From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 316 No, you will self-destruct if you can’t beat me?

Saleh felt like she had an extremely long dream.

In the dream, the conservatives and radicals broke off completely. After the latter took advantage and completed the Great Purge, they led the entire civilization to launch a time and space expedition without hesitation.

This was an expedition with no way out. No one knew what the final result would lead their civilization to.

Saleh, who had always firmly opposed the completely uncontrollable plan of "time and space expedition", retreated to this "Think Tank No. 322" with her companions after the Great Purge against them began.

As the deacon of the think tank, she and her companions resisted for a long time in the think tank with the help of a small number of combatants and defense devices, but due to the serious shortage of combatants and technical weapons, the think tank was eventually captured by radicals.

All companions were mercilessly executed, and the charge against them was the ridiculous "hindering the development of the entire civilization".

As for her, who served as the commander of the think tank's defense operations at the last moment, the radicals did not directly execute her, but locked her in a low-temperature hibernation chamber for exile.

At the moment when the hatch was closed, Saleh heard the last words left by the leading radical elite warrior:

"Traitor, take your pathetic compassion and stay in this desperate universe forever."

And now, the dream finally woke up.

"Welcome back, respected Saleh think tank deacon, this cryogenic hibernation time is 734,825,172 days"

"Wait, how much?"

Saleh was stunned for a moment, and her brain instantly converted this long string of numbers into a more intuitive unit.

2013219.65 More than two million years? ? ?

"Are you crazy? Is this assistant AI really dreaming?"

Then she suddenly realized that she didn't seem to be dreaming. Everything that happened in the 'dream' was what she experienced before she was forced into cryogenic hibernation.

Then, the think tank deacon suddenly thought of another question.

If the radicals locked themselves in the cryogenic hibernation chamber and took the entire civilization to carry out the 'time and space expedition', then who woke them up?

Radicals will not be kind enough to set a time and wait until a certain time to end their cryogenic hibernation.

After more than two million years of "sleeping", Saleh found that she was still a little unconscious for a while. The special brain structure of the Jeram people required her to spend some time waiting for the "partitions" in her brain to be reactivated one by one.

The soft foot-like tentacles that were originally coiled together behind her head slowly stretched out and restored the tenderness and fullness of the normal state under the stimulation of the recovery fluid injected after the hibernation capsule entered the "awakening program" - this is part of the Jeram people's brain.

These "soft foot-like tentacles" directly connected to the brain are actually additional partitions of their brains. When all are reactivated, Saleh's thinking, calculation, and psychic control abilities can truly return to their peak state.

"The awakening program is over. Received external instructions, and the hibernation capsule is being opened"

The voice of the assistant AI sounded in Saleh's mind again. For the Jeram people, who have extremely advanced psychic technology, telepathy allows Jeram people and "interconnection of all things" to be a basic operation.

"External command?"

Salih frowned and applied a layer of psychic shield to himself. During the process of the hibernation capsule's 'awakening program', there is a function similar to 'super fast charging', which can quickly charge the Jeram people awakened from hibernation to deal with possible emergencies.

And now, this function is really useful.

"Assistant, connect the hibernation area defense weapons."

"Connecting to the psychic signal. Currently available defense weapons 0"


Salih thought of the think tank attack and defense battle he experienced before hibernation. When the think tank fell, most of the defense equipment was indeed destroyed, and the energy conversion core was also severely damaged.

If according to what the assistant AI just said, he had slept for more than two million years, the other equipment in this think tank was probably almost eroded by time.

While thinking about this, the hatch of the hibernation capsule slowly opened.

When the condensed white mist gradually dissipated, Salih also saw a circle of creatures on guard near his hibernation capsule.

Wearing ancient mechanical exoskeletons and holding strange weapons. Homo sapiens?

"These Homo sapiens who were pushed back to the Stone Age have evolved again?"

Salih quickly recalled in his mind the huge fleet of the Jeram people, which flattened the galaxies controlled by Homo sapiens one by one, stripped all the technical data of this civilization, and made it return to the Stone Age, while thinking about how to greet these "Homo sapiens".

The language system at that time is definitely unusable now, and Saleh, who has "mental cleanliness", is not willing to use psychic power to "directly communicate" with these Homo sapiens.

But she didn't need to think about this question soon, because the people of the Truth Seeking Foundation broke the silence first.

"Control team, go up and control this creature, other units pay attention to alert, and open fire directly if there is any abnormality."

The puppeteer gave the order, which is also the routine operation of the Truth Seeking Foundation when encountering unknown creatures in the Forerunner ruins. In the case of no communication, it is obvious that "violent means" can communicate more directly.

And the moment he controlled the surrounding armed units through psychic power, he was noticed by Saleh.

Before Foundation soldiers armed with non-lethal weapons could surround him, the 'Forerunner' flew out of the dormant cabin.

"Fire! Fire!"

The next second, the surging firepower from the Foundation flooded the area where Saleh was located. The sleeping cabin and maintenance area in the area were also destroyed under the fierce firepower attack.

A series of explosions directly blocked everyone's sight, but they did not cease fire and continued to cover the target area with fire.

Amber's eyes widened when he saw this from a distance. He never thought that the "archaeological excavation" work of the Quest for Truth Foundation would be carried out in such a straightforward manner.

The Foundation's attacks may seem ferocious, but the law of 'smoke, no harm' applies in every world.

When a Puppet Master 'sacrifice' a Foundation soldier to charge himself, the psychic impact released was even more powerful. The shock wave rushed out from the explosion of fire and swept across the Foundation armed units in a radial form. , embodies what it means to "turn your back on your horse".

The Puppet Master knew that there was no need to fight now, because the psychic strength levels of the two sides were not at the same level at all. Even if he 'sacrifice' all the Foundation soldiers around him, he would only be able to deal with a few waves.

When the reserves of spiritual energy are exhausted, nothing can stop the creature that seems to be a 'precursor' in front of them.

In this case, the puppet master thought of the 'Foundation Execution Guidelines' that were engraved in his mind like a soul imprint.

"Everyone, hold back this unknown creature! The victim, prepare to mechanically detonate!"

After his order was given, Amber saw the door to the sleeping area being forcibly opened, and an HCP with a familiar appearance that even gave Amber PTSD rushed in.

When the HCP with the foundation's logo opened the tactical nuclear bomb launch box on its back, Amber was completely overwhelmed.

"No, can you please stop launching nuclear explosions at every turn!"

Although she didn’t know how this Federation-produced tactical nuclear strike Steppenwolf was obtained by the Truth-Seeking Foundation, Amber obviously couldn’t care less about it now.

Although he still likes to see the truth-seeking foundation fighting against suspected forerunner targets, this does not mean that he is willing to eat nuclear bombs together.

A small charged particle cannon mounted on the rear of the power armor was quickly assembled, and while Amber "emerged from the shadows", he aimed at the tactical nuclear strike HCP.

The next second, the purple charged particle beam directly hit the link between the tactical nuclear bomb launch box and the HCP.

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