From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 349 Public opinion guidance and human bombs

"There was a firefight between ground troops?"

When the news came back that the ground forces were engaged in combat, Amber was tinkering with his brand new land combat aircraft in the Hermes's Gnakuli and maintenance squad.

After hearing the news, Amber secretly lamented, 'What should come has finally come.'

Although Atlas's humanitarian aid team has been operating safely and smoothly on the ground for more than a month, they are still inevitably involved in the battle.

"What is the situation now? What is the scale and intensity of the fighting?"

"Boss, according to the news from the 2nd Heavy Combined Battalion, one of their reinforced platoons had a dispute with the federal ground troops when they were performing a refugee search mission in a small town called Portia. After negotiations, the two sides were about to reach an agreement. At the same time, the remaining imperial soldiers ambushing the town launched an attack."

Hogg quickly informed Amber of the general situation. According to the current situation, the number of remaining imperial soldiers who launched the attack was not large, with less than two platoons.

And there are no vehicles, just pure infantry units carrying a small amount of support weapons.

"Due to the casualties on our side, and the remaining imperial soldiers did not avoid our vehicles during the attack, the 2nd Heavy Combined Battalion is currently counterattacking according to the plan. The main battle tanks have entered the town to provide support, and the HCP The units are trying to cut off the retreat of the remaining Imperial troops from the outside."

After listening to Hogg's words, Amber nodded and said nothing.

Commanders such as Menton and Telak, who had experienced actual combat, still had no problem with their on-the-spot reaction capabilities, and their handling methods and follow-up plans were in line with the rules of engagement, so Amber didn't have anything to add.

He also secretly thought that he had always emphasized that officers at all levels should have 'subjective initiative', and it seemed to be starting to bear fruit.

Since he doesn't need to worry about the situation on the ground battlefield, he can free up his mind to think about some macro-level issues at this time.

After the communication with Hogg ended, Amber immediately ran to the 'remote broadcast room' on the ship to find Isabel.

"Is Battlefield Live Broadcast still going on now?"

Upon hearing Amber's inquiry, as the head of the intelligence center and public relations department, Isabel quickly called up the background data and presented it to Amber.

The structure of the Atlas Group is rather strange compared to other companies. The Public Relations Department and the External Propaganda Department are both affiliated with the Group's Intelligence Analysis Center, so Isabel is currently responsible for this aspect with the assistance of Shikodi. work.

"Yes, although the quality of the live broadcast has declined in the chaotic situation of the battle just now, after the ground troops launched an orderly counterattack, the live broadcast screen has become clear again. Amber, the effect of this live broadcast has been explosive, you You can’t even imagine how many people are watching now.”

After the Atlas Group completed a comprehensive upgrade of communication technology, the internal communication and data transmission speed has completely surpassed that of the Federation and the Empire.

Although Isabel is currently on a light cruiser in the empire, she can grasp the background data of this cross-system live broadcast in almost real time.

Not only has the number of users watching the live broadcast reached an astronomical figure, but the number of downloads of the APP has also begun to soar. Obviously, more and more users have begun to download ‘Eye of Reality’ because of this live broadcast.

“I have to say, I really didn’t expect the effect to be so good.”

Seeing the crazy upward stretching curve on the data sheet, Amber also sighed.

"After all, there is no other such real-time battlefield broadcast in the entire human society. It is a pure monopoly business."

Isabel looked at Amber and continued to ask after thinking for a moment:

"So how are you going to seize the opportunity brought by this live broadcast?"

"Let the public relations department and the external propaganda department prepare the materials. It's time to start guiding public opinion."

Amber calmly spoke out the plan she had prepared.

"In what direction do you want to guide?" Isabel asked curiously.

“Naturally, it’s going in a direction that is conducive to Atlas’s image.”


In the 'Gecko' heavy field first aid armored vehicle, looking at the sleeping 'Ram Head', Nia took off her mask and let out a sigh of relief, and the feline-like ears on both sides of her head could not help but twitch.

This was the first time that she and her companions had completed the operation in a real combat environment, and on an active battlefield.

Although it was just a simple 'minor operation' involving wound treatment and trauma response, the 'Cat Lady' medical soldier couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after the operation was successfully completed.

Thanks to Osana, the sales director of Atlas Private Military Company, more and more female Roma began to apply to join Atlas after learning about her experience.

Although Amber had no idea of ​​recruiting 'female soldiers' at first, with more and more applications and lobbying from Elenita, he finally agreed to the private military company's recruitment of female Roma.

However, there are still restrictions. They cannot engage in front-line combat positions and can only serve in technical arms such as medical soldiers and communications soldiers.

The 'Cat Girl' medical class that Nia belongs to is part of the first batch of female Roma who passed the assessment to enter Atlas after the recruitment was opened.

After undergoing a large amount of training including physical fitness, light and heavy weapons shooting, combat, field medical treatment, special vehicle driving, etc., this batch of trained medical soldiers and communications soldiers were quickly assigned to various combined battalions.

Nia was also assigned to the second heavy synthetic battalion together with a medical platoon.

The medical squad she was in was on standby with other units outside the town. After receiving the order, the driver drove the newly equipped heavy battlefield emergency armored vehicle directly into the war zone.

Nia and others also began to perform battlefield surgery on the ram head platoon leader of the reinforced platoon on the spot.

After the surgery, Nia and other medical soldiers came down from the rear hatch and found that the soldiers who had just been guarding here were gone.

After asking a squad responsible for guarding tasks nearby, they learned that several main battle tanks of the large force had just rushed into the town, and were now driving the deflection force field to push forward under fire.

At the same time, the guard squad that stayed behind also told Nia and others that the imperial refugees were being gathered in the hidden place in the park in front. If they were done with their work, they could go over to check the casualties of the refugees.

After receiving this news, Nia and the members of the medical squad did not waste time. They immediately started the vehicle with the soldiers of the guard squad and went to the refugee gathering place.

When the vehicle just drove into the hidden place in the park, Nia observed the situation outside through the screen inside the car.

At this time, a large number of refugees were gathering here. A squad of soldiers with a large number of "Soldier Bees" were maintaining order and conducting preliminary examinations of the wounded.

Just as the heavy battlefield emergency armored vehicle stopped and Nia and others got off the vehicle from the rear hatch, a panicked scream first appeared in the crowd, and then several "Soldier Bees" suddenly rushed towards somewhere as if they had discovered something, and then.


The crowd suddenly exploded, and blood and flesh flew everywhere at the center of the explosion.

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