"How about it, believe it now."

Amber glanced at the lonely Isabel, then opened the electronic map, preparing to plan the subsequent route.

When the Yassin base was thrown into chaos due to an orbital strike, Amber combined her own experience with the techniques this body had learned during the Ghost Agent course.

The door to the core control room was locked and a terminal used for remote calls was connected.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them took advantage of the chaos and escaped from the communication center, and also went to the armory and logistics center that had been half collapsed.

After pulling out some equipment, weapons, ammunition and supplies from the ruins.

Amber used her psyker's abilities to avoid all areas of combat as if cheating.

And found a gap in the collapsed wall and escaped from Yassin Base.

After Isabel also put on the exoskeleton, the two avoided traffic routes and went directly into the wild for armed off-roading.

After running 20 kilometers in 20 minutes under the cover of night.

Only then did he stop and take a short rest.

In fact, Amber didn't want to take Isabel with her at first.

After all, this woman is deeply involved in the whirlpool of imperial faction wars and is a dangerous person.

But after the other party promised that after escaping from Robert No. 4, he would be able to contact the elves of the Thousand Stars Empire, with whom he had a close personal relationship, to assist him.

And also displayed an elf token.

After confirming that the token indeed came from a noble of the Thousand Stars Empire, Amber had to take a gamble on this woman.

Because he has been thinking about a problem, how to leave Robert 4 and this galaxy.

The Federation is definitely unreliable.

Through the friendly exchange with 'Tail Needle' just now, Amber has determined that Major Mars is probably cold.

The news I reported to him before was probably intercepted and never spread.

And this person, Amber guessed, should be Commander Adam.

After all, he was the only one who could make Major Mars report such important information.

In Amber's memory, this 'Pig Commander' was missing in the official report.

But now he understands that this B is definitely not missing.

Instead, he had surrendered to the Empire a long time ago, sold the Federation Army on Robert IV, and was hidden by the Empire after the war.

Although Amber himself kept a secret, when he first entered the core communication room, he sent information about the empire's invasion directly through the core communication terminal to all planets, fleets, and departments that could be contacted.

Moreover, at the same time as the letter was sent, the imperial fleet was also in the process of jumping, so it was not intercepted.

But with the efficiency of the Federation, when they can organize a counterattack fleet to come to support.

I don’t know how many of the federal troops on Robert 4 are left.

It is definitely unrealistic to wait for the federation to come to support.

As for the empire, let alone it.

His identity as a double agent has been exposed.

And just now, he took the ‘tail needle’ into his mouth in the communication terminal.

It's a blessing that they didn't send anyone to encircle and suppress us.

So now, the path of this imperial female spy is the most likely to work.

Moreover, the other party can be regarded as a senior spy of the Imperial Naval Intelligence Department and has received professional training.

Physical fitness, speed, and strength are not weak either.

When it comes to survival in the wild, it’s not a blank slate.

He also has good medical skills and first aid experience, which may come in handy in special circumstances.

In addition, it is more eye-catching and the sound is nice, which can relieve your mood during the stressful and boring escape journey.

It's not really a burden.

"I told the regent's people that they won't let you go."

Amber was carrying a Gauss sniper rifle that came from the base, confirming the navigation direction and leading the way.

"In their view, party struggle is the top priority, and the great cause of the empire can be put aside."

Listening to Amber's slightly sarcastic words, Isabel sighed again.

This idealist has had his ideals shattered by reality.

"Don't think about the things you have or don't have now."

Amber stopped and turned to look at Isabel.

"We are both grasshoppers in the same boat. You need me to survive on this planet, and I also need to hitch a ride with my elf friends."

"So?" Isabel raised her head.

"So from now on, you must obey my orders."

Amber stopped joking and said seriously:

"This is not an outing. Miss, we have to hold on until your elf friends come to us on this planet that has become a battlefield."

"Is this why you asked me to carry all the supplies alone?"

Isabel moved her waist and rolled her eyes angrily.

On the mounting points of this medium-sized exoskeleton on her body, in addition to the key parts, silicon carbide armor plates were mounted.

The remaining hard points are all attached to large-capacity marching backpacks.

It is filled with rations, drinking water, medicine and other supplies.

Amber even stuffed some ammunition into the Gauss sniper rifle.

The whole person looked like he was surrounded by a backpack.

However, although it looks bulky, Isabel's movements are not disturbed by the power of the medium-sized exoskeleton.

"You're not talking nonsense. Are you asking me to carry so many supplies for sneak reconnaissance?"

Amber waved her hand, and then passed a route map through the communication network between the two.

"We have walked 20 kilometers, but we are not out of danger yet."

"We must run more distance before the energy of the exoskeleton is exhausted."

"By the way, take a look at the passing points I marked to see if you can find energy supplies."

"Without these two iron frames, our speed and load capacity would be much slower."

"Anyway, the ultimate goal is to break out of the blockade before the empire's follow-up troops encircle us."

Isabelle listened to Amber and looked at the route map Amber provided through the screen inside the exoskeleton visor.

On this map, not only the route of the two men's breakout is marked.

It also marked the possible locations where the Empire's subsequent airborne troops would land, as well as the huge encirclement they would subsequently form.

Amber's route is to escape from the gap before the encirclement.

"When you look at this picture, how do you feel that the imperial staff are making tactical plans in front of your eyes?"

Looking at the map that seemed to be open, Isabel looked at Amber suspiciously.

She could no longer see this guy clearly.

If the deployment of the Imperial Airborne Forces is correctly marked on this road map

Isabel suddenly felt a shudder.

"Is this picture difficult? Isn't it just a matter of having hands?"

Amber would naturally not say that she had indeed seen the tactical plans of the imperial staff.

It's just in the War History Museum in the game.

Isabel wasn't that stupid. After hearing the perfunctory tone in Amber's tone, she stopped asking.

After all, her situation now is the same as what Amber said.

Most of the officers of the entire Eighth Expeditionary Strike Group are from the Prince Regent.

In the eyes of these people, she was undoubtedly a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh.

Now that they can directly 'obliterate' her on the battlefield, these people will not let go of this opportunity.

So she had to rely on the somewhat hateful man in front of her to break out and survive.

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