From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 335 Are you really not afraid of a fight between them?

Amber's question was sharp and pointed.

For the Regent camp, the issue of reputation among the people is indeed a part of what they need to consider.

Especially at this sensitive time, if they continue to cooperate with Atlas, a company that currently seems to have a "close relationship" with the Federation, will the Regent be pushed to the forefront of public opinion?

You know, although Norton II has mixed reviews in the imperial political arena and aristocratic circles - of course, it is private discussion in the grassroots of the imperial government, the military, and the people, the reputation of this Regent has always been relatively positive.

This is also the part that the team responsible for maintaining the image of the Regent has been working hard to promote and package.

Although Norton II is indeed such a person, it is obvious that he has not yet achieved the "great and glorious" image packaged by the "image packaging team".

At this juncture, if the cooperation between the Regent Camp and the Atlas Group is picked up by someone with ulterior motives and made a fuss, it is really not a small problem.

But for Norton II, the public image is important, but the communication technology in Atlas's hands is definitely something he does not want to miss.

And based on his analysis of Amber, he dared to conclude that this "black-hearted businessman" would definitely turn around and seek cooperation with the "Princess Party" after the cooperation with him failed.

So Perseus's answer must be cautious, because it will directly affect whether the two parties should continue to cooperate.

After a while, Perseus gave his own answer.

"Mr. Amber, we don't want to give up the cooperation with your company in communication technology anyway."

When he said this, Amber was calm on the surface, but actually curled her lips in her heart.

It was the ‘Regent Party’ who came to him to buy ‘packages’ and ‘traffic packages’, but Perseus made it seem as if this technology was developed by the cooperation of both parties.

But he didn’t say anything, but continued to maintain a decent smile and listened to Perseus’s next words.

“And I remember your company said in the previous notice that although you are helping the Federation to transport supplies, you will not directly participate in the battle?

According to your notice, you are carrying out... uh... humanitarian aid missions?

If that’s all, we can find a way to guide public opinion.”

“Wait.” Amber couldn’t help but interrupt Perseus when she heard this.

“Our company helps the Federation Army to transport supplies, which is more or less helping the Federation in the war, not to mention that during this period, we killed many of your guerrilla fleets because of escort issues.

As a result, you can still turn a blind eye and even guide public opinion???”

“Business is sometimes like this.”

“Good guy, you really opened my eyes.”

This time, it was Amber’s turn to be shocked.

He never thought that the bottom line of the Regent Party could be so low, and it was even somewhat inconsistent with his personality.

Thinking of this, Amber couldn't help but add:

"Is this what you mean, or what the Regent meant?"

"You are really sharp, Mr. Amber." Perseus sighed, and then said helplessly:

"This is what I mean, because I personally want to promote this cooperation to continue, but the Regent actually hopes that Atlas can remain neutral in this war, so that both sides can cooperate better."

"Remain neutral? That means I will lose a lot of orders from the Federation, especially now that the front line has a high demand for supplies. Do you know how much we can earn by transporting supplies?"

Amber showed a sneer at the Regent Party's proposal.

And Perseus also knew that their proposal was indeed a bit too much, so he immediately added:

"We are willing to fill this gap for your company."

"How much can you fill?"

Amber sat up straight and poured Perseus a cup of hot tea.

The latter was stunned for a moment. She was still a little uncomfortable with Amber's change of attitude from "disdainful" in one second to "eager" in the next.

"Does that mean you agreed?"

"I can also negotiate"


After breakfast, the two also walked out of the box. Although the final specific compensation amount has not been determined, Perseus still gave a rough figure.

"I will let our company's financial team do the cost accounting. As for whether this number can be accepted in the end, it depends on their calculation results."

"Then I will wait for your reply." Perseus looked at Amber with a serious and earnest look, and continued:

"From my personal point of view, I still hope to continue to cooperate with your company."

"Don't worry, I will think about it carefully. Mr. Perseus will walk around this planet these two days and feel the customs and customs of the Thousand Star Empire."

Amber talked with Perseus and finally sent him to the special car. His expression was very calm, and people could not see his true thoughts.

When the black limousine drove away, Isabel also walked to Amber.

"So you plan to accept their proposal?"

"Yes, I originally planned to announce that we would remain neutral in the near future, stop accepting material transportation tasks from the military, and only perform humanitarian aid tasks. Now the regent is willing to make up for the profit gap of the 'material transportation order' for us. To be honest, I really want to thank him.”

"But wouldn't doing this make the Federation unhappy?" Isabel still didn't understand Amber's decision.

"Have you forgotten that we are a company registered in the Thousand Stars Empire? This war essentially has nothing to do with us, and our position is also different from those of the federal private military companies and defense contractors.

It is also time to let the outside world know our position at Atlas. Otherwise, if this continues, everyone will think that we are a federal enterprise. "

Amber turned around and looked at Isabel, who hesitated for a moment and continued:

"What about the Rubian Galaxy? We have invested so much there. If the Federation turns against us, will there be any risks?"

After hearing Isabel's words, Amber shook her head.

"As for the relationship between their autonomous governments and the federal government, as well as various recent federal policies, they are subtly making these autonomous governments more independent. They are almost the same as the ancient 'state pastoralists' during the Blue Star period. , so the risk is not very big

The only risk is that they may want to take advantage of us to be at the center of the storm and stage a "robbing" drama. "

"You said that, it seems you already have a way to deal with it?" Isabel naturally took Amber's arm, turned around and walked towards the room.

"Absolutely. Once Rubian's side carries out the layout for a while, I will be completely convinced. If they dare to play 'rob and plunder' with us, I don't mind putting on a 'dove' for them." Occupying the magpie's nest'."

"Okay, as long as you have an idea."

Isabel and Amber walked a few more steps, and then the former suddenly thought of something and stopped and looked at Amber.

"Last question, when will the envoy from the 'Princess Party' arrange a meeting?" At this point, Isabel couldn't help but roll her eyes at Amber.

"It's hard for you to think of arranging the envoys of the 'Princess Party' and the 'Regent Party' to live next door. Aren't you afraid of a fight between them?"

"Oh~ I'm quite looking forward to what will happen when they meet." Amber smiled carelessly, and then after going through today's events in her mind, Amber said:

"Then in an hour, I want to see what kind of medicine the 'Princess Party' sells in the gourd."

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