to both sides, finally revealing a narrow road leading underground.

The neat internal passages and the surrounding soundproof and anti-detection materials prove that this is not a 'secret base' dug out by civilians on a whim.

It's a serious 'hiding place' in the mountains and forests.

"Looks like Lu Sheep will have some meat tonight."

A person staying in the hiding place quietly turned off the safety of the weapon in his hand after seeing the figure walking in and the body gently placed on the ground.

"Isn't 'Aurora' back yet?"

"Not yet, sir. But according to the planned time, if nothing else happens, he will be back here in a few hours." The person in the hiding place replied, with a hint of panic in his tone.

"Is there anything unusual about the hostages?" The tall figure who came back from outside asked as he took off his cloak, revealing the light exoskeleton and the 'braised egg'-like psychic suppression combat mask inside.

"Everything is normal, sir. I just checked."

"Very well, you come and take care of the deer."

After saying that, the tall figure walked straight to a room deeper in the underground hideout without waiting for the other person to answer.

Although he complained a little about the difficult task of handling deer, the frightened man did not dare to express any resistance.

After all, the man in front of him, codenamed ‘The Hanged Man’, was a psychic agent who had sneaked in when the Federation had just launched an attack on this planet some time ago.

Not to mention that as a small undercover spy, it was his duty to cooperate with the psychic agent who went deep behind the enemy lines. Just considering the identity of the other party’s psychic, he did not dare to resist at all.

On the other side, as the door of the room was unlocked and opened, the faces reflected on the mirrored combat mask were filled with only fear.

The tall figure - or rather, this psychic, released a psychic pressure, and everyone in the room suddenly froze in place uncontrollably, unable to move.

Then, he slowly walked behind four of them and said in a low voice:

"Your husbands completed the task as I asked, but unfortunately I cannot agree to their request and let you go. I am sorry for not keeping my promise."

The low voice paused, and then continued:

"But I will give you a quick death, don't worry, there will be no pain."


As soon as the voice fell, the psychic's hands immediately twisted the neck of the first woman in front of him.

Then the second boy, and then another mother and daughter.

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