"You mean the responsibilities that Trident Studio needs to bear?"

"Yes, Mr. Rebel, it is a duty."

Upon hearing this question, Amber only thought for a moment before answering:

"If the acquisition is successfully completed, the most important responsibility of your studio is to develop individual combat equipment for my combatants, and assume the responsibility for production, upgrade, and maintenance after the subsequent increase in manpower and machine upgrades.

After giving priority to meeting the company's needs, the remaining production capacity of your studio can be exported to the market.

All in all, whenever the needs of the parent company are given priority, the external market can only come second.

Also, your studio needs to be moved to the Thousand Stars Empire, to be together with our Atlas headquarters.

Of course, if your employees are willing to come, I will very much welcome them and will provide them with food, accommodation and settlement expenses.

This is also a good thing for me, since it saves me the effort of hiring new skilled workers. "

Eugene nodded thoughtfully listening to Amber's answer.

Just when he was about to say something, he heard Amber continue:

“My most urgent priority at this stage is to create a complete set of individual combat equipment, including an exoskeleton system, for Roma marines. You also know that their bodies and body structures are different from ours.

Therefore, the products on the market for human soldiers are relatively awkward to use, and even the largest exoskeleton systems cannot be put on and used.

Based on this background, I will ask Trident Studio to temporarily stop receiving orders. After processing the orders in hand as quickly as possible, I will go all out to develop Roma individual combat equipment. "

From Eugene's perspective, if the acquisition is accepted, Trident Studio's future tasks will be straightforward.

That is to develop combat equipment for Amber Company's mercenaries based on demand.

In fact, Eugene had no objection to this point.

Someone is willing to pay so that he can fully display his design talents and make equipment that was originally stuck in the design drawing stage due to financial problems come into reality.

And being able to design equipment for the Roma, a relatively rare and mysterious race in human society, is simply awesome for Eugene.

"Mr. Rebel, I have no more questions."

Eugene sat up straight and looked at Amber seriously.

"But there is one thing I must let you know, otherwise I will be irresponsible to you."

"Please say."

“Have you ever heard of ‘Mary Bay Industries’?”

"I've heard that this is also a manufacturer that specializes in individual equipment, and its scale is quite small."

Amber nodded, he had indeed heard of this company.

And he has not only heard of it, but also used individual equipment produced by this company.

Because at the time when players enter the game, Mary Bay Industries has grown into a giant enterprise across the galaxy.

Almost all players have come into contact with the various weapons and individual equipment they produce when they were novices.

"Before you found me, they also found me and offered to acquire our studio."

"Oh? There is one more thing," Amber thought thoughtfully.

"Since Mr. Eugene said this, you must have rejected them. Why? To be honest, Mary Bay Industry is larger than our Atlas, and it is also a good platform."

Amber's question made Eugene Koch hesitate for a moment. He seemed to be struggling with some kind of inner struggle before speaking after a moment.

“Because the solution proposed by Mary Bay does not look like an acquisition to me, but just poaching me away.

They just took a fancy to my design talent and hoped that I would only optimize and design matching modification parts for their Mary Bay products in the future.

If this is just the case, I might be able to accept it. After all, everyone wants to develop on a better platform.

But the reason why I finally refused was that the people who came to negotiate with Mary Bay wanted me to fire all the employees. They believed that these old employees were of no use to Mary Bay. They were too old and were just a burden to the company.

But I don't want this. These old employees are all my father's comrades in the army. These uncles have always taken care of me after my father was killed in the battle.

When they couldn't find jobs after retiring, I led them to establish Trident Studio, which gave these veterans a place to stay. "

Eugene's answer surprised Amber.

The psychic intuition and observation of Eugene Koch let Amber know that the young man in front of her was telling the truth.

"I didn't expect Mr. Eugene to be such an emotional person."

Amber nodded in approval, and at the same time despised Mary Bay Industries' stingy approach in her heart.

But he also knows that companies that value profit margins and human efficiency more than their lives will find ways to save every penny of cost.

What they only valued was the talent of Eugene Koch, and they naturally wanted to abandon these old employees.

This kind of thing happens too much in this universe.

And this matter is definitely not the decision of the senior management of Mary Bay Industry, they will not even know that such a thing is happening.

At most, it was all planned by the person in charge of a branch company under Mary Bay Industries.

"But since you have rejected them, why are you talking about it now?"

“Because some time ago, the person in charge with whom I was negotiating sent a threatening email. He hoped that I could cooperate with Mary Bay honestly to avoid accidents that neither party wanted to see happen.

So I originally planned to go to the Technical College at Industrial No. 4 in a few days, pick up my two younger brothers, and then change the place to develop again. "

Eugene Koch's hands clenched into fists and then unclenched.

He was very angry about this practice of Mary Bay Industries, but was powerless to do anything about it.

"Mr. Rebel, I don't want you and your company to get into trouble because of my problems."

"Hahaha, you don't have to worry about this at all~"

Amber laughed and waved her hands.

“Our Atlas headquarters is in the Thousand Planets Empire, and Mary Bay Industrial’s hand cannot reach it no matter how long it is.

And there is a destroyer parked at the port of this satellite city. As long as Mr. Eugene agrees to this acquisition, I can immediately arrange for personnel to pack up all your employees and equipment. "

"As long as Mr. Rebel is willing to take away all my employees, I have no objection."

The expression on Eugene Koch's face was somewhat uncertain, because he knew that these employees under him were a 'burden' to many companies.

"Don't worry about this. As I just said, it would be great if Mr. Eugene's employees are willing to follow. With these skilled workers joining us, I believe the studio will be able to operate faster after the move."

Amber said with an indifferent expression, for Atlas, now is the time to be short of manpower.

"Then I am willing to accept this acquisition, but I want to use the time of moving these guys these days to bring my two younger brothers back. I am very worried that the people of Mary Bay Industrial will do anything to me in order to keep me. The two younger brothers took action.

This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened in this satellite city.”

Hearing Eugene's request, Amber stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder.

"Mr. Eugene, just stay here and direct the move of the studio. I will ask my people to pick up your brothers. They are a professional team and they will definitely bring your brothers back safely."

At this point, Amber's expression suddenly became a little embarrassed.

"But before they set off, they may need your studio to help make some simple modifications to the weapons and equipment~"

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