From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 193 The Roma’s First Field Service

Kandahar Planet 6, Satellite City of Industry 4.

This satellite city, which is 0.5 jump distance away from the satellite city where Trident is located, is the largest industrial satellite city in the Kandahar system.

From the appearance, Industry 4 is a huge metal cylinder with an axis length of more than 150 kilometers.

In this satellite city or space colony, more than 2 million people live.

Many heavy industry companies in the Federation have set up affiliated factories and offices here.

In addition to the cluster of heavy industry companies, the large number of industrial technology colleges and higher polytechnics inside also make this industrial satellite famous throughout the federation.

The busy port sees a large number of people arriving or leaving this satellite city every day.

But today, these people who never stopped on weekdays invariably slowed down and looked at the port arrival area.

Many people also took out their personal terminals, took photos or videos in the direction of the arrival area, and then immediately sent them to their friends or uploaded them to social networks.

"Damn it, look what I took! Have you ever seen a lion in clothes?!"

"A lion-headed man suddenly appeared in the arrival area of ​​Port 3. Is it the product of failed genetic engineering? Or is it a demon created by psychic powers? Continue to pay attention and like, I will take you to explore more."

"Does the legendary appearance of Roma in the port mean that the Thousand Stars Empire will intervene in the war between the Federation and the Empire?"

"Is there any unknown secret hidden behind the noble elves and wild Roma people?"

"Tailaq, to ​​be honest, the looks from these people around me make me very uncomfortable."

"Don't worry, Mengton, did you forget the vaccination that Boss gave us before we set off? Roma rarely appear in human society, so our appearance will definitely cause a commotion."

Telak loosened the tie around his neck while comforting his friend.

Three days ago, the nine-person class he and Mengton belonged to were selected to carry out the task of 'picking up people' because of their excellent performance in the assessment.

Although they only went to a satellite city to pick up two humans under the leadership of two human instructors, this was also the first real field mission for the Atlas Roma.

Seeing his movements, the sturdy Menton couldn't help but move his body.

The improvised suit still couldn't conceal Roma's explosive figure.

Especially in the past few months of training, their physiques have become more and more symmetrical, and their muscle groups have also been activated.

In human society, it would be simply a case of Fulikong and Nantong being ecstatic.

"Boss said that this suit of clothing is bulletproof, but why do I always feel that it is unreliable? Can just a few layers of cloth really block weapons fire?"

"At first glance, you didn't listen carefully. Boss said it could resist the shooting of small-caliber gunpowder kinetic energy weapons, but he didn't say it could block it."

Telak said angrily, while constantly glancing at the humans around him to see if there were any potentially dangerous targets.

Several other Roma people also looked around after moving a little.

The innate wildness and murderousness in these 'orcs' have been thoroughly stimulated during training.

At this time, they were simply vigilant, causing the onlookers to take a few steps back involuntarily.

As the monitor of this class, Telak saw the two human instructors in the distance who had completed the formalities and waved to them, and then he waved everyone to go in that direction.

"Besides, if this suit really doesn't work, don't you have backup tactical equipment?"

"That's true. I hope these weapons and equipment temporarily modified for us can be used."

While everyone was communicating in low voices, they quickly joined the two human instructors.

"Haha. How does it feel to be surrounded?"

Instructor Memphis, who was wearing a unilateral eye patch, couldn't help but laugh when he looked at these big, absent-minded men.

"Not a good instructor. This is too uncomfortable."

Mengton drooped his head and shook his head.

He originally thought that the usually affable Memphis instructor would comfort and enlighten them as usual.

Who knows, but what awaits is the instructor's "change of face in a second."

"Hold on for the discomfort. This is not a training ground. If something goes wrong, you won't have a second chance!"

Memphis has a serious expression and a cold tone, and his usual 'good guy' image is gone.

"This is just the arrival area of ​​the port. When we actually arrive inside the satellite city, there will only be more people on the road, and there will be more than just eyes looking at you.

You are all Atlas' best warriors. I believe you can adapt to the current environment as quickly as possible and remain vigilant at all times.

In a sense, this is our Atlas Private Military Company's first field mission."

Memphis paused and glanced over the faces of the nine Roma Marines one by one.

"I hope we can successfully complete this mission together. Are you confident?"

"Sir, we are confident that we can complete the mission!!!"

Telak and others said, "Bang!" ’ He straightened his body, then growled and replied.

This sudden chilling atmosphere made the crowd watching from a distance stunned for a moment, and some timid people simply walked away.

Memphis smiled disdainfully when he saw this scene, then turned around and led the Roma people to the special baggage claim room.

In the room, there were several black anti-fall boxes that had passed the inspection.

"Boss has helped us get a temporary gun license, and our VIP protection mission this time has also been reported to the administrative authorities of Industrial 4 in advance, but I still hope that we can use these guys unless it is absolutely necessary."

Looking at these boxes, Instructor Memphis whispered.

At the same time, he sighed in his heart that his boss Amber was really reliable. In just two days, he found someone to customize bulletproof suits for the 11 people on their mission.

And he also asked the people in the Trident Studio to temporarily transform a batch of weapons and light protective equipment suitable for Roma.

Finally, he opened up all the joints on Industrial 4, allowing them to enter here openly with weapons and tactical equipment.

But in Amber's view, these are actually nothing.

He didn't spend too much thought, just spending money to open the way.

As the saying goes, 'Nothing is difficult in the world, only rich people can do it'.

Thanks to the hard work of the asteroid belt miners, Atlas's account has begun to receive money.

Although it is not much, it is enough to keep the company running in a short period of time.

Not to mention the trivial matter of 'spending money to open the way'.

Memphis and another human instructor, after taking Terrak and others to collect these 'special luggage', came to the high-end parking lot of the port through the VIP channel.

Here, five rented large SUVs have been parked here waiting for them.

"This car is pretty good, but it's a pity that it's not a bulletproof version."

Memphis looked at the five cars and shook his head with some regret.

"Be content with being able to rent a car, otherwise the boss wouldn't let us bring so much equipment."

Another instructor beside him shrugged, then turned his head to look at Terrak and others who were taking out pieces of bulletproof shields from the box, and waved his hand.

"Men, get to work!"

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