From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 334 The evil Atlas is haunting Pyla

"The Hidden Blade's superconducting battery stack exploded and its attitude control failed. The captain has ordered the ship to be abandoned!"

"Libra and Star were severely damaged and have lost their combat capabilities!"

"The Messenger reports that the main propulsion array is completely destroyed! The damage control team is trying to make emergency repairs!"

In the flagship of the imperial escort detachment, Viscount York shed a stream of cold sweat on his forehead after hearing the information reported by the tactical coordinator.

Perhaps for the commander of a main fleet, the loss of frigates is just a number.

But for him, the commander of the escort detachment, losing a ship would make him feel distressed for a long time.

Not to mention that in a short period of time, one frigate was destroyed and three frigates lost their combat capabilities.

"Horn, am I dreaming?"

"Sir, please stay awake. The entire fleet is counting on you at this time."

Horn's words made Viscount York calm down. When he heard the damage report just now, he was indeed a little extreme.

After all, the escort detachment under him, as the attacker who launched the raid, was attacked first by the opponent, and the three unknown units that passed through the fleet gave him a big blow when they came up.

This kind of battle in which the situation on the battlefield cannot be grasped is often the last thing these commanders want to face.

"One frigate is left to prepare to receive the crew of the Hidden Blade. The other warships continue to attack. The HCP squadrons of each ship begin the ejection procedure and conduct coordinated air defense missions while following the attack!"

The entire escort detachment quickly responded to Viscount York's order. Except for one frigate that reduced its speed and approached the Hidden Blade, preparing to recover the crew members who abandoned the ship, the other warships gradually turned into a dense spindle formation during the attack.

In addition to making the frontal projection smaller, they also hope that the denser air defense firepower after shortening the distance can intercept the unknown unit just now.

Jacob did not intend to run away after the round, but was preparing to test the MA-01's penetration ability again.

From the first day he joined ATT, he knew that the mission of this unit was to fly beyond the limits of various verification aircraft in actual combat, and now was such an opportunity.

Therefore, after passing through the fleet and adjusting the direction of the aircraft's nose to prevent the vulnerable rear hemisphere from being attacked while the heading remained unchanged, he gave the order to the team to continue the attack.

After establishing a sufficient safe distance, the Dunkleosteus team drew a huge arc-shaped route in this dark space, and then redirected its course towards the attacking Imperial escort detachment.

This kind of course adjustment operation in a short period of time without losing speed as much as possible can only be done by a pilot like Jacob who has undergone a large degree of body modification.

In other words, the three teams used to test MA-01 had a total of nine pilots, all of whom were 'enhanced people' like Jacob who had undergone extensive body modifications.

When the air defense commander of the Imperial escort detachment caught Jacob and the others again, he suddenly thought something was wrong.

Because this time it was not the three triangular aircraft that rushed over just now, but nine.

At the same time, the Atlas escort fleet directly ahead also opened fire. Since they were in a deployed artillery formation, the amount of firepower projected per unit time was much higher than that of the Imperial escort detachment in a dense spindle formation.

For a time, dense attacks enveloped the front end of the 'spin cone', and the silver-white arc generated by the deflection force field twisted wildly. The commander of each battleship was praying that the deflection force field generator of his battleship could live up to his reputation. A little, help them resist a few more rounds of enemy main gun fire.

In this high-pressure situation, except for the air defense commanders, it is difficult for others to pay attention to these 'little things' rushing over.

And even the air defense commander, after demarcating the target, can only choose to put his hands together and start praying.

After all, most warships now adjust their main energy supply to the driving of the deflection field and the heat dissipation of the front end of the ship.

Apart from the ship's hull weapons, which have a sharply reduced rate of fire due to insufficient supply, the only ones that can support air defense operations are the HCPs that are ejected to coordinate the attack.

To be honest, after seeing the outrageous defense penetration ability just now, these air defense commanders had no idea that they would face more unidentified aircraft.

And everything that happened next confirmed their suspicions.

HCP's air interception has basically no effect, not to mention that it is difficult for them to capture these units with relative speeds of hundreds of kilometers per second.

Even if they are lucky enough to capture the target and seize the shooting window, their anti-aircraft shooting will be basically ineffective.

The output power of MA-01's parallel dual subcritical reactors is much higher than that of HCP, not to mention that the 50-meter-level airframe makes them use a more powerful version.

Therefore, these HCP pilots could only watch helplessly as the enemies came from three directions. They rushed in despite the anti-aircraft firepower. After completing the shooting of the heavy particle cannon, they dropped a large number of heavy particle cannons into the fleet. Plasma torpedo.

When the continuous high-temperature plasma fireballs lit up in the densest position of the formation, both Viscount York and Cliffs opposite him knew that the battle had been decided.


""Evil Atlas is haunting Paradis". Is this how your country's media reports news?"

In the box responsible for receiving foreign guests in the staff cafeteria of Babel Tower, Amber looked at the various news from the Empire on the terminal while looking at Perseus across from her.

The purpose of the Regent King's special envoy rushing to the Atlas headquarters at this point was also very simple, which was to promote the deployment of the long-distance real-time communication project.

According to Amber's plan, there are now several freight fleets of the Yuge family, which are transporting and deploying communication relay stations in the Star Dragon Empire.

But now that the Federation has spread the war to the Empire, the Regent King's need for this technology has become more urgent.

So this time Perseus was sent here to negotiate with Amber about speeding up the progress.

Because Perseus arrived at the early morning of Peony Star, he rested for a night before meeting Amber the next morning.

While the two were having breakfast, Amber also read the Empire news of the past two days, thinking of finding some topics to make the opening less awkward.

As a result, she saw a series of negative news about Atlas.

The Imperial escort detachment failed in its raid and was eventually forced to withdraw after losing more than half of its ships. In the following days, Atlas' escort fleet defeated several small-scale Imperial fleets that were "fighting guerrilla warfare" in succession.

Not only did it improve the safety of the route for a time, but it also escaped unscathed from the encirclement of multiple Imperial fleets, making it onto the news on the Empire side.

After hearing Amber's question, Perseus paused for a moment, then said awkwardly:

"Lord Photographer cannot control all the media, and with the performance of your fleet, it is inevitable that such voices will appear among the people."

Perseus' answer made Amber smile. He put down the terminal in his hand and looked straight into Perseus' eyes.

"In that case, are you sure you still want to cooperate with our company, which currently has a low reputation in your Empire?"

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