Atlas' words suddenly sobered up the federal officer in front of him.

Yes, if he started fighting so recklessly, everyone would see through the live broadcast that it was the federal government that first attacked the "humanitarian aid" team.

Even if this incident can be calmed down in the end, when the superiors hold them accountable afterwards, they will definitely find a few people to take the blame, and a small officer like him will definitely not be able to escape the blame.

Thinking of this, both the sergeant on the front line of the confrontation and the commander of the federal reinforced company calmed down.

The sergeants who received the order immediately restrained their troops to prevent accidental discharge under high pressure.

And the company commander of the reinforced company also hurriedly took the deputy company commander to the confrontation area.

Looking at the Atlas armed forces waiting in front of them, and the spider-type robots that have occupied the surrounding high terrain, and then thinking of the HCP and main battle tanks moving outside the town.

Even if the company commander was unwilling, he could only suppress his dissatisfaction at this time and planned to resolve the current situation through negotiations.

Of course, he was mainly considering the possible public opinion issues, not because he was worried that his lightly armed reinforced company would not be able to defeat the other side.

After coming to the reinforced platoon leader of Atlas, the federal company commander did not say anything polite and asked directly:

"So what do you want?"

"We don't want to do anything, and we at Atlas don't want to get involved in this war. We are just trying to protect innocent civilians."

The platoon leader of the reinforced platoon, a Roma with a ram's head as a beast, said seriously, and at the same time, in accordance with the requirements of pre-war training, he once again emphasized Atlas's position and mission.

"Innocent? These people may not be. If some of them had not secretly assisted in hiding the remnants of the Empire, my patrol team would not have suffered heavy losses in this town!"

"But you don't have any evidence now, right? You can only rely on the weapons in your hands to forcibly interrogate, and in my opinion, your so-called "interrogation" is not much different from direct violence."

"Okay, we don't have evidence." The captain of the federal army nodded like a broken jar, and then continued:

"It's not very decent for both of us to continue to be deadlocked here, so can you please give us a solution?"

"We will take in all the refugees, including the female refugees detained by you. After completing the reception, we will leave immediately, and we will not interfere with your next combat operations."

To be fair, the federal army also knows that under the current circumstances, the solution given by Atlas is the most appropriate.

At least it will not further blacken the image of the federal army in front of the public, and the other party does not intend to interfere with their combat operations.

But thinking of the brothers who have lost in the town these days, the captain is still very angry, and he wants to shoot all the civilians present.

However, at the last moment, his inner reason prevailed.

"Okay, we accept."

Before the federal officer finished speaking, his entire upper body and combat exoskeleton suddenly exploded.


Then, a crisp sound came late.

This sudden change stunned everyone. The ram-headed Roma who was negotiating with the company commander had his tactical mask covered with blood and minced meat.

This was a sniper attack from a large-caliber anti-material weapon.

"Enemy attack! Pay attention to hiding!"

The federal sergeant who initially negotiated with the Totoro team reacted quickly. After their company commander was blown into a pile of minced meat, he immediately issued a warning and hid behind an armored vehicle next to him.

The sniper attack just now was like a signal. The surrounding buildings that had been cleared by the federal army suddenly became lively again.

A large number of tungsten alloy high-speed piercing rods, along with several charged particle beams and anti-vehicle missiles attacking from high altitudes, quickly covered the negotiation area.

The situation, which was slowly easing from the "daggers drawn", fell into chaos in an instant.

On the combat vehicle of Atlas, the anti-sniper radar quickly obtained the location of the attack. With the data link sharing information, the tactical visors of the infantry quickly marked the windows of several buildings in the distance with red marks.

Although the attackers would definitely not stay at one window, the soldiers on Atlas side still figured out the direction of the attack.

"Platoon leader!"

The captain of the Totoro team rushed to the side of the platoon leader of the reinforced platoon, grabbed a handle under the back of the opponent's neck, and the motor of the combat exoskeleton on his body suddenly made a high-power "sizzling" sound.

With the extra help, he dragged the platoon leader, who was not light after wearing the equipment, to the rear of a nearby medium-sized multi-legged tank.

Just when the upper body of the federal army company commander was blown up, the platoon leader of the Atlas reinforced platoon also had his right arm broken.

"Medic! Where's the medic?!"

The lion-headed man shouted anxiously in the communication channel, while taking out a bag of gel-like substance from the tactical bag mounted on his waist, tearing it open and pouring it directly on the broken arm.

Soon, the exoskeleton worn by the platoon leader also released gel and white spray synchronously, and quickly reacted with the ball of gel, and finally completely covered the broken part.

At the same time, the platoon sergeant and the medical soldier also rushed over, and the Atlas combat vehicle also fired a large number of thermal smoke bombs to cover the battlefield.

The medical soldier quickly opened the combat terminal hidden in the arm armor for remote connection, synchronized the combat exoskeleton's monitoring data of the wearer's body functions, and at the same time observed the cross section of his right arm and checked whether there were other injuries on his body.

"The good news is that this is the only serious injury at present, and the bleeding has stopped temporarily, but the bad news is that according to the monitoring data, the platoon leader has a serious trauma reaction, and the current environment cannot be handled. He must be sent back to the rear for treatment immediately."

This sturdy and powerful tiger-headed medical soldier said as he operated a few times on the combat terminal to synchronize the injured person's information to the cloud.

After obtaining the information, the camp in the rear will prepare the treatment or surgical environment in advance according to the type of injury, injury and other information.

"Sergeant Thebes, I order you to take over my command, give priority to protecting civilians and counterattack according to the rules of engagement."

The armless platoon leader didn't know when he woke up. He pressed his remaining left hand on the shoulder of the platoon sergeant and gave the order with difficulty.

"Platoon leader, I will take over the command, but I must find a car to take you back to the rear first"

"No, the heavy firepower we have is these infantry fighting vehicles and multi-legged fighting vehicles for the time being. We can't let them withdraw now!"

The platoon leader whispered a voice command, and the injection device built into the combat uniform quickly performed a round of intramuscular injection.

Under the effect of tactical stimulants, the pain in various parts of the body was immediately relieved a lot, and the whole person became more energetic.


"Don't say but, I can still hold on for a while, execute the order!"

Just when the two sides were deadlocked, a heavy armored vehicle with a turret removed and a higher body, and a blue light on the top flashing continuously, knocked over the car wreckage on the street behind and rushed over with the roar of the engine.

At the same time, a vibrant girl's voice appeared in the communication channel.

"Don't panic! The doctor is here!"

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