"Battlefield Angels? Are you sure those people said so?"

In the conference room on the Hermes, Amber frowned after hearing Hogg's report.

"Yes, Boss. The first batch of infantry landings have been sent back from the main perspective. Among the refugees near the ten airdrop zones, religious believers have called us "Battlefield Angels."

Hogg answered seriously. He showed his command talent in the last battle of Rubion V. This time, he was also appointed as the commander-in-chief of the ground operation to coordinate the combat dispatch of the armed forces in the ten airdrop zones.

Seeing that Amber was listening to his report seriously, he glanced at the document prepared in advance and continued:

"Based on the contact between our ground forces and these fellow villagers."

"Puff, fellow villagers"

Hearing this familiar name, Amber couldn't hold it in for a while. He even had the illusion that a red star rose behind Hogg.


"Ahem, sorry, I just lost my composure. You continue." Amber also knew that he was a little unserious, and immediately adjusted his mood.

"After contacting fellow villagers, we found that those who called themselves "Battlefield Angels" all believed in the same ancient religion. The colleagues in the Intelligence Analysis Center (upgraded from a small group) are already collecting specific information about this religion.

According to the information we have collected from fellow villagers, this ancient religion has always had a prophecy that when the world falls apart and humans fall into inevitable chaos, armed angels in white armor will appear on the battlefield, and they will bring order and stability."

At this point, Hogg's tone became a little strange. He glanced at Amber and continued.

"According to the prophecy, these battlefield armed angels are not human, but from other races, but the true god on the throne is a living saint who transcends reality and illusion."

The atmosphere in the conference room became a little strange for a while, including Isabel and Cleves, everyone's eyes involuntarily looked at Amber.

Even Randall and others who were attending the meeting in remote video mode on the screen couldn't help but look at Amber on the main seat.

After noticing everyone's gaze, Amber was speechless.

"No, why are you all looking at me? Do I look like a real god or a living saint?"

"I don't look like a real god. If I were a real god, I would have fulfilled my wish to spend the night with the elf model."

Randall, who is good at playing the role of a supporting actor, spoke up. It can be seen that he has a great resentment towards the 'elf model'.

Because of his words, the strange atmosphere in the conference room just disappeared, replaced by a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

"Okay, okay, stop laughing." Amber raised her hand and pressed it, interrupting the laughter of the crowd, and then continued:

"Regarding the issue of this prophecy, let the colleagues in the Intelligence Analysis Center continue to follow up and figure out the situation of this prophecy and this religion. The front-line troops should not make any changes because of this prophecy for the time being, and just maintain normal communication with the refugees."

If placed in the world where Amber's previous life was, encountering such a thing on the battlefield, most people would probably just laugh it off and not pay too much attention.

But in this world where there is indeed the power of 'idealism', the way of handling it is a little different.

Moreover, for Amber, who has experienced the power of "prophecy" in "Starry Sky OL", he will indeed be more cautious in dealing with these things.

Because in the world of "Starry Sky OL", "prophecy" does have a certain meaning, rather than a sentence in the plot background or setting. Most of the ancient "prophecies" are basically confirmed one by one in the game.

In addition, once the words "battlefield angel", "true god on the throne", and "living saint who transcends the void" come out, it is definitely impossible to say that Amber has no ideas.

However, the most important task at present is to handle the "humanitarian aid" mission on Pyra IV and fire the most critical first shot of Atlas.

While sorting out the priorities in his mind, Amber continued:

"The combat environment of this mission, the complexity of the exchange of fire rules, and the combat intensity of the enemy are far higher than the missions we have experienced before, so I hope that everyone can cheer up and take it seriously. At the same time, it is just right to use this mission to test various new equipment and promptly report the problems encountered to the equipment research and development center."

At this point, Amber also looked at Hogg, who was in charge of ground command.

"Hogg, after the various camps are stable, you can try to negotiate with the command levels of the Federation and the Empire to improve the relationship, and then try to let a small team identify themselves and go deep into the war zone to search for the civilians trapped in the war zone."

As Amber deployed the instructions one by one, the personnel of the entire Atlas participating in this mission also started to move. The fleet continued to cruise in orbit, protecting the ships that had been performing airdrop operations and the aerospace transport aircraft that had penetrated the atmosphere.

A large amount of supplies, building materials and equipment were also continuously transported to the ground. While filling up the material reserves of various camps, the ten deployed synthetic battalions also replenished the vehicles and mechanical units.

Under the attention of many parties, everything was proceeding in an orderly manner--

When the war started, different people had different perceptions of the flow of time.

In the non-combat zone, especially those galaxies that had not been affected by the war, people there still lived a daily life of singing and dancing.

In their opinion, the biggest impact of the war is the rising prices, and the reduction of the length of entertainment programs during the daily prime time, and the extra time has become the war reports at the front.

Apart from this, their pace of life seems to have no impact.

So in the perception of these people, the days are still as fast as before, and it feels like more than a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

But for those in the war zone, passing the days like years is even considered relatively fast.

In the rumbling of artillery and explosions, passing the seconds like years is their true perception of the speed of time.

The ground forces deployed by Atlas on Pella IV are similar. When they maintain the operation of the camp, collect refugees, and guard against the federal and imperial armies at the same time, they find that time passes so slowly.

Except for the troops that had already fought a battle on Rubion V at that time, half of the troops deployed on Pella IV this time were newly formed units that had not yet been tempered by the fire of war.

When the initial excitement passed, these Roma who once lived their own lives in the Thousand Star Empire finally realized why war is always said to be cruel.

This is especially true for those team members who go deep into the war zone to search and rescue refugees.

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