As a pioneer facility with a long axis of more than 300 kilometers, there are a large number of vertical transportation devices between each floor to maintain the flow of personnel and materials.

Therefore, everyone from the Quest for Truth Foundation quickly found a large transportation platform that could carry a large number of units at the same time.

Under the operation of Sutter Ethan and the others, this large transportation platform quickly started and ascended towards the Foundation's goal-the cryogenic dormancy area.

The device they took out before was actually the product of reverse engineering technology discovered in the Forerunner ruins.

After restoring various types of standard interfaces of the Forerunner civilization, the Quest for Truth Foundation successfully connected human equipment to the control terminal in the Forerunner ruins.

After the interaction, these people from the Truth-Seeking Foundation were surprised to find that there seemed to be some resonance of a basic protocol between the human technical equipment they carried and the control end of the ruins, and the exchange of information could be said to be unimpeded.

It's like the 'back door' left behind by the forerunners in anticipation that creatures like humans would visit this place millions of years later.

This discovery was made in the early days of the Quest for Truth Foundation.

The foundation at that time was far from being as extreme as it is now, and it had no 'villain' characteristics at all. The entire foundation looked like an ordinary 'archaeological foundation'.

As a result, this discovery shocked the foundation for a whole year. It is said that several older and higher-status 'students' went crazy.

Not only did everyone become crazy, but they also shouted every day, ‘They will come back to find us! ’ Such outrageous words were finally “cold-handled” by the foundation’s senior management.

Although this discovery caused a certain shock in the entire Forerunner civilization history community after it spread in a small area, this outrageous situation, coupled with the intention of the Foundation's top management to reduce the popularity, led to it ending like a farce. .

It was also after this incident that the Quest for Truth Foundation welcomed the mysterious financial backer behind them.

The entire foundation changed drastically overnight and transformed into a low-key organization. It no longer participated in various meetings in the industry, but instead searched for and excavated the Forerunner civilization day after day, year after year. of relics.

Of course, in the eyes of the industry, the Quest for Truth Foundation is a typical example of digging up ruins, digging up illusions, and then starting to become evil.

The 'financier' behind them who keeps increasing their investment seems to have lost his mind. What can he do with this money? Do you have to throw it into the bottomless pit of archaeology and burn it for fun?

At that time, it also happened to be the "cooling off period" of the exploration of Forerunner civilization. After being unable to produce anything of value for a long time, major organizations gradually recovered their investments and exited the market one after another.

As a result, the remaining people in the drastically shrunk industry will no longer pay attention to the Quest for Truth Foundation.

Then time came to the present in a flash, and the entire foundation had developed into a monster that others could not understand at all, but it still patiently lurked underwater and did not act rashly.


"What area have we arrived at? Is it safe to load and unload?"

"Okay, you don't need to translate." The puppet master said coldly, interrupting Sater Isen's translation that didn't even count with his two knives.

"Even if you don't have to listen, you can tell you are where you are by looking with your eyes."

After saying this, the puppet master did not wait for Sater Isen's reply, and directly commanded the foundation's large forces to leave the large transportation platform.

After several minutes of operation, this large transportation platform had already arrived at its destination carrying everyone from the Foundation.

Judging from the indicator map displayed on the transportation platform, they are currently located in the center of the entire ruins, which means that this low-temperature dormancy area can also be regarded as the core area of ​​the Forerunner facility below them.

After the voice broadcast just ended, although Sater Isen struggled to translate, both he and the puppet master understood one thing - that is, there is very likely a living forerunner in this dormant zone.

To be honest, Sater Isen is already in a state of fanaticism. He can't imagine how the world will change if he really 'digs out' a living forerunner.

Is it likely that it will cause as much of a stir as the discovery of the jump drive a long, long time ago, and reignite the craze for exploration of the Forerunner ruins?

By then, my name will definitely be remembered in history.

Thinking of this, Sater Isen's breathing became somewhat rapid.

The Foundation team quickly passed through the gate of the cryogenic dormancy area and entered the only area that maintained complete energy supply and maintenance.

The moment he stepped into this area, what caught Sutter Ethan's eyes was the nearly endless cryogenic sleep chambers, which were densely packed and looked extremely spectacular.

There are also a large number of "pillars" standing throughout the dormant area. These "pillars" have a large number of robotic arms and carry many insect-like robots.

The 'pillars' arranged according to certain rules also extend all the way into the distance. According to Sartre Ison's calculation of the 'functional coverage area' of these pillars, it was found that they happened to cover all the cryogenic sleep chambers. It is speculated that they are some kind of countermeasures. A device for maintaining the dormant cabin.

"If they are used to maintain these hibernating pods, what is maintaining them?"

Such thoughts inevitably popped up in Sater Isen's mind.

Since all the dormant chambers that were not activated had no lights and no one inside, the only operating low-temperature dormant chamber in the entire dormant area stood out in this scene.

There was no need to specifically locate it. The puppet master could see the shimmering 'lone seedling' in the distance with his naked eyes.

A thought flashed through his mind, and the surrounding Foundation armed forces immediately deployed in formation to surround him.

Compared to Sart Isen's fanaticism, he was extremely sober at this moment.

The Puppet Master, who has led many Forerunner ruins, knows that every Forerunner ruin is extremely dangerous. Once intruders are discovered, the ruins' defense methods will try to annihilate them at all costs.

Since heavy mechanical units such as HCPs and main battle tanks have no other way to move forward except to push all the way forward and remove all the dormant cabins blocking the way, they can only stand by at the door and point their guns at this Be ready to provide fire support at any time.

Thinking of this, the puppet master thought for a moment, and then used his mind to issue instructions to a special-shaped HCP.

"Victim, turn on the safety of the mechanical detonation device and wait for my instructions."

"I obey your orders, my lord."

At the same time, Sater Ethan had excitedly led people to rush to the only cryogenic sleep chamber that was in operation.

After taking a few deep breaths, he took the instrument from his assistant and connected it to the backend of the cryogenic sleep chamber just like before.

"Okay. The internal status is normal. The life support system is also working!"

"Carrier situation. Healthy, great!"

"Eligible for awakening?"

After seeing the last prompt on the instrument, Sater Isen suddenly woke up for a moment and realized that he was doing something extremely important.

But soon, this sobriety was burned out by the fire of Sheng Sheng's fanaticism.

"Turn on!"

The sound of "puff, puff, puff" was heard, and some frost condensed on the surface of the cryogenic dormant chamber quickly disappeared. When the entire instrument completed warming up again, the door of the dormant chamber slowly opened.

A bed-like device inside slowly rose and supported a humanoid creature inside to sit up.

Amber, who came to this floor through another passage and entered the cryogenic dormancy area through other entrances, was shocked to gasp after seeing this.

"Brother, you must be the reincarnation of Zhou Zhuo."

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