The main entrance of the core communications room.

The two federal soldiers in the paralyzed power armor have been dragged out and tied to the side.

Judging from the bullet holes in the nearby wall and the extent of damage to the two powered armors.

‘Tail Needle’ and Viscount Ankarin judged that the three people responsible for destroying the core communication terminal had indeed launched a strong attack here.

And it seems to have worked.

At the same time, the 'Tail Needle' also sensed that there were multiple signs of surviving human life in the core control room.

In addition, after the orbital paratroopers under Viscount Ankarin landed, they did not find any abnormal communication from the communication center.

Especially the signals sent out of the planet.

These circumstances made the high-level agent of Star Dragon Fang also have doubts in his heart.

"Did they really complete their mission?"

"Then why did 'Judas' lose contact?"

While he was puzzled, an accompanying technical soldier also returned to Viscount Ankarin to report the situation.

The door to the core communication room was completely locked from the inside.

He tried his best to crack it, but failed.

The person who locked the door seemed to have reset the program and bypassed the permissions of the communication center control system.

So even if the orbital paratroopers have taken control of the communication center's main console, they still cannot remotely open the door.

"The person inside is not simple. He should be a veteran in program cracking."

After listening to the report from his men, Viscount Ankarin nodded slightly and then walked to the door.

Although the door is locked and cannot be opened, the communication function of the control terminal can still be used.

Viscount Ankarin turned on the communication function, and everything he said could be heard by the people inside.

"This is the landing force of the Star Dragon Empire. The Yasin base has fallen. People inside please open the door immediately to avoid unnecessary casualties!"

When Ankarin finished saying this, the communication channel on the gate terminal fell into a deathly silence.

After a while, a garbled voice finally came.

"Name? Position? Unit number? I need to verify your identity."

"Who are you?" Viscount Ankarin did not answer the other party's question, but asked instead.

"It's funny, you don't even know who I am, yet you still call yourself an Imperial Force?"

Although the sound coming from the amplifier equipment has been synthesized, it still sounds cheap and makes people feel a little angry.

However, as an imperial nobleman, Viscount Ancarin still had a basic sense of tolerance and did not get angry because of this.

On the contrary, the 'Tail Needle' on the side seemed a little excited after hearing this voice that was not familiar to him.

He suppressed the resentment in his heart and said in as calm a tone as possible:

"No. LJ-2788 'Judas', you are now authorized to be released from deep lurking mission. You can talk to us normally."

Holding the last glimmer of hope, 'Tail Needle' ended his subordinate's lurking mission ahead of schedule.

He was afraid that his subordinate was a deadbeat.

Because he was still on a latent mission, subject to disciplinary requirements and to ensure his own safety, he did not contact himself.

But there was no sound coming from the terminal at the gate.

After the awkward scene lasted for a while, the synthesized voice continued to come from the terminal.

"Well, I'm sorry, the 'Judas' you are talking about was killed by me because he suddenly attacked us at the last moment of the mission."

Seeing that the situation was developing in the worst direction, 'Tail Needle''s face was completely darkened under his visor.

"Very good. You are the 'Baby Bird', a federal psychic agent, but your true identity is a deep sleeper spy of the empire."

"We have obtained the evidence that you betrayed the empire. We hope you will recognize the current situation and open the door as soon as possible, so as not to suffer more torture later!"

"Who else is Miss Margaret? Oh no, your real name should be Isabel."

"I now suspect that you are colluding with imperial traitors. Killing my lurking personnel is an act of treason! You have to think clearly."

Upon hearing the words of 'Tail Needle', a disdainful sneer came from the communication channel.

"Tch, you said I'm treason and I'm treason? Who the hell are you?!"

Seeing that the communication was heading toward scolding, Viscount Ankarin was about to say something to stabilize the mood of both parties.

But the news coming from the communication soldiers on the side interrupted his movements.

"You mean, it's been detected that there are external signals sending messages to the inside of the core communications room?"

"Yes, sir, this signal appeared after turning on the communication module."

The signal soldier's words made Viscount Ankarin think of a possibility as if his head was electrified.

He quickly mobilized several engineers and came to the communication center.

Then they were taken to the corridor of the core communications room.

"Blow the door open!"

As Ankarin's order was issued, these orbital paratroopers carrying various explosives and obstacle-breaking props quickly came to the door of the core communication room and began to stick explosives.

"What are you doing?"

Ankarin's order made Tail Needle unable to react for a while.

"I suspect that the person you are looking for is not in the core communications room at all."

"We were fooled."

The moment the Lord Viscount finished speaking, the orbital paratroopers responsible for deploying door-breaking explosives also completed their work.

After everyone retreated to a safe distance, the orbital paratroopers detonated the explosives at the signal of Viscount Ankarin.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Explosives placed around the alloy door triggered a series of explosions.

In the smoke and dust caused by the explosion, the door slowly fell backwards.

The orbital paratroopers, who had already been prepared, rushed in the moment the gate fell.

After hearing the command "Safe!"

Viscount Ancarin walked into the core communication room with 'Tail Needle'.

The central core communication terminal has indeed been blown to pieces.

But in this small room, there were only a few unconscious federal soldiers on duty who were tied up.

The only 'outsider' was the bloody corpse on the ground.

The communications troop also quickly found the source of the strange signal.

It was a small terminal connected to the console inside the door.

It is this little gadget that is constantly receiving encrypted communications from the outside world, and is finally connected to the communication channel of the gate.

"Can you position me?"

Viscount Ankarin looked at this personal terminal, which was obviously a temporary modification, and asked the communications soldier beside him.

The latter took out the instrument and checked it, then shook his head.

"No, sir, the other party has disconnected. At present, we can only roughly confirm that the real signal source is in the east of the base."

Yasin Base, in a mountain col 20 kilometers east.

Use psychic energy to shape a terminal the size of a watch into an irregular ball.

Amber threw it away.

Next to him was Margaret, who had changed into federal training uniforms and a medium-sized exoskeleton.

Or Miss Isabel.

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