"Are you sure?"

Amber suddenly woke up, and the big hand on Lilith's leg stopped moving.

It was impossible for him to remember the company name wrong, and the name Trident Heavy Industry was recognizable enough.

"Very sure, Master~"

Lilith hooked Amber's neck with one hand, and the whole 'person' pressed against him.

The 'complete infiltration device' in this world is a dimensionality reduction attack compared to the one Amber played games on Earth.

Although separated by a student uniform, Amber could still feel a soft mass on her chest.

And Lilith didn't notice her movements, which was very lethal to Amber.

She tapped her other hand in the air a few times, and soon several virtual screens popped up.

"I searched according to the keywords and business scope provided by Master, and there is indeed no company called 'Trident Heavy Industry' that produces various types of individual equipment and exoskeleton systems."

"It shouldn't be."

Amber was indeed a little unexpected in this situation.

He might get other details wrong, but he certainly wouldn't get the company name wrong.

After all, the name of the manufacturer is written at the bottom of the equipment interface in the game, along with a large manufacturer logo.

The icon of Trident Heavy Industries is also easy to remember, it's a sea king trident with waves rolling.

"However, although I didn't find the 'Trident Heavy Industries' that Master was looking for, I still found a small workshop that fits your conditions."

As Lilith said, a familiar logo appeared on the virtual screen.

And the name below made him suddenly realize.

"Trident Studio. It turns out that it's still in its infancy."

Amber breathed a sigh of relief, and then slapped Lilith's hips.


"Why didn't you say you found it earlier?"

"Master hates it~"

Isabel has been in a good mood these days.

The crisis encountered by her family was successfully resolved, and the relationship between her and Amber quickly heated up in the process.

Thinking of this thrilling and exciting journey, Isabel always laughs foolishly.

At this moment, she was carrying the freshly brewed calming flower tea and walking towards Amber's office.

Although Amber was once again caught up in complicated work as soon as he returned to the Tower of Babel, Isabel also knew that he had a heavy burden on his shoulders and a lot of things to consider.

So Isabel did not complain or bother Amber, but did her best to do the logistics work.

These calming flower teas sent by Alanita are a favorite drink of the elves in the Thousand Star Empire.

It has a miraculous effect in relieving fatigue and calming the mind, especially suitable for Amber, a roll king.

Isabel walked to the door of the office and knocked on the door gently, but did not get any response.

"Strange, didn't you just send a message saying you were in the office?"

Isabel frowned in confusion, and after a while she opened the door of the office.

"Amber, I'm coming in~"

Isabel opened the door a little and poked her head in, and then saw Amber lying on the chair with a network stealth device.

"Really? Why are you hiding here surfing the Internet?"

Isabel shook her head helplessly and walked to Amber's desk to pour him a cup of hot calming flower tea.

She thought that after Amber finished surfing the Internet, the temperature of the tea should be just right.

While pouring the tea, Isabel looked at the man who made her unable to stop, but found that Amber's breathing seemed a little rapid and his face was a little too red.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Isabel carefully put down the teacup and touched Amber's forehead.

"It's not hot, why is your face so red?"

Just when Isabel was about to fulfill her duties as a 'military doctor' and give Amber a thorough checkup.

Amber suddenly opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

He was not surprised to see Isabel looking at him with a puzzled look.

Network stealth equipment originally has a real-life monitoring function, and it will remind the user if someone approaches.

The reason why Amber didn't get out of stealth immediately when Isabel entered the office was mainly because he was entangled by some people.

He raised his hand and touched Isabel's face, and said calmly: "I'm fine, Isabel, I was just scared by a pop-up ad when I was looking up information just now." "Can there be a small ad that scares you?" Isabel still didn't believe Amber's words. "Really, these horror ads are so well made now, that female ghost! If you don't believe it, take this and take a look, I guarantee you will be scared to sleep tonight!" Amber took the network stealth device off her neck and handed it to Isabel. The latter immediately took a step back, waving her hands repeatedly. "No, no, I'll forget it." Isabel was very timid when she was not working or fighting. Before, during the jump, Amber took her to watch virtual reality horror movies twice, and each time she could only watch the beginning, and Isabel couldn't hold on. "No, look, I was really scared by the small ad just now"

"Yeah, yeah, I believe in you Amber, work hard, I'll leave first, and I'll have an appointment with Shikodi for afternoon tea later~"

While she was talking, Isabel had already nimbly dodged to the door, and then quickly ran out.

"Bye bye Amber, I love you~"

Isabel escaped, and Amber breathed a sigh of relief. He looked down at his lower abdomen.

"Fortunately, it shouldn't have been exposed."

Thinking of this, Amber's mind flashed back to the scene where Lilith slid under him like a fish in the virtual space.

"This is still a bad study. It seems that the scope of Lilith's online learning must be limited. Learning everything is still not good."

"Hmph, Master is obviously very comfortable~"

Lilith's voice sounded in Amber's head, making him blush.

The network stealth equipment in this world is still very good at simulating human senses after activation.

At least in Amber's view, the difference from reality is very small.

This also leads to the fact that when Lilith is doing something bad, Amber's sensory stimulation is not much different from reality.

"Look less at these things from now on, focus on studying, and pay more attention to the homework I assigned you."

"Tch~Master is a prude."

After saying this, Lilith disappeared.

Amber knew that this strong artificial intelligence was probably going to surf the Internet intensively.

He took a sip of the Ningshen scented tea left by Isabel, and then turned on the holographic projection on his desk.

Information about Trident Studio is displayed above.

The name of the head of the studio was Eugene Koch, the man who would design many exoskeleton systems in the future.

As for the predecessor of Trident Heavy Industry, just as Lilith described it, it was in the stage of a small workshop.

The main business is the manufacturing of modified parts and replacement parts for various weapons and equipment.

Amber opened Eugene Koch's personal homepage on several design websites. In addition to some promotions of weapon modifications, there were also some design sketches.

One set of exoskeleton design sketches, although still relatively crude and crude.

But Amber still recognized it at a glance. This was a sketch of the ‘Crazy Crocodile’ exoskeleton system, the main product of Trident Heavy Industries in the future.

"It seems we have to find a way to acquire this studio."

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