The sudden explosion made everyone's heartbeat slow down in an instant.

Nia felt that everything in front of her seemed to slow down, and the sounds around her seemed to be stretched.

She could hear her own breathing and heartbeat, as well as the panicked screams of the surrounding civilians and the wailing of the wounded.

The center of the explosion radiated a bunch of refugees and three soldier bees, with broken limbs and mechanical parts mixed together, like a picture of hell.

When the flow of time returned to normal, the first to react were the combat soldiers around who had participated in many actual combats.

The squad leader who followed the medical squad rushed to Nia who had just come to her senses, patted her combat mask and shouted:

"We cover you, go up and check the injuries of the refugees!"

At the same time, the other members of the combat squad quickly stepped forward with guns, guiding the panicked refugees to evacuate in a safe direction, while guarding against the "human bombs" that might still be hidden in the crowd.

Yes, according to the playback of the sensors on the armored vehicle just now and the alarm issued by the soldier bee at the last moment, it can be confirmed that the person who just caused the explosion was a person with high-energy explosives tied to his body.

Although he was shouting something in a desperate tone and lifting his clothes to reveal the explosives, the soldier bee who was originally helping to resettle the refugees immediately discovered the problem and rushed up.

But unfortunately, it was still a step too late.

After Nia and other medical soldiers reacted, they immediately followed the soldiers of the combat squad and rushed up against the crowd.

When most of the refugees left under guidance, only corpses and wounded lying on the ground groaning were left in this hidden spot.

Although Nia and others have undergone special training, especially strengthening their psychological tolerance for bloody scenes, the extremely shocking scene in front of them still makes them feel a little uncomfortable.

However, the combat exoskeleton they wore also discovered this situation through monitoring various parameters of the body, and the internal circulation ventilation port under the tactical mask immediately released a burst of refreshing gas.

Combined with the training they had for this kind of situation, everyone took a few deep breaths and suppressed the nausea in their hearts.

"This one is dead."

"There is one alive here, but he is too badly injured to be saved."

"These few are also dead."

"No, they are all too badly injured, and there is no time to send them to the rear."

Voice messages sounded in the team communication channel, and the content was basically "sentencing the people on the ground to death". For a while, the atmosphere of the entire medical class became a little depressed and depressed.

But at this moment, Nia miraculously found a little girl lying on the ground.

When the explosion occurred, a soldier bee near her weakened the shock wave of the explosion for her and blocked most of the debris. It even used mechanical feet to support its body when it fell over to prevent it from directly crushing the little girl, so the little girl's injuries were not that serious.

"I found a wounded person here! Soldier bee, come here!"

The two soldier bees that received the command immediately crawled over, put away the mechanical arms equipped with weapons, and then connected the tails to form a spider robot with a larger top area.

With the help of others, Nia lifted the little girl onto the combined stretcher robot and fastened the restraints.

As if greeting a pet, the cat-girl medical soldier patted the "butt" of the combined soldier bee, and the latter immediately took high-frequency but stable mechanical legs to send the little girl to the location of the emergency armored vehicle.

It didn't take long to complete the classification of the wounded near the explosion center.

For those who could still be rescued, the medical team called the soldier bee to come and transport them away. Those who really couldn't be saved were given a quick death after asking for the other party's consent to save them from torture.

After completing the treatment of the seriously injured and leaving two soldiers to protect the scene, Nia's medical team went to the new gathering place of refugees with other combat soldiers to treat some refugees with minor external injuries.

Although medical soldiers and combat soldiers both wear the same series of medical-specialized combat exoskeletons, the pure white paint and the red cross logo on them still make them more acceptable when approaching refugees.

After Nia and others began to treat the wounded, the refugees gradually calmed down. The soldiers in white armor before them were indeed helping the refugees who were eroded by the war, just like the propaganda film they had seen.

The external sensors on the heavy battlefield emergency armored vehicles also recorded the expressions of the refugees after zooming in, and soon presented the relevant pictures in the live broadcast.

No matter how much money is invested in advertising, its effect is not as deep as this live broadcast.

Although the people of the Federation are still arguing about the means of treating imperial civilians on the battlefield, they have reached a consensus on Atlas - at least for now, this company is indeed like what they said in their corporate propaganda film.

Just as Nia and others gradually calmed down the emotions of the imperial refugees and planned to call the camp to dispatch vehicles to receive them, something unexpected happened again.

A man with a face full of grief and indignation suddenly stood up from the crowd. While lifting his clothes to reveal the bomb on his body, he was heard shouting to the people around him:

"I did what you asked, don't hurt my family!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and prepared to press the detonation button in his hand.

Nia recognized the man. When she passed by him while checking the wounded, she looked at the man squatting on the ground with his body hunched over and asked him if he needed help.

And the explosive warning unit on the anti-terrorism module installed on the combat exoskeleton did not report any abnormality.

Because the accident happened too suddenly, the surrounding Atlas soldiers did not react at once. When the tragedy was about to happen again.

"Zi Bang! Bang!"

Two high-speed piercing rods broke the man's right hand holding the detonator and his neck respectively.

The moment the man fell to the ground, the nearest soldier bee rushed over. While turning on the signal jammer equipped by itself, the soldier bee also quickly destroyed the detonating parts of the bomb.

Nia, who was shocked by this series of accidents, looked back in the direction of the gunshot.

I saw that the ram head platoon leader, who should have fallen asleep under the effect of anesthesia after the operation, had woken up at some point.

At this moment, he was leaning against the outside of the emergency armored vehicle with great effort. There was still a residual blue light flashing on the electromagnetic rifle rail clamped under his intact left arm.

Because he had taken off the exoskeleton during the operation, and he had no time to put it back on because of the emergency situation, this "ram head" relied purely on his own physical strength to hold up the not-so-light electromagnetic rifle with one hand, and completed aiming and double-shot shooting in an instant.

Seeing the man who attempted to self-destruct fell to the ground, the platoon leader was relieved. After the breath was exhaled, his already weak body finally couldn't hold on and slid to the ground against the armored vehicle.

The relatively "gentle" ram head also uttered a sentence that was somewhat in contrast to his appearance:

"Fuck, I am indeed a male who can make the impossible possible."

The series of changes just now made the audience watching the battlefield live broadcast hold their breath nervously. After seeing the ram head platoon leader complete the last blow, even some viewers on the federal side couldn't help but shout out.

"Cool! Ram-headed platoon leader, cool!"

"Is this a human? A flesh body with one arm holding a gun and firing two shots quickly, and all hit the target?"

"In theory, Roma people are not people in the conventional sense."

"Wait, this is just a platoon leader of this company's armed forces, right? How strong must the others be?"

"Rumor has it that the boss of this company is an absurdly strong psychic."

The comment area of ​​the live broadcast of the 'Eye of Truth' exploded directly, and even the major mainstream websites and forums in the Federation and the Empire were also flooded with the content of today's battlefield live broadcast.

Just when everyone thought that the biggest explosion point of today's battlefield live broadcast had appeared, the situation in the town of Portia changed again.

When the federal troops who had just gone to encircle and suppress the remnants of the empire rushed towards the refugee gathering point with great momentum, all the onlookers realized.

The big one is coming.

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