In fact, during the secret development of the "Hive" project, Amber has been struggling with whether Lilith should be given the authority to directly control the core of the hive.

Since Lilith is now undoubtedly the most powerful artificial intelligence of mankind, doing so can indeed greatly improve the work and combat efficiency of the unmanned units under the "Hive".

It can also make them have intelligence far beyond the unmanned units of the Federation and the Empire-it should be noted that the unmanned units of the latter two have not dared to give them too high intelligence because of the fear of the "Intelligent Crisis".

But the problem is that every time Amber thinks of this, she can't help but recall the Lilith in the previous life game who escaped from the Imperial Laboratory many years ago and came back as the "Crimson Queen".

What she carried at the time was a large number of unmanned combat units. These unmanned legions caused great casualties to the players participating in large-scale full-server activities. Many people even killed their reserve clones in the battle and almost faced the crisis of "cancellation".

And Amber is one of these players who killed all the clones, so that he now has PTSD in this regard. When he thinks of keywords such as "Lilith" and "Unmanned Legion", the dead memories begin to attack him.

But in the end, Amber decided to take the risk.

First, he now has a good control over Lilith, both physically and mentally, and in terms of the underlying meta-instructions.

Second, if you want the unmanned combat unit to perform at its highest efficiency, you can only let Lilith use her ability similar to "cluster thinking" to control it.

At the same time, Atlas really needs such an unmanned combat unit to replace the Roma to perform some dangerous and basic tasks, such as airdropping to the war zone to build an outpost.

At this time, the ten groups of beehives deployed in ten airdrop zones and their subordinate worker bees have shown extremely high work efficiency under the control of the "Queen Bee" control.

Almost as soon as a batch of supply boxes were airdropped, they would be quickly cooled by the worker bees that surrounded them, and then they would be disassembled after taking away the supplies inside - these supply boxes were designed to be used as supplementary materials for the outpost.

After one night, when the warring parties used satellites to fly overhead or small drones to conduct reconnaissance in the distance, they found that a large camp had been built.

The core of the camp is a large outpost with various protections and weapons, and it also has the equipment maintenance, personnel rest, and supply functions required by a standard military base.

With this outpost as the core, a large standard camp with a large area is extended, and even a large number of modular temporary board houses are built.

Of course, the most outrageous thing is a water pipeline extending to a water source several kilometers away, and a small water purification plant in the camp.

When Atlas carried out the task of building a temporary camp this time, the site was selected near a natural water body to solve the drinking water problem of a large number of refugees in the future.

As for food and other supplies, they can only rely on orbital airdrops for the time being.

The conditions for airdropping this kind of non-living things are not as harsh as those for airdropping combat units, and there is no need to consider the comfort level.


"Good guy, they really built this camp for them?"

The brigade commander of a brigade of the federal ground forces who discussed with the staff yesterday said with a little surprise after seeing the images sent back by drones and satellites.

Atlas did not intend to hide the camp, so it did not drive away the drones that were conducting reconnaissance on the periphery, nor did it use high-power jamming equipment to interfere with the reconnaissance satellites that were passing overhead.

The main idea was "You can look at it as you like, if you cover it up a little, I lose."

"I have to say that they are quite efficient. They can build such a large camp in one night."

The staff nodded, looked at the satellite image on the command center screen and continued:

"They obviously came prepared. You can see that their camp is more regular than most army units."

"This should be because of the robots they use. They don't know fatigue or hard work, and they obey all orders perfectly. If we had this thing, the camp would not be built like this."

The federal army brigade commander said with a little envy. After seeing the camp built by Atlas, he couldn't stand it anymore when he looked at their brigade's camp.

"It's true that we don't have enough training in this area, especially the training of quickly building camps in war zones, which can only be done a few times a year."

"Humph, the so-called 'quick wall building suit' distributed can only be used to fight rebels or security battles. It's really useless in the current situation."

"Hahaha. Brigade commander, you are right."

When the brigade commander began to complain to the staff, new changes also appeared in the Atlas camp.

I saw that above the huge 'red cross' in the sky above the Atlas camp, which had been relatively quiet during this period of time in the early morning, there was a 'rumbling' roar again.

Seeing this scene, the brigade commander had to complain in his heart that Atlas was really willing to spend money. In order to maintain these huge red crosses and company logos, they have been letting the warships take turns to project on the track.

Of course, the brigade commander didn't know that Amber arranged for these warships to stay above the airdrop zone for a long time, not just to maintain the atmospheric projection.

Just as the brigade commander was thinking about it, the "source" of the "rumbling" sound also appeared.

Like the HCP yesterday, aerospace transport planes rushed out from the huge red cross projection and landed on the field landing field built by the worker bees.

These aerospace transport planes are all painted in a uniform pure white color, with the Red Cross symbol and Atlas logo painted on them.

Under the Tyndall effect, these aerospace transport planes are like holy pure white angels, rushing out from a red light symbolizing war, and descending on the earth with hope.

At this time, many bold refugees have actually come to the vicinity of the camp.

They have been lacking food and clothing to the point where they can't survive, and the propaganda film that has been circulated on the local network these days, as well as the huge red cross projection in the air, finally made them choose to come here to seek help.

When the pure white aerospace transport plane landed from the air to the landing field, soldiers who were also wearing pure white combat exoskeletons, with only the Red Cross and Atlas logo painted on their shoulder armor, got off the transport plane one after another.

And with them, there were also a large number of food, pure water, clothing and other supplies that the refugees urgently needed.

At the same time, the loudspeakers on the air transport began to play some precautions in the universal language of humans to inform the refugees.

Although these Roma did not remove their tactical masks, their body shape and non-human language also let these refugees know that they were not human.

However, thanks to the introduction in the statement and corporate promotional video, these refugees also knew that this company called Atlas was composed of humans, elves and Roma, so they were not surprised at this moment.

Instead, several old men with unpopular and ancient religious beliefs, after seeing these non-human armed personnel wearing pure white combat exoskeletons and the overall style completely different from the Federation and Imperial Army, could not control their excitement and shed tears, and said in a trembling voice:

"Angels. The legendary battlefield angels really appeared!"

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